image for Chick, John Howard

Chick, John Howard

Principal Aquatic Ecologist

Address and Contact Information

Great Rivers Field Station
918 Union Street, Alton, IL 62002

Research Interests

My main research activities focus on the ecology of large rivers, particularly the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. I am also interested in population dynamics and community level interactions of freshwater fishes, early life history stages of fishes, and general aquatic ecology. I am especially interested in questions related to how spatial variability in aquatic ecosystems affects population and community level processes.

Research Biography

Honors and Awards

Best Presentation - Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2014

Volunteer Service Award, Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois – for service to the River Coordinating Councils of Illinois, Science Advisory Committee, 2013

Best Presentation - Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2007

Certificate of Appreciation - Mississippi River Research Consortium – for service as president, 2007

Cooperative Conservation Award, U.S. Department of the Interior – for service to the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program, 2007

Outstanding New Employee - Illinois Natural History Survey, 2002

Professional Affiliations

Adjunct Professor, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana

Adjunct Professor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana

External Affiliations

Mississippi River Research Consortium
    Vice President - 2005-2006
    President  2006-2007
Conference Chair - Visions of a Sustainable Mississippi River: The Confluence of Ecologyical, Economice, and Cultural Values.  National Great Rivers Research and Education Center/The Nature Conservancey.  08/10/2009 - 08/14/2009.
American Fisheries Society 
Ecological Society of America

Selected Publications

Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., R.E. Sparks, J.J. Parker, A.F. Casper, J.A. DeBoer, M.W. Fritts, M.A. McClelland, and J.H. Chick. 2017. Ecological recovery of a large river following the Clean Water Act. BioScience 67:957-970.

Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., R.M. Pendleton, L.E. Solomon, J.H. Chick, and A.F. Casper. 2017. Hydrology controls recruitment of invasive bigheaded carp on the Illinois River, USA. PeerJ 5:e3641; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3641. (Citations = 1)

Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., A.F. Casper, T.D. VanMiddlesworth, M.Y. VanMiddlesworth, and J.H. Chick. 2017. Widespread and enduring demographic collapse of invasive common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Upper Mississippi River System. Biological Invasions 19:1905-1916. (Citations = 2)

Colaninno, C.E., J.H. Chick, T.J. Martin, A.M. Painter, K.B. Brown, C.T. Dopson, A.O. Enzerink, S.R. Goesmann, T. Higgins, N.Q. Knutzen, E.N. Laute, P.M. Long, P.L. Ottenfeld, A.T. Uehling, and L.C. Ward. 2017. An Interdisciplinary Human-Environmental Examination of Effects Consistent with the Anthropocene in the Lower Illinois River Valley. Midcontinential Journal of Archaeology 42:266-290.

Thomas, S.M., Chick, J.H., and S.J. Czesny. 2017. Underestimation of microzooplankton is a macro problem: one size fits all zooplankton sampling needs alterations. Journal of Great Lakes Research 43:91-101. (Citations = 1)

Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., Ickes, B.S., and J.H. Chick. 2017. Development and assessment of a new method for combining catch per unit effort data from different fish sampling gears: multi-gear mean standardization (MGMS). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74:8-14. (

Solomon, L.E., Pendleton, R.M., Chick, J.H. and A.F. Casper. 2016. Long-term changes in fish community structure in relation to the establishment of Asian carp in a large floodplain river. Biological Invasions 18:2883–2895. (doi:10.1007/s10530-016-1180-8). (Citations = 12)

Culver, E. F., and J. H. Chick. 2015. Shocking Results: Assessing the Injury Rates of Fishes from Pulsed-DC Electrofishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:1055-1063. 

Chick, J.H., Soeken-Gittinger, L.A., Ratcliff, E.N., Gittinger, E.J., Lubinski, B.L. and R. Maher. 2013. A Decade of Monitoring on Pool 26 of the Upper Mississippi River: Water Quality and Fish Data with Cross Component Analyses. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:323-420.


Chick, J.H. Prologue: A Decade of Monitoring. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:323.

Soeken-Gittinger, L.A. and J.H. Chick. Chapter 1: Setting the Stage - The Environmental Setting and Water Quality Trends of Pool 26.  Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:324-350.

Ratcliff, E.N., Lubinski, B.J., Gittinger, E.J. and J.H. Chick.  Chapter 2: Population Trends for Selected Fishes in Pool 26 of the Upper Mississippi River. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:351-369.

Gittinger, E.J., Maher, R., Ratcliff, E.N. and J.H. Chick.  Chapter 3: Exploring fishery independent (LTRMP) data as a tool to evaluate the commercial fishery in Pool 26 of the Mississippi River.  Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:370-386.

Chick, J.H., Soeken-Gittinger, L.A., Ratcliff, E.N., Gittinger, E.J. and B.J. Lubinski.  Chapter 4: Evaluating relationships between environmental factors and the fish community in Pool 26 of the Mississippi River. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:387-401.

Chick, J.H. Epilogue: Is Long-Term-Ecological Monitoring Possible? Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 39:403.

Other campus affiliations

Senior Management Team


PhD, Ecology, University of Georgia, 1997
MS, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Florida, 1992
BS, Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, University of Massachusetts, 1988

LDAP Details for Chick, John Howard