Delpomdor, Franck

Associate Sedimentologist

Address and Contact Information

615 E Peabody Dr.
M/C 466
Urbana, IL  61801


Dr. Franck Delpomdor has been working since 2015 as an Associate Sedimentologist at the Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute. His work focuses on the Critical Minerals of the Upper Mississippi Valley Lead and Zinc District, NW Illinois, Bedrock Geologic Mapping in Illinois,  Ordovician Bedrock of the Illinois Basin, the carbon sequestration in the deep geologic reservoirs. His work in sedimentology has taken him to four continents, particularly in Central Africa and South America, where he is one of the scientists who contribute to increasing scientific knowledge and cooperation with national institutions. Dr. Franck Delpomdor has published over 30 papers in reputable international journals and 19 geological maps and reports.


  • 2015-2015: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais at Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Post doctorate in Geological Sciences.
  • 2008-2013: Université libre de Bruxelles at Brussels, Belgium - PhD in Mineralogical and Geological Sciences.
  • 2007-2008: Université libre de Bruxelles at Brussels, Belgium - MSc. in Mineralogical and Geological Sciences.

Research Interests

  • Critical Minerals
  • Sedimentology (siliciclastic and carbonate)
  • Micropaleontology
  • Basin analysis (litho- and microfacies analysis, sedimentary modeling)
  • High-resolution sequence stratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy
  • Stable isotopes
  • Geochemistry
  • Magnetic Susceptibility
  • Diagenetic interpretation (SEM, XRD, XRF, CL microscopy, fluid inclusion thermometry)
  • Reservoir and source rocks characterization (organic geochemistry and petrophysics of conventional and unconventional rocks)
  • Geologic mapping

Current Projects

  • Upper Mississippi Valley-type Lead and Zinc Mineralization in NW Illinois (USGS-Earth-MRI) 
  • Upper Mississippi Valley-type Lead and Zinc Mine Wastes in NW Illinois (USGS-Earth-MRI) 
  • Illinois Basin Carbon Ores and Rare Earth critical minerals in the Illinois Basin Coals (DOE)
  • Bedrock Geologic Mapping (scale 1/24,000) in NW Illinois (USGS-StateMap)
  • Scientific support of the Pre-feasibility phase of CO2 sequestration CARBONSAFE East Sub-basin – Sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy and diagenetic characterization of the Upper Cambrian Mt Simon Sandstone Formation in the Illinois Basin (DOE)
  • Ordovician sedimentary rocks in North-Central and NW Illinois: Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy
  • Precambrian Geology in Africa: using magnetic susceptibility in sedimentology
  • Biomineralization and life evolution

Selected Publications

Geologic Mapping

  • Delpomdor, F., 2022. Bedrock Geology of Galena Quadrangle, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, 2 sheets, 1:24,000.
  • Delpomdor, F., 2021. Bedrock Geology of Coal ValleyQuadrangle, Rock Island and Henry Counties, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, 2 sheets, 1:24,000.
  • Delpomdor, F., 2021. Bedrock Geology of Silvis Quadrangle, Rock Island County, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, 2 sheets, 1:24,000.
  • Delpomdor, F., Devera, J., 2020. Bedrock Geology of Franklin Grove Quadrangle, Lee County, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, 2 sheets, 1:24,000.
  • Delpomdor, F., 2019. Bedrock Geology of Rochelle Quadrangle, Lee and Ogle Counties, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, 2 sheets, 1:24,000.
  • Delpomdor, F., Wirth, H., 2018. Bedrock Geology of Chana Quadrangle, Lee and Ogle Counties, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, 2 sheets, 1:24,000.
  • Callec, Y., Dobmeier, C., Hall, D., Padel, M., Delpomdor, F., Thiéblemont, D., Chevillard, M., Fournier, E., Colin, S., Ilunga Ngoy, S., Mulindwa Matubila, S., Tshikala Longwa, D., Muana Kanda, J., Appiah, K., Kyobela Wibyala, J., Mashagiro Kwezi, E.H., Sebagenzi Mwene Ntabwoba, S., 2018. Carte géologique à l’échelle 1/400.000. Zone ciblée Katanga Sud. 1 feuille. BRGM Edition.
  • Dobmeier, C., Callec, Y., Hall, D., Padel, M., Delpomdor, F., Thiéblemont, D., Chevillard, M., Ilunga Ngoy, S., Mulindwa Matubila, S., Kyobela Wibyala, J., Mashagiro Kwezi, E.H., Sebagenzi Mwene Ntabwoba, S., 2018. Carte des coupures à l’échelle 1/200.000. Kayoyo. 1 feuille. BRGM Edition.
  • Callec, Y., Dobmeier, C., Hall, D., Padel, M., Delpomdor, F., Thiéblemont, D., Chevillard, M., Fournier, E., Colin, S., Ilunga Ngoy, S., Mulindwa Matubila, Tshikala Longwa, D., Muana Kanda, J., Appiah, K., Kyobela Wibyala, J., Mashagiro Kwezi, E.H., 2018. Carte des coupures à l’échelle 1/200.000. Kayoyo-Sud. 1 feuille. BRGM Edition.
  • Hall, D., Padel, M., Callec, Y., Dobmeier, C., Delpomdor, F., Thiéblemont, D., Chevillard, M., Fournier, E., Ilunga Ngoy, S., Sebagenzi Mwene Ntabwoba, S., 2018. Carte des coupures à l’échelle 1/200.000. Ruwe. 1 feuille. BRGM Edition.
  • Padel, M., Callec, Y., Dobmeier, C., Hall, D., Delpomdor, F., Thiéblemont, D., Chevillard, M., Fournier, E., Colin, S., Ilunga Ngoy, S., Mulindwa Matubila, Tshikala Longwa, D., Muana Kanda, J., Appiah, K., Mawaya, P., Sebagenzi Mwene Ntabwoba, S., 2018. Carte des coupures à l’échelle 1/200.000. Sakabinda. 1 feuille. BRGM Edition.
  • Devera, J.A., Breeden, J.R., Delpomdor, F., 2017. Bedrock Geology of Thebes Quadrangle, Alexander County, Illinois, and Cape Girardeau and Scott Counties, Missouri, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, 2 sheets, 1:24,000, report 9 p. IGSS website for map
  • Charles, N., Callec, Y., Préat, A., Thiéblemont, D., Delpomdor, F., Malounguila, D., Gloaguen, E., Petitot, J., Akouala, A.-P., Ndiele, B., Mvoula Boungou, I., Moebo Boungou, M., 2015. Notice explicative de la carte géologique de la République du Congo à 1/200 000, Feuille Madingou. Editions Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières. 221 p. (in french).

Journal Articles

  • Bonneville, S., Delpomdor, F., Préat, A., Chevalier, C., Araki, T., Abyaneh, M.K., Steel, A., Schreiber, A., Wirth, R., Benning, L.G., 2020. Molecular identification of fungi microfossils in a Neoproterozoic shale rock. Science Advances, 6 (4). doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax7599

  • Delpomdor, F.R.A., Ilambwetsi, A.M., Caxito, F.A., Pedrosa-Soares, A.C., 2020. New interpretation of the basal Bambuí Group, Sete Lagoas High (Minas Gerais, SE Brazil) by sedimentological studies and regional implications for the aftermath of the Marinoan glaciation: Correlations across Brazil and Central Africa. Geologica Belgica, 23 (1-2), 1-17.

  • Ackouala Mféré, A.,-P., Delpomdor, F., Proust, J.-N, Boudzoumou, F., Callec, Y., Préat, A., 2020. Facies and architecture of the SCIc Formation (Schisto-Calcaire Group), Republic of Congo, in the Niari-Nyanga and Comba subbasins of the Neoproterozoic West Congo Basin after the Marinoan glaciation event. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 166, 103776.

  • Delpomdor, F., Callec, Y., Bailly, L., Mashigiro, E.T., Ilunga, S., Sebagenzi, S., Mupande, J.F., Kampata, D., Cailteux, J., 2020. Sedimentary evolution and chemostratigraphy of the post-Sturtian cap carbonate-like Dolomie Tigrée Formation (Katanga Supergroup) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 162, 103727.

  • Mambwe, P., Delpomdor, F., Lavoie, S., Mukonki, P., Batumike, J., Muchez, P., 2020. Sedimentary evolution and stratigraphy of the ~765–740 Ma Kansuki-Mwashya platform succession in the Tenke-Fungurume Mining District, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Geologica Belgica, 23 (1-2), in print.

  • Delpomdor, F.,  Kant, F., Tack, L., Préat, A., 2019. Cyclicity and sequence stratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic uppermost Haut Shiloango-Lukala carbonate ramp system in the Lower Congo region (Democratic Republic of the Congo): Example of tectonostratigraphic control versus climatic changes. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 160, 103636. 

  • Delpomdor, F.,  Bonneville, S., Baert, K., Préat, A., 2018. An introduction to the Precambrian Petroleum System of the Sankuru-Mbuji-Mayi-Lomami-Lovoy Basin, South-Central Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of petroleum geology 41 (1), 5-27. doi: 10.1111/jpg.12690

  • Delpomdor, F., Schroeder, S., Préat, A., Lapointe, P., Blanpied, C., 2018. Sedimentology and chemostratigraphy of the late Neoproterozoic carbonate ramp sequences of the Hüttenberg Formation (northwestern Namibia) and the C5 Formation (western central Democratic Republic of Congo): Record of the  late post-Marinoan marine transgression on the margin of the Congo Craton. South African Journal of Geology 121 (1), 1-20. doi: 10.25131/jajg.121.0003

  • Delpomdor, F., van Vliet, N., Devleeschouwer, X., Tack, L., Préat, A., 2018. Evolution and Estimated Age of the C5 Lukala Carbonate-Evaporite Ramp Complex in the Lower Congo region (Democratic Republic of Congo): New perspective in Central Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 137, 261-277. doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.10.021

  • Préat, A., Delpomdor, F., Ackouala Mféré, A.P., Callec, Y., 2018. Paleoenvironments, d13C and d18O signatures in the Neoproterozoic carbonates of the Comba Basin, Republic of Congo: Implications for regional correlations and Marinoan Event. Journal of African Earth Sciences 137, 69-90.  doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.09.002

  • Delpomdor, F.R.A., Tack, L., Préat, A.R., 2017. Facies and micromorphology of the Neoproterozoic Upper Diamictite Formation in the Democratic Republic of Congo: new evidence of sediment gravity flow. Geologica Belgica 20 (1-2), 69-79. doi:10.20341/gb.2017.004

  • Delpomdor, F.R.A., Devleeschouwer, X., Spassov, S., Préat, A.R., 2017. Stratigraphic correlations in mid- to late-Proterozoic carbonates of the Democratic Republic of Congo using magnetic susceptibility. Sedimentary Geology 351, 80-101doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2017.02.007.

  • Delpomdor, F., Eyles, N., Tack, L., Préat, A., 2016. Pre- and post-Marinoan carbonate facies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: glacially- or tectonically-influenced deep-water sediments? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 457, 144-157. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.06.014.

  • Cailteux, J.L.H., Delpomdor, F.R.A., Ngoei Ndobani, J.-P., 2015. The Neoproterozoic West-Congo “Schisto-Calcaire” sedimentary succession from the Bas-Congo region (Democratic Republic of the Congo) in the frame of regional tentative correlations. Geologica Belgica 18 (2-4), 126-146.

  • Delpomdor, F., Tack, L., Cailteux, J., Préat, A., 2015. The C2 and C3 formations of the Schisto-Calcaire Subgroup (West Congo Supergroup) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: An example of Post-Marinoan sea-level fluctuations as a result of extensional tectonisms. Journal of African Earth Sciences 110, 14-33. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.06.005.

Book Chapters

  • Delpomdor, F.Préat, A., 2015. Overview of the Neoproterozoic Sedimentary Series Exposed Along Margins of the Congo Basin. In: de Wit, M., Guillocheau, F., de Wit, M.J. (Eds.), The Geology and Resource Potential of the Congo Basin. Springer-Verlag, pp. 41-58. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29482-2_3
  • Delpomdor, F., Virgone, A., Blanpied, C., Préat, A., 2015. Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of Late Precambrian carbonates of the Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup in the Sankuru-Mbuji-Mayi-Lomami-Lovoy Basin (Democratic Republic of the Congo). In: de Wit, M.J., Guillocheau, F., de Wit, M.C.J. (Eds.), Geology and Resource Potential of the Congo Basin. Springer-Verlag, 59-76 p. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-29482-2_4

LDAP Details for Delpomdor, Franck