Vaske, J.J. and C.A. Miller. 2019. Deer hunters’ disease risk sensitivity of time. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25 (3):217-230.
Landon, A.C., C.A. Miller, and B.D. Williams. 2019. Assessing Illinois residents’ support for natural recolonization of apex predators. Environmental Management, 62: 260-269.
Landon, A.C., M.H. Jacobs, C.A. Miller, J.J. Vaske, and B.S. Williams, 2019. Cognitive and affective predictors of Illinois residents’ perceived risks from Gray Wolves. Society and Natural Resources, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2019.1664680.
Zhang, X. and C.A. Miller. 2019. Associations between socioeconomic status and hunting license sales among census tracts in Cook County, Illinois. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 24 (2):148-158.
Vaske, J.J., C.A. Miller, T.T. Toombs, L.A. Schweizer, and K.A. Powlen. 2018. Farmers’ value orientations, property rights and responsibilities, and willingness to Adopt Leopold’s Land Ethic. Society and Natural Resources, 3 (10): 1118-1131.
Vaske, J.J., C.A. Miller, A. Ashbrook, and M.D. Needham. 2018. Proximity to chronic wasting disease, perceived risk, and social trust in the managing agency. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 23 (2): 115-128.