In my current position, I am the Biodiversity Informatics Community Liaison for the Species File Group. Prior to this, I was at iDigBio as Digitization and Workforce Development Manager. It's exciting to be working to connect INHS and PRI collections and taxonomic projects, people, and communities local to worldwide -- given that our experts, biorepositories, and the accompanying knowledge of the planet’s diversity are distributed all over the globe. As former Chair of the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Organization (2021 - 2022) I also seek to support biodiversity standards development / implementation / and adoption from lab to collections, to science policy to expand reach, access, and impact of our community expertise and data. I especially enjoy the creative process of “making” as in, baking pies from scratch, or throwing pots on the potter’s wheel, and am very interested in the intersection of art and science. You can find me at 217-265-0419 (ofc) or email dlpaul AT Illinois DOT edu, and (post-COVID) in my office Rm 2024 Robert A. Evers Laboratory at UIUC.