Getahun, Elias


Address and Contact Information

114 Water Survey Research Cntr
M/C 674
2204 Griffith Dr.
Champaign, IL  61820
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Research Biography


Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2006.

M.Sc., Water Resources Management, Suderburg University of Applied Sciences (Leuphana University of Luneburg), Germany, 2000.

B.Sc., Irrigation Engineering, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia. 1993.




Honors and Awards

Runner-up for Southern Illinois University’s (SIU) Outstanding Dissertation award, 2008.

Honorable Mention Recipient, Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) PhD Dissertation Award in Natural Science & Engineering, 2007

Scholarship Recipient, German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, DAAD), ScholarshipAward,1998 – 2000.

Research Interests

  • Water resources sysetms analysis: Coupled simulation-optimization modeling
  • MOEA(mutli-objective evolutionary algorithm) applications in water resources
  • Watershed Modeling (Hydrologic and water quality)
  • Watershed sytems analysis for nonpoint source pollution control
  • Climate change impacts on watershed responses
  • Statistical methods in water resources 



Selected Publications


Bekele, E. G. (2008). Integrated Modeling System for Multi-Objective Watershed Management: Hydrologic Modeling and Utilization of State-of-the Art Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Intelligence Techniques. VDM Verlag, Germany

Book Chapter

Getahun, E. and M. Demissie (2016). Hydrologic Modeling of Wetlands. In: Finlayson, C. Max et al., editors. The Wetland Book: I: Structure and Function, Management and Methods, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht: p. 1-10. ISBN: 978-94-007-6172-8, doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-6172-8_70-1

Journal Articles 

Getahun, E. and L. Keefer (2022). “Assessing the Effectiveness of Winter Cover Crops for Controlling Agricultural NutrientLosses.”JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association: 1–13.

Qie, G., Z. Zhang, E. Getahun, and Emily Allen Mamer (2022). “Comparison of Machine Learning Models Performance on Simulat-ing Reservoir Outflow: A Case Study of Two Reservoirs in Illinois, U.S.A..”JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association: 1–17.

Zhang, Z., E. Getahun, M. Mu and S. Chandrasekaran (2021). “Water supply planning with uncertainties in future water demand and climate”. Journal of the American Water Resources Association: 1– 17.

Getahun, E. and L. Keefer (2016). Integrated modeling system for evaluating water quality benefits of agricultural watershed management practices: Case study in the Midwest. Sustain. Water Qual. Ecol., 8: 14-29. 

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. ), C. Lant, S. Soman, and G. Misgna (2013). The Evolution and Empirical Estimation of Ecological-Economic Production Possibilities. Ecological Economics, 90: 1-9 . (doi: 10.1016/ -j.ecolecon.2013.02.012). 

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. ) and H.V. Knapp  (2010). "Watershed Modeling to Assessing Impacts of Potential Climate Change on Water Supply Availability ." Journal of water resources management. doi: 10.1007/s11269-010-9607-y.

Yadav, V.,  G.P. Malanson, E.G. Bekele (E. Getahun)and C. Lant (2009). "Modeling Watershed-scale Sequestration of Soil Organic Carbon for Carbon Credit Programs". Applied Geography, 29(4): 488-500. 

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. ) and J.W. Nicklow (2007). “Multi-objective Automatic Calibration of SWAT using NSGA-II.” J. of Hydrology, Elsevier, 341: 165-176.

Muleta, M.K., J.W. Nicklow, and E.G. Bekele (E. Getahun) (2007) “Sensitivity of a Distributed Watershed Simulation Model to Spatial Scale.” J. of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 12(2): 163-172. 

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. )  and J.W. Nicklow (2005) “Multi-objective Management of Ecosystem Services by Integrative Watershed Modeling and Evolutionary Algorithms.” J. Water Resour. Res., AGU, 41(10), W10406, doi:10.1029/2005WR004090.

 Technical Reports

Getahun E., A. Zavelle and L. Keefer (2021). Illinois Coastal Zone Water Quality Database (ICoastalDB) Development and Exploratory Data Analysis. ISWS Contract Report 2021-02, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL, 68p.

Getahun, E., L. Keefer, D.W. Crowder, S. Chandrasekaran, R. L. Allgire and M. Demissie (2019). Benchmark Sediment Monitoring Program for Illinois Streams: Analysis of 36 Years of Sediment Data (1981-2016). ISWS Report of Investigation 124, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL, 57p. URI:

Kelly, W.R., Z. Zhang, D.B. Abrams, D.R. Hadley, D.H. Mannix, E. Getahun, H.V. Knapp, G.S. Roadcap, S.C. Meyer, B. Dziegielewski, R. Balikian, J.F. Thomason. 2019. Water Supply Planning: Kankakee Watershed Assessment of Water Resources for Water Supply. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2019-07, Champaign, IL, 122p. URI:

Getahun, E., L. Keefer, S. Chandrasekaran, and A. Zavelle (2019). Water Quality Trend Analysis of Fox River Watershed: Stratton Dam to the Illinois River. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2019-04, Champaign, IL. (

Demissie, M., E. Getahun, and L. Keefer (2016).  The Sediment Budget of the Illinois River: 1981-2015. ISWS Report of Investigation 122, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL, 58p.

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. )L. Keefer, and S. Chandrasekaran (2014). Decision Support Model for Generating Optimal Alternative Scenarios of Watershed Best Management Practices. ISWS CR 2014-02; Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL, 104 p.

Knapp, H.V., G.S. Roadcap, E.G. Bekele (E. Getahun), H.A. Wehrmann, W.E. Gillespie, J.S. Hechtand F.J. Pisani (2012). Water Supply Assessment for Kaskaskia River Watershed Development: Phase 1 Technical Report. ISWS CR 2012-01, Champaign, IL, 139 p.

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. ), M. Demissie, and Y. Lian (2011). Development and Application of Coupled Optimization-watershed Models for Selection and Placement of Best Management Practices in the Mackinaw River watershed. ISWS CR 2011-04, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL, 110 p.

Demissie, M., E.G. Bekele (E. Getahun), Lian, Y. and Keefer, L. (2010). Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling  for Evaluating Alternatives for Managed Connection of the Upper and Lower Cache Rivers. ISWS CR 2010-06, Champaign, IL, 131 p.

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. )  and H.V. Knapp (2009).  Hydrologic Modeling of the Fox River Watershed Using SWAT2000: Model Development, Calibration, and Validation. ISWS CR 2009-09, Champaign, IL, 88 p.

Conference Proceedings and Presentations

Getahun, E., A.F. Prada, Z. Zhang, L. Keefer and G. Qie. “Comprehensive hydrologic modeling of a watershed with managed reservoirs for assessing water availability.”  12th World Congress of the European Water Resources Association (EWRA) on Water Resources and Environment, EWRA2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jun. 27 – Jul. 1, 2023.

Zhang, Z., E. Getahun, L. Keefer, G. Qie and A.F. Prada. Water-energy-carbon nexus in Illinois - water supply risk for carbon capture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2351,, 2023.

Getahun, E. L. Keefer, and M. Khan. “Identifying High Yield Areas of Sediment and Nutrients in an Illinois CREP Watershed.”  SEDHYD2023 Federal Interagency Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling Conference, St. Louis, MO, May 8-12, 2023.

Getahun, E. and L. Keefer (2022). “Quantifying the conservation effects of CREP practices in Illinois watersheds.”  77th SWCS International Annual Conference. Jul 31-Aug 3, 2022.

Getahun, E. and L. Keefer (2021). “Watershed Modeling for Assessing the Impact of CREP On Reducing Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution.”  76th SWCS International Annual Conference. Jul 26-28, 2021.

Garizi, A. Z., A. Talebi and E. Getahun (2021). “Development of a simulation-optimization framework for optimizing Best Management Practices (BMPs) for soil and water conservation at the watershed level.” 3rd International Youth Forum on Soil and Water Conservation (IYFSWC), Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, May 16-21, 2021.

Getahun, E. and L. Keefer (2019). “Benchmark Sediment Monitoring Network for Illinois Streams: Analysis of Long-term Sediment Data.” 2019 Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS) Partnership Conference, Springfield, IL, December 3-4.

Getahun, E. (2019). “Watershed Systems Modeling and its Application at the Illinois State Water Survey.” AWRA 2019 Annual Water Resources Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, November 3-6.

Getahun, E. and L. Keefer (2019). “Estimating Water Quality Trends in the Fox River and its Tributaries.” AWRA 2019 Annual Water Resources Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, November 3-6. 

Getahun, E., and S. Chandrasekearn (2018). “Comprehensive Hydrologic Calibration of SWAT using Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018: Protecting and Securing Water and the Environment for Future Generations, ASCE 2018, Minneapolis, MN, June 3-7.

Getahun, E., and L. Keefer (2018). “Assessing Water Quality Impacts of Illinois CREP Using Data Analysis and Modeling.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018: Protecting and Securing Water and the Environment for Future Generations, ASCE 2018, Minneapolis, MN, June 3-7.

Getahun, E., and L. Keefer (2017). “Coupled Optimization-Watershed Modeling System for Evaluating Water Quality Benefits of Agricultural Best Management Practices.” PRI Lightning Talks, Fall 2017.

Getahun, E., and L. Keefer (2017). “Evaluating Impacts of Winter Cover Crops on Nutrient Loss Reduction at a Watershed Scale.” Inaugural NLRS Partnership Conference, Springfield, IL, November, 28-30.

Getahun, E., and L. Keefer (2017). “Quantifying the Sediment Budget of the Illinois River.” World Environmental and Water Resources  Congress 2017: Creative Solutions For a Changing Environment, ASCE 2017, Sacramento, CA, May 21-25.

Getahun, E., and S. Chandrasekearn. “Comprehensive Hydrologic Calibration of SWAT using Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018: Protecting and Securing Water and the Environment for Future Generations, ASCE 2018, Minneapolis, MN, June 3-7.

Getahun, E., M. Demissie, and L. Keefer (2016). “Quantifying the Sediment Budget of the Illinois River.” World Environmental and Water Resources  Congress 2017: Creative Solutions For a Chanaging Environment, ASCE 2017Sacramento, CA, May 21-25. 

Lian Y., E. Getahun, M. Momcilo, L. Keefer and Z. Zhang (2015). “Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies of the Illinois River Basin at ISWS.” 15th Biennial Governor’s Conference on the Management of the Illinois River System, Peoria, IL, October 27-29.

Zaregarizi, A. and E. Getahun (2015). “Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling of Spoon River Watershed for Determining Sediment and Nutrient Critical Source Areas.”  15th Biennial Governor’s Conference on the Management of the Illinois River System, Peoria, IL, October 27-29.

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. ) and L. Keefer (2015). “Watershed Management Tool for Improving Water Quality in Streams and Rivers.” World Environmental and Water Resources  Congress 2015: Floods, Droughts, and Ecosystems, ASCE 2015Austin, TX, May 17-21. 

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. ), S. Chandrasekaran and L. Keefer (2014). “Decision Support Tool for Evaluating Watershed Best Management Practices.” A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES 2014):  Linking Science, Practice and Decision Making, Washington, DC, December 8-12. 

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. ) and L. Keefer (2013). “Identifying Optimal Watershed Subdivision Levels for SWAT Modeling of Lake Decatur Tributary Watersheds.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future, ASCE 2013Cincinnati, OH, May 19-23. 

Lant, C.L. and E. Bekele ( E. Getahun) (2013). Evolution and empirical estimation of ecological-economic production possibilities frontiers. Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA,  April 12.

Lemke, A. M,  K.G. Kirkham, T.T. Lindenbaum, W.L. Perry, E. G. Bekele (Getahun, E. ), Y. Lian, M. P. Wallace, D. A. Kovacic, K. Bohnhoff, S. Friedman, R.M. Twait (2012). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Agricultural Practices for Improving Water Quality in Tile-drained Subwatersheds of the Mackinaw River, Illinois, USA. SFS 2012 Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, May 20-24.

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. ) and H.V. Knapp (2012). “Evolutionary Computation for Estimating Reservoir Release Rates of Lake Shelbyville and Carlyle Lake”. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012: Crossing Boundaries, ASCE 2012: 998-1007. doi: 

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. ), M. Demissie, and Y. Lain (2011). Optimizing the Placement of Best Management  Practices (BMPs) in Agriculturally-Dominated Watersheds in Illinois. World Environmental and  Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability, ASCE 2011: 2890-2900. doi:

Demissie, M., L. Keefer, Y. Lian, F. Yue, and E. G. Bekele (Getahun, E. ) (2009). “Modeling the Hydrology and Hydraulics of the Cache River System.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, ASCE 2009: 6010-6019. doi: 

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. ) and H.V. Knapp (2008). “Hydrologic Modeling of the Fox River Watershed: Model Calibration and Validation.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008,Ahupua'a, ASCE 2008: 1-10. doi:

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. ) and J.W. Nicklow (2007). “Multi-objective Optimal Control Model for Watershed Management using SWAT and NSGA-II.”  World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007, Restoring Our Natural Habitat, ASCE 2007: 1-10. (Cited by 4) doi:   

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. ) and J.W. Nicklow (2006). “Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-objective Automatic Calibration of a Semi-distributed Hydrologic Model.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006, Examining the Confluence of Environmental and Water Concerns, ASCE 2006: 1-12.

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. ) and J.W. Nicklow (2005). “Automatic Calibration of a Semi-distributed Hydrologic Model using Particle Swarm Optimization.” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 5-9.

Nicklow, J.W., S.E. Kraft, C.L. Lant, and E.G. Bekele (E. Getahun) (2005). “Virtual watershed: Steps Towards Cost-Effective Generation of Ecosystem Services in Rural Watersheds.” XII  World Water Congress,  IWRA. New Delhi, November 22-25.

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. ), J.W. Nicklow, C.L. Lant, and S.E. Kraft (2005). “A Decision Support System for Watershed-Scale Management of Ecosystem Services using Evolutionary Algorithms.” Watershed Management Conference 2005, Managing Watersheds for Human and Natural Impacts, ASCE 2005: 1-12. 

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. ) and Nicklow, J.W. (2005). “Hybrid Evolutionary Search Methods for Training an Artificial Neural Network.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2005, Impact of Global Climate Change, ASCE 2005: 1-10.

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. ) and J.W. Nicklow (2004). “Optimal Control Approach for Cost-Effective Management of Ecosystem Services in a Watershed.” Illinois Water 2004 Conference, Champaign, IL, Oct.12-14.

Bekele, E.G. (Getahun, E. ) and Nicklow, J.W. (2004). “Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Cost-Effective Management of Ecosystem Services in a Watershed.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2004, Critical Transitions in Water and Environmental Resources Management, ASCE 2004: 1-10.

Bekele, E. G. (Getahun, E. ) (2002). “Technical Feasibility Study of Sebeta Town Water Supply.” Alumni SeminarKultiverung und Besiedlung von Gebieten mit aridem Wuestenklima (Cultivation and Settlement in Regions with Arid Climate), University of Assuit, Assuit, Egypt, Mar. 7-13.

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