Department/Unit Listing

Campus Directory

Department/Unit Listing


Name Phone
AACC (217) 333-9300
Academic Programs and Services, University Office of (217) 333-3079
Academic Programs, Gies College of Business (217)
Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership (217) 333-8789
Access and Community, Gies Office of (217)
Access and Equity, Office for (217) 244-3264
Accountancy, Department of (217) 333-0857
Accounting and Financial Reporting, University (217) 333-4568
Accounting and Financial Services, University Office of 2173334568
Accounting Research, Office of (217) 333-0857
ACDIS - Arms Control, Domestic and International Security Program (217) 333-7086
ACES Technology Services (217) 244-0477
ACES Technology Services (College of ACES) 2172440477
Action Learning (217) 244-1286
Action Research Illinois (217) 265-0202
Actuarial Science and Risk Management (217)
ADM - Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss (217) 333-5115
Advanced Study - CAS, Center for (217) 333-6729
Advertising, Department of (217) 333-1602
Advising and Academic Services, Center for (217) 333-4710
Aerospace Engineering, Department of (217) 333-2651
Affirmative Action - Student (Dean of Students, Office of) (217) 333-0050
African American Cultural Center, Bruce D. Nesbitt (217) 333-2092
African American Studies, Department of (217) 333-7781
African Studies, Center for (217) 265-5016
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Department of (217) 333-3570
Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Department of (217) 333-1810
Agricultural Buildings, Operation and Maintenance (217) 333-0460
Agricultural Communications Program (217) 300-1045
Agricultural Leadership Education and Communication Program (217) 333-3165
Agricultural Property Services (217) 355-5521
Agriculture, US Department of (USDA) (campus) (217) 244-3526
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Center (217) 333-3115
Air Force Aerospace Studies, Department of (217) 333-1927
Air Force ROTC (217) 333-1927
AITS, Administrative Information Technology Services (217) 333-3102
Alcohol and Other Drugs Office (217) 333-7557
Allerton Park and Retreat Center (217) 333-3287
Altgeld Chimes (217) 333-7007
American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Urbana Chapter
American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (ABSEES) (217) 244-3899
American Indian Studies Program (217) 265-9870
Animal Care Program (217) 333-2564
animal Research Compliance, Office of (217) 333-7789
Animal Sciences, Department of (217) 333-3131
Annuitants Association/State University (UIUC Chapter)
Anthropology, Department of (217) 244-9226
Applied Health Sciences, College of (217) 333-2131
Arboretum (217)
ARC (Activities and Recreation Center) (217) 333-3806
Architecture, School of (217) 333-1330
Archives, University (217) 333-0798
ARI - Applied Research Institute (217) 300-3162
Army ROTC, Department of Military Science (217) 244-2594
Art and Design, School of (217) 333-0855
Art History Program (217) 333-0855
Asian American Cultural Center (217) 333-9300
Asian American Studies, Department of (217) 244-9530
Astronomy, Department of (217) 244-3615
Atkins Tennis Center (Division of Intercollegiate Athletics) 2172448562
ATLAS (Applied Technology for Learning in the Arts and Sciences) (217) 333-9776
Audits, Office of University (217) 333-0900
Autism Program (Family Resiliency Center) (217) 244-1395
Auxiliary Health & Wellbeing Marketing (217)
Aviation Lease (217)
AVP Controller (217)


Name Phone
Campus Belonging (217)
Campus Communications Council (CCC) (217) 333-5010
Campus Honors Program (217) 244-0922
Campus Legal Counsel, Office of (217) 333-0560
Campus Mail (217) 265-6863
Campus Mail Distribution (217) 265-6863
Campus Recreation, Department of (217) 333-3806
Campus Research IT (217)
Campus Visits (217) 333-0824
Cancer Center at Illinois (217) 300-6100
Career Center (217) 333-0820
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (217) 244-3034
Carle Illinois College of Medicine (217) 300-5700
CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) (217) 244-7593
Cashiers (217) 333-4870
CCSP (Computer Consultant Support Program)
Cell and Developmental Biology, Department of (217) 333-6118
Center for International Education and Research in Accounting (217) 333-4545
Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) 217-244-1353
Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society 312-575-7952
Center for Social & Behavioral Science
Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity (217) 333-1994
Centers and Strategic Initiatives (217)
CHAMP (Collaborative for Cultural Heritage Management and Policy) (217) 333-0176
Chancellor, Office of the (217) 333-6290
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Department of (217) 333-3640
Chemical Sciences Career Services Office
Chemical Sciences, School of (217) 333-5070
Chemistry, Department of (217) 333-5071
Chez Veterans Center (217) 300-3515
Chief Information Officer, Office of the (217) 333-3303
Child Care Resource Service (217) 333-3252
Child Development Lab Preschool (217) 333-2550
Children and Family Research Center (217) 333-5837
Children's Books, Center for (217) 244-0324
Chimes, University (217) 333-7007
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of (217) 333-8038
Classics, Department of the (217) 333-1008
Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting (CEEP) (217) 333-1386
Climate, Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of (217) 333-2046
Cline Center for Advanced Social Research (217) 265-7846
Clinical Sciences (217) 904-7305
College Nursing at Urbana-Champaign (217) 333-2507
College of Nursing (Central Illinois Regional Program) (217) 333-2507
Commencement (217) 333-8834
Communication, Department of (217) 333-2683
Communications Research, Institute of (217) 333-1549
Community College Research and Leadership, Office of 217-244-9390
Comparative and World Literature (217) 333-6157
Comparative Biosciences, Department of (217) 333-2506
Computational Modeling Lab (217) 333-7429
Computational Science and Engineering (217) 333-3247
Computer Store 2172447938
Conference & Event Services (217) 333-2880
Conference Center (217) 333-1300
Continuing Engineering Education (217) 333-6634
Controller (217)
Cooperative Extension Service, U of I (217) 333-5900
Coordinated Science Lab (217) 333-2510
Copy@CLASS (217) 244-6885
Copying (division of Printing Department) (217) 333-9350
Copyright Clearance (Printing Department) (217) 333-9350
Corporate Card Office (217) 244-9300
Corporate Relations Special Projects, Office of (217) 244-3606
Corporate Relations, Office of (217) 244-3606
Council of Academic Professionals (CAP) (217) 333-5455
Council on Teacher Education (217) 333-2804
Counseling Center (217) 333-3704
Course Packet Solutions (division of Printing Department) (217) 333-9350
Criticism and Interpretive Theory, Unit for (217) 333-2581
Crop Sciences, Department of (217) 333-3420
Curriculum and Instruction, Department of (217) 244-8286


Name Phone
Early Childhood Research and Practice 217-333-1386
Earth Science and Environmental Change (217) 333-3240
East Asian and Pacific Studies, Center for (217) 333-7273
East Asian Exchange Programs (Institutional and Faculty International Collaboration) (217) 333-0715
East Asian Languages and Cultures, Department of (217) 244-4012
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology, Program in 217-333-2910
Economic and Business Research, Bureau of (217) 333-2331
Economic Development & Innovation, Vice President for (217) 265-5440
Economic Education, Center for (Economics, Department of) (217) 333-0120
Economics, Department of (217) 333-0120
Education Policy, Organization and Leadership (217) 333-0807
Education, College of (217) 333-0960
Educational Psychology, Department of (217) 333-2245
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of (217) 333-2300
Emergency Dean (Dean of Students, Office of) (217) 333-0050
Emergency Management, Office of Campus (217) 333-1216
Employee Development and Learning (217) 333-8342
Energy and Sustainability Engineering (217) 333-7258
Engineering, Grainger College of (217) 333-2151
English, Department of (217) 333-2391
Enrollment Management Shared Services (217) 333-2033
Enrollment Management, Office of (217) 244-4626
Enterprise Works (217) 333-8324
Entomology, Department of (217) 333-2910
Environmental Council (217) 333-4178
Environmental Engineering and Science (217) 333-6967
Ethics and Compliance Office, University (866) 758-2146
European Union Center (217) 265-7515
Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior, Department of (217) 333-7801
Executive Development Center (217) 244-3309
Executive Vice President and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Office of the (217) 333-3077


Name Phone
i-Buy (217) 333-3102
i-Health (217) 333-2131
I-STEM Education Initiative (217) 333-9625
IDEALS (Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship)
Illini Center (312) 575-7800
Illini Media (217) 337-8300
Illini Union (217) 333-0691
Illini Union Bookstore (217) 333-2050
Illini Union Document Services (217) 333-9350
Illini Union Event Services (217) 333-4666
Illini Union Tech Zone 2172447938
Illinois 4-H Foundation 2173339295
Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange (Study Abroad) (217) 333-6322
Illinois Board of Examiners (815) 753-8900
Illinois Business Consulting (217) 244-1286
Illinois Business Consulting (IBC) (217) 300-8396
Illinois Campus (Alma Mater) (217) 333-1000
Illinois Center for Transportation 217-893-0705, x225
Illinois Connection 800-355-2586
Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse 217-333-1386
Illinois Early Learning Project 217-333-1386
Illinois Football
Illinois Global Institute (217) 244-1146
Illinois History and Lincoln Collections (217) 333-1777
Illinois International (217) 333-6104
Illinois Leadership Center (217) 333-0604
Illinois Men's Basketball
Illinois Natural History Survey (217) 333-6880
Illinois Online 217-333-1462
Illinois Online Marketing (217)
Illinois Promise (217) 333-4710
Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park (217) 244-4430
Illinois Radio Reader (Broadcasting, Division of) (217) 333-6503
Illinois Scholars Program (217)
Illinois Simulator Laboratory 217-333-1527
Illinois State Archaeological Survey (217) 244-4244
Illinois State Geological Survey (217) 333-4747
Illinois State Water Survey (217) 333-2210
Illinois Student Government (ISG) (217) 265-0520
Illinois Summer Youth Music (Music, School of) (217) 333-1580
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (217) 333-8940
Illinois Ventures (312) 996-9853
Imaging Technology Group (217) 244-0170
Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, Department of (217) 333-2731
Informatics (217) 333-4930
Information Sciences, School of (217) 333-3280
Information Technologies Priorities Committee (ITPC)
Information Technology, CITL
Information Trust Institute (ITI) (217)
Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Center for (217) 333-1462
Instructional Copying/Copyright Clearance (division of Printing Services) (217) 333-9350
Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory 217-244-9270
Integrative Biology, School of (217) 333-3044
Intensive English Institute (217) 333-6598
Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of (217) 333-3630
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (217) 244-0823
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (i-Health) (217) 333-2131
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute (IHSI) (217) 244-8480
International Education
International Forum for US Studies (217) 244-4203
International Programs in Engineering (study abroad) (217) 244-0054
International Programs, ACES Office of 217-244-2295
International Student and Scholar Services (217) 333-1303
IPM Outreach & Engagement (217)
IT Partners Gies Business (217) 244-0812


Name Phone
Japan House (217)
Jewish Culture and Society, Program in (217) 333-7978
Journalism, Department of (217) 333-0709


Name Phone
SafeRides (217) 265-7433
Scholarly Commons 2172441331
Scholars' Travel Fund (217) 333-0030
School of Molecular and Cellular Biology Advising Program
Sea Grant Program, Illinois-Indiana (217) 333-0240
Senate, Urbana-Champaign (217) 333-6805
Shared Cryo Facilities (217)
SHIELD Deployment Unit (217)
SHIELD Illinois Deployment Unit (217)
SHIELD T3 (217)
Siebel Center for Design (217) 300-9100
Siebel School of Computing and Data Science (217) 333-4428
Sinfonia da Camera (217) 244-4350
Slavic Languages and Literatures, Department of (217) 244-1063
Slavic Review (LAS, College of) (217) 333-3621
Small Animal Clinic (Veterinary Teaching Hospital) (217) 333-5300
Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) (217) 244-3865
Smart Healthy Community (Rokwire) (217)
Social Work, School of (217) 333-2261
Sociology, Department of (217) 333-1950
SORF (Illini Union) (217) 244-2418
Source2Pay (217)
Sousa Archives & Center for American Research (217) 244-9309
South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Center for (217) 265-5016
Spanish and Portuguese, Department of (217) 333-3390
Special Education, Department of (217) 333-0260
Special Events (217) 333-8834
Specialized Care for Children, Division of (217) 333-6528
Speech and Hearing Science, Department of (217) 333-2230
Speech-Language Pathology Clinic 217-333-2205
Sponsored Programs Administration (217) 333-2187
Sports Camps & Clinics (Division of Intercollegiate Athletics) (217) 244-7278
Spurlock Museum (217) 333-2360
State Farm Center (217) 333-2923
State Universities Annuitants Association (UIUC Chapter)
State University Procurement (217) 333-2402
Statewide Programming, Office of (University outreach and public service) (217) 333-1460
Statistics, Department of (217) 333-2167
Strategic Communications and Marketing, Office of (217) 333-5010
Strategic Marketing and Branding (217) 333-1085
Strategic Project Management, Office of (217)
Student Affairs (217) 333-1300
Student Affairs Human Resources (217)
Student Affairs Technology (217) 244-1100
Student and Corporate Connections, Gies College of (217) 333-2840
Student Conflict Resolution, Office for (217) 333-3680
Student Employment (Student Financial Aid, Office of) (217) 333-0100
Student Health Insurance (217) 333-0165
Student Legal Services 2173339053
Student Organization, Registered (217) 244-2357
Student Success and Engagement (217) 333-2121
Student Success, Inclusion and Belonging 2173332121
Student Trustee (217) 333-3825
Study of Reading, Center for (217) 333-4437
Suicide Prevention Team (24-hour service) (217) 244-7911
Survey Research Laboratory (217) 333-4273
Sustainability, Energy, and Environment, Institute for (217) 333-4178
Swanlund IT Services (217) 333-2920
System Government Costing (217)


Name Phone
Zoonoses Research, Center for (217) 333-2760