See complete publications at Google Scholar.
Abrams, D.B. and C. Cullen. 2020. Analysis of Risk to Sandstone Water Supply in the Southwest Suburbs of Chicago. CR2020-04. Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL.
Abrams, D.B. and H.M. Haitjema. 2018. How aquifer characteristics of a watershed affect transit time distributions of groundwater. Groundwater. 56(4): 517-520.
Abrams, D.B., G.S. Roadcap, and D.H. Mannix. 2017. Developing potentiometric surfaces and flow fields with a head-specified MODFLOW model. Groundwater. 56(1): 8-17.
Kelly, W., D. Abrams, V. Knapp, S. Meyer, Z. Zhang, B. Dziewgielewski, D. Hadley, G. Roadcap, D. Mannix, and Y. Lian. 2016. Water Supply Planning: Middle Illinois Progress Report. Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL.
Abrams, D.B., H.M. Haitjema, D.T. Feinstein, and R.J. Hunt. (2015) Field test of a hybrid finite-difference and analytic element regional model. Groundwater. doi: 10.1111/gwat.12319
Abrams, D.B., D.R. Hadley, D.H. Mannix, G.S. Roadcap, S.C. Meyer, K.J. Hlinka, K.L. Rennels, K.R. Bradbury, P.M. Chase, J.J. Krause. (2015) Changing groundwater levels in the sandstone aquifers of northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin: Impacts on available water supply. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2015-02. Champaign, IL
Tesoriero, A.J., Terziotti, S., and Abrams, D.E., 2015, Predicting redox conditions in groundwater at a regional scale: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 49, p. 9657-9664. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01869
Gusyev, M.A., D.B. Abrams, M.W. Toews, U. Morgenstern, and M.K. Stewart. (2014) A comparison of particle-tracking and solute transport methods for simulation of tritium concentrations and groundwater transit times in river water. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 18: 3109-3119.
Meyer, S.C. Y.F. Lin, D.B. Abrams, and G.S. Roadcap. 2013. Groundwater simulation modeling and potentiometric surface mapping, McHenry County, Illinois. Contract Report 2013-06.
Abrams, D.B., H.M. Haitjema, and L.J. Kauffman. 2013. On modeling weak sinks in MODPATH. Groundwater. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00995.x
Abrams, D.B. 2013. Correcting transit time distributions in coarse resolution MODFLOW-MODPATH models. Groundwater. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00985.x