image for Tolmie, Clare

Tolmie, Clare

Northern Illinois Field Station Coordinator

Address and Contact Information

209 Nuclear Physics Lab
M/C 571


Ph.D. Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa
M.A.  Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa
B.A.  Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton, England

Academic Interests

Clare’s career as an archeologist began in England. She has worked on Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites in France, on Romano-British, Anglo-Saxon and Mediaeval sites in England and on everything from Palaeoindian to Industrial sites in the US. The majority of her field experience has been in the Midwest. Her particular areas of expertise are faunal analysis, and historic archaeology. Clare’s interests lie in subsistence and landscape use, particularly how prehistoric people adapted to changes in their environment and how historic landscape organization changed over time.

Professional Affiliations

Society for American Archaeology
Register of Professional Archaeologists
Society for Historic Archaeology
International Council for Archaeozoology
Palaeoanthopology Society
Illinois Archaeological Survey

Selected Publications

Tolmie, Clare

2016  Desirable Lakeshore Properties in the Early and Middle Archaic in Northeastern Illinois? Illinois
Archaeology Volume 28, pp. 153-172.

Tolmie, Clare

2007 “Missionaries and Migrants: Early Settlement and Land Organization in Northeastern Illinois.” Illinois Archaeology 19:85–102.

Green, William and Clare Tolmie

2005 “Analysis of Plant Remains from Blood Run.” In Dhegihan and Chiwere Siouans in the Plains: Historical and Archaeological Perspectives Volume 2 (edited by Dale R Henning and Thomas D. Thiessen). Plains Anthropological Society, Memoir 36:525–542.


Selected Technical Reports

2000 Preliminary Report on Fieldwork Conducted on Portions of the Kansas City to Chicago Fiber Optic Cable Route Project (98-108-4-026) in Madison, Sangamon, Logan, Tazewell, Woodford and McLean Counties, Illinois. Midwest Archaeological Research Services, Inc., Cultural Resources Management Report No. 871, Marengo, Illinois.

2004 Pioneers, Preachers and Potawatomi: Phase III Mitigation of 11-Wi-2624, the James and Jane Walker Farmstead, Plainfield, Will County, Illinois. Midwest Archaeological Research Services, Inc., Cultural Resources Management Report No. 1207, Marengo, Illinois.

2008 Level 3 IL Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) McDowell Grove Dam and Bridge Abutments, Naperville Township, DuPage County, Illinois IL HAER DU-2008-01. Midwest Archaeological Research Services, Inc., Cultural Resources Management Report No. 1587, Marengo, Illinois.

Tolmie, Clare and Jean Guarino
2013 Limited Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey and Architectural Assessment of Four 05 Acre Parcels within Swallow Cliff Woods in Palos Township for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois. Midwest Archaeological Research Services, Inc., Cultural Resources Management Report No. 1708, Marengo, Illinois.

Tolmie, Clare and Paula J. Porubcan
1998 Results of a Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey of the Proposed Voyageur Pipeline Corridor within McHenry, Kane, Kendall and Will Counties, Illinois: Volume II, Part 1: Results of Phase I Field Investigations for 226 Miles of the 889 Mile Pipeline Route (October through December 1997). Midwest Archaeological Research Services, Inc., Cultural Resources Management Report No. 667b, Marengo, Illinois.


Selected Papers Presented

Clare Tolmie
2010 Across the Woods and Into the River: Subsistence at 11-Wi-213, New Lenox, Will County, Illinois. Paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri.

2008 One Dam Project After Another: The CCC in Northeastern Illinois. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Illinois Archaeology Survey Meeting, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

2007 From Geography to Geometry: Settlers, Farmers and Landscape in Northeastern Illinois. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Williamsburg, Virginia.

2004 From Walker’s Grove to Plainfield: Missionaries and Migrants in Northeastern Illinois. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri.

2003 Catchment Analysis for the Archaic Period Chen and Cement Pond Sites. Paper presented at the 49thAnnual Midwest Archaeological Conference, Milwaukee 16-19 October.

1999 Home is Where the Hearth Is: Archaic Site Location in Northeastern Illinois. Paper presented at the 69th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago, IL.

Tolmie, Clare and Rochelle Lurie
2008 Finding Undisturbed Sites in Unexpected Places: 11Wi3243, a Late Archaic Site on the South Bluff of the Des Plaines River. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, Canada.

Tolmie, Clare and M. Catherine Bird
2004 Changeless Yet Changing Ever: The Historic Landscape in Northeastern Illinois. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Archaeological Survey, Springfield, Illinois.

Additional Resources

LDAP Details for Tolmie, Clare