Elizabeth Meschewski joined the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) in April 2011. Beth is the Community Engagement and Outreach Lead for ISTC. As lead, she coordinates the community benefits plans for US Department of Energy and other federal grants. In addition, she oversees the general outreach activities for ISTC including maintaining the research section of the website, ISTC gallery showcasing ISTC's research and technical assistance projects, and coordinating outreach events such as community events/meetings/workshops and the annual emerging contaminants conference co-lead with the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant. Beth also oversees the Hazardous Waste Research Fund - a special fund from the State of Illinois dedicated to the reduction of hazardous waste and the protection of groundwater.
How to pronounce Meschewski: Me (Meh; like the meh emoji) - schew (shess; like chess but with 'sh' sound) - ski (ski; like down hill skiing) Meh-shess-ski