Bales, Amanda Michelle |
Barnard, John Levi |
Associate Professor, Comparative & World Literature |
Barrett, Robert W |
Associate Professor |
Basu, Anustup |
Professor |
Basu, Manisha |
Associate Professor |
Becker, Leah |
Lecturer |
Canipe, Josh |
Lecturer |
Capino, Jose Bernard |
Professor |
Claborn, John P |
Senior Lecturer |
Cole, Lucinda |
Associate Professor |
Cole, Megan Elizabeth |
Lecturer |
Cordell, Ryan Charles |
Associate Professor |
Cottingham, Mary Rose |
Senior Instructor |
Courtemanche, Eleanor |
Associate Professor |
Dean, Timothy James |
Professor |
Dickerson, Curtis |
Instructor |
Dudek, John |
Senior Lecturer |
Emmert, Kay |
Senior Lecturer |
Fadely, Patrick |
Lecturer |
Flanagan, Ryan |
Senior Lecturer |
Freeburg, Christopher Charles |
Professor |
Furlong, Madeline |
Lecturer |
Gaedtke, Andrew |
Associate Professor |
Gaffney, Katherine Aplonia |
Lecturer |
Gallagher, John |
Associate Professor |
Garcia, Angel Noe |
Assistant Professor |
Gilmore, Shawn Patrick |
Gray, Catharine E |
Associate Professor |
Grohens, Joe |
Senior Instructor of English |
Gupta, Pallabi |
Lecturer |
Hapke, Gail L |
Senior Instructor |
Harrington, Janice |
Professor |
Hassan, Waïl S. |
Professor |
Hassinger, Amy |
Assistant Professor |
Hays, Mary L |
Senior Lecturer |
Holguin, Marilyn M |
Senior Lecturer |
Hudek, Barry Allan |
Senior Lecturer |
Hunt, Irvin Joseph |
Associate Professor |
Hurley, Michael J |
Senior Lecturer |
Hutner, Gordon |
Professor |
Jenkins, Candice M |
Professor |
Johnson, Audrey |
Lecturer |
Johnson, Carrie Ann |
Lecturer |
Jones, Jamie L |
Associate Professor |
Kempf, Christopher |
Assistant Professor |
Kinzy, Dana |
Interim Associate Director of Rhetoric Lecturer |
Koepke, Carson Joseph |
Assistant Professor |
Koshy, Susan |
Associate Professor |
Kraft, Julie |
Lecturer |
Lindsey, Mary |
Littlefield, Melissa Monique |
Associate professor, English Associate professor, Kinesiology & Community Health |
Loughran, Trish |
Associate Professor |
Mack, Kimberly R |
Associate Professor |
MacLean, John P |
Lecturer |
Markley, Robert |
Professor |
Martin, Calgary |
Lecturer |
McGuire, Lee |
Senior Lecturer Specialized Faculty |
McKinney, Charlesia |
Assistant Professor |
McLeer, Heather |
Senior Lecturer |
McNulty, Tess Dorothy |
Assistant Professor |
McVicker, Zachariah P |
Senior Lecturer |
Menendez, Katie |
Lecturer |
Morris, Dave |
Mortensen, Peter |
Associate Professor of English |
Moss, Andrew Patrick |
Senior Lecturer |
Murison, Justine Summerhayes |
Professor |
Nazar, Hina |
Associate Professor |
Newcomb, John Timberman |
Professor |
Newcomb, Lori Humphrey |
Associate Professor |
Newton, Kate |
Lecturer |
Nyikos, Dani |
Lecturer |
Odom, Michael J |
Senior Instructor |
Oh, Rebecca |
Assistant Professor |
Perry, Curtis |
Professor |
Pollock, Anthony |
Associate Professor |
Price, Julie P |
Senior Lecturer |
Roche, Daniel |
Lecturer |
Rubins, John |
Senior Lecturer |
Ruiz, Sandra |
Associate Professor |
Runkle, Stephen |
Senior Lecturer |
Russell, Lindsay Rose |
Associate Professor |
Sanders, Ted |
Associate Professor |
Schering, Matthew |
Lecturer |
Sellers, Jordan |
Assistant Director of Rhetoric Senior Lecturer |
Selznick, Hilary Faithe |
Lecturer |
Shakar, Alex |
Associate Professor |
Shetina, Michael Douglas |
Lecturer |
Simon, Zach |
Lecturer |
Slobodnik, Sydney James |
Somerville, Siobhan B |
Associate Professor, English Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies |
Soto Crespo, Ramon E |
Professor |
Stevens, Andrea |
Associate Professor |
Underwood, William E |
Professor of Information Sciences Professor and LAS Centennial Scholar of English |
VanCalbergh, Michael |
Lecturer |
Van Landingham, Corey |
Assistant Professor |
Villanueva, Corina Avelita |
Senior Lecturer |
Weber, Rebecca |
Senior Lecturer |
Williams, Pica |
Lecturer |
Williard, Jess M |
Lecturer |
Wood, Gillen D'Arcy |
Professor |
Wright, David |
Professor |