Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., R.E. Sparks, J.J. Parker, A.F. Casper, J.A. DeBoer, M.W. Fritts, M.A. McClelland, and J.H. Chick. 2017. Ecological recovery of a large river following the Clean Water Act. BioScience 67:957-970.
Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., R.M. Pendleton, L.E. Solomon, J.H. Chick, and A.F. Casper. 2017. Hydrology controls recruitment of invasive bigheaded carp on the Illinois River, USA. PeerJ 5:e3641; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3641. (Citations = 1)
Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., A.F. Casper, T.D. VanMiddlesworth, M.Y. VanMiddlesworth, and J.H. Chick. 2017. Widespread and enduring demographic collapse of invasive common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Upper Mississippi River System. Biological Invasions 19:1905-1916. (Citations = 2)
Colaninno, C.E., J.H. Chick, T.J. Martin, A.M. Painter, K.B. Brown, C.T. Dopson, A.O. Enzerink, S.R. Goesmann, T. Higgins, N.Q. Knutzen, E.N. Laute, P.M. Long, P.L. Ottenfeld, A.T. Uehling, and L.C. Ward. 2017. An Interdisciplinary Human-Environmental Examination of Effects Consistent with the Anthropocene in the Lower Illinois River Valley. Midcontinential Journal of Archaeology 42:266-290.
Thomas, S.M., Chick, J.H., and S.J. Czesny. 2017. Underestimation of microzooplankton is a macro problem: one size fits all zooplankton sampling needs alterations. Journal of Great Lakes Research 43:91-101. (Citations = 1)
Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., Ickes, B.S., and J.H. Chick. 2017. Development and assessment of a new method for combining catch per unit effort data from different fish sampling gears: multi-gear mean standardization (MGMS). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74:8-14. (
Solomon, L.E., Pendleton, R.M., Chick, J.H. and A.F. Casper. 2016. Long-term changes in fish community structure in relation to the establishment of Asian carp in a large floodplain river. Biological Invasions 18:2883–2895. (doi:10.1007/s10530-016-1180-8). (Citations = 12)
Culver, E. F., and J. H. Chick. 2015. Shocking Results: Assessing the Injury Rates of Fishes from Pulsed-DC Electrofishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:1055-1063.
Chick, J.H., Soeken-Gittinger, L.A., Ratcliff, E.N., Gittinger, E.J., Lubinski, B.L. and R. Maher. 2013. A Decade of Monitoring on Pool 26 of the Upper Mississippi River: Water Quality and Fish Data with Cross Component Analyses. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:323-420.
Chick, J.H. Prologue: A Decade of Monitoring. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:323.
Soeken-Gittinger, L.A. and J.H. Chick. Chapter 1: Setting the Stage - The Environmental Setting and Water Quality Trends of Pool 26. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:324-350.
Ratcliff, E.N., Lubinski, B.J., Gittinger, E.J. and J.H. Chick. Chapter 2: Population Trends for Selected Fishes in Pool 26 of the Upper Mississippi River. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:351-369.
Gittinger, E.J., Maher, R., Ratcliff, E.N. and J.H. Chick. Chapter 3: Exploring fishery independent (LTRMP) data as a tool to evaluate the commercial fishery in Pool 26 of the Mississippi River. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:370-386.
Chick, J.H., Soeken-Gittinger, L.A., Ratcliff, E.N., Gittinger, E.J. and B.J. Lubinski. Chapter 4: Evaluating relationships between environmental factors and the fish community in Pool 26 of the Mississippi River. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:387-401.
Chick, J.H. Epilogue: Is Long-Term-Ecological Monitoring Possible? Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:403.