image for Kampmeier, Gail

Kampmeier, Gail

Senior Research Entomologist (retired)

Address and Contact Information

Prairie Research Institute


MS, Entomology, University of Illinois, 1984
BA, French, Allegheny College, Meadville PA, 1973
Deuxième Degre - Université de Dijon, 1972

Research Interests

Aphids; movement; plant virus epidemiology; IPM; Orius; biodiversity informatics and database design, web design; commitment to scientific education & outreach

Biodiversity Informatics:
I designed a cross-platform database system called Mandala, which specializes in cataloging systematics and biodiversity research. Development of Mandala began in 1995 through a National Science Foundation PEET (Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy) grant studying the poorly known fly family, Therevidae (DEB 95-21925 and 99-77958). The focus of Mandala for the PEET was mainly retrospective entry of specimen-related information and delineating a complete nomenclatural history of this family with its associated literature. In 2005, the bioinventory aspects of Mandala were greatly expanded by the needs of the Fiji Bioinventory of Arthropdods (NSF Biodiversity Surveys and Inventories grant DEB 04-25790). For the Fiji project, the emphasis was on prospective data entry of specimens and the tracking of roughly sorted subsamples from Malaise traps as loans to specialists for identification. Also in 2005, Mandala was used for the Busey Woods BioBlitz. In addition, species pages are being developed to be served through Mandala for the Diptera AToL (FLYTREE, NSF EF 03-34948) project. Mandala is being expanded once again to track the progress of genomics studies for FLYTREE and the tabanid (horsefly) PEET project. See links to project webpages at left. Mandala is being used by several projects and has been demonstrated nationally and internationally.

In addition to database design for systematics and biodiversity studies, I am interested in the topics of biodiversity information standards (see TDWG), sharing of scientific data, dealing with sensitive scientific data, and the preservation of orphaned and endangered scientific datasets.

Aphids, Movement, & Plant Virus Epidemiology:
My scientific research interests are in plant virus epidemiology, especially of those viruses vectored by aphids such as soybean mosaic virus, and barley yellow dwarf virus. I am also interested in the dynamics of movement of aphids and other arthropods and the use of this knowledge in IPM programs. I have worked on long distance movement projects with the corn leaf aphid in Illinois and the Russian wheat aphid in Colorado.

Outreach & Mentoring:
I have participated in ACES Open House, Insect Expo, GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Math, & Science) programs as well as working with occasional school groups and teen programs. I have coordinated the data entry of two bioblitzes (Allerton Park and Busey Woods). I feel strongly that education and appreciation for the sciences are critical to developing well-rounded and informed citizens. One way to become informed about science is to become a pod-person (listener of science/nature-related podcasts)!

Honors and Awards

1985 Certificate of Appreciation, Friends of WILL

1987 Outstanding Service Award, Champaign-Urbana Macintosh Users Group

1989 Founder's Award, Champaign-Urbana Macintosh Users Group

1992 Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation, NCR-148, Migration and Dispersal of Insects and Other Biotic Agents

1994 Award for Support and Encouragement of the Young Women in Science program at Franklin Magnet Middle School

1999 Plaque for outstanding service to NCR-148, Migration and Dispersal of Biota

2003 Election to the Governing Board of the Entomological Society of America (ESA)

2004 The Chief's Award for exemplary contribution & service to the Illinois Natural History Survey

2005 Certificate and Service Award pin for exceptional service on ESA's Committee for Strategic Planning (2000-2005)

2005 Certificate from ESA for outstanding service as Subject Editor for the Journal of Economic Entomology from 2002-2005

2009 Recognition of exceptional service as Governing Board Representative of the Entomological Society of America 2004-2009

2009 Plaque from the Plant-Insect Ecosystem Section of the Entomological Society of America in recognition of exceptional service as Governing Board Representative 2007-2009.

2011 Honorary Member of the Entomological Society of America.

Professional Affiliations

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Prairie Research Institute, Illinois Natural History Survey, Research Entomologist, 1979-2009, retired 2010, Affiliate 2020–

Sigma Xi (1985– )

Pan-American Aerobiology Association (1995–1999)

North American Dipterists Society (1995– )

Entomological Collections Network

Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) (1996-  )

NCR-148, Migration & Dispersal of Biota (1985-2003)

Entomological Society of America (1979– )

Entomological Collections Network (1996– )

Claris (FileMaker) Community Network

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Digisation of Natural History Collections (DIGIT) Science Subcommittee (-2009)


European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT): Diptera (administrator and coordinator of FLYTREE and Tabanidae groups) in Scratchpads

Association of Women in Science (AWIS) (2014– )

Selected Publications

Irwin, M. E., and G. E. Kampmeier. 1989. Vector behavior, environmental stimuli and the dynamics of plant virus epidemics. Chapter 2 in M. J. Jeger, ed., Spatial components of plant disease epidemics. Prentice-Hall, Inglewood Cliffs, NJ.

Irwin, M. E., W. G. Ruesink, S. A. Isard, & G. E. Kampmeier. 2000. Mitigating epidemics caused by non-persistently transmitted aphid-borne viruses: the role of the pliant environment. Virus Research 71: 185-211.

Kampmeier, G. E. & M. E. Irwin. 2009. Commercialization of insects and their products. In V. H. Resh & R. Carde [eds.] Encyclopedia of Insects, 2nd ed., San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 220-227 (pdf available upon request).

Kampmeier, G. E. and M. E. Irwin. 2009. Meeting the interrelated challenges of tracking specimen, nomenclature, and literature data in Mandala. Chapter 15 in T. Pape, D. Bickel, and R. Meier (eds.) Diptera Diversity: Status, Challenges and Tools. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 407-437. pdf

Webb, D.W., S.D. Gaimari, M. Hauser, K.C. Holston, M.A. Metz, M.E. Irwin, G.E. Kampmeier and K. Algmin. 2013. An annotated catalogue of the New World Therevidae. Zootaxa 3600. pdf

Fereres, Alberto; Irwin, Michael E.; and Kampmeier, Gail E. 2017. Aphid movement: Process and consequences. Chapter 10, in Aphids as Crop Pests, 2nd edition (eds. Helmut F. van Emden and Richard Harrington). Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI. pp. 196–224. (pdf available upon request)

Kampmeier, Gail. 2017. Bringing bugs into the system. Proceedings of TDWG 1: e20050

Kampmeier, Gail; Ariño, Arturo H.; Wallis, Ely; Paul, Deborah,. eds. 2019. Biodiversity_Next 2019. 923 pp.

Complete list:

Selected Service Activities

1979 - Entomological Society of America

North Central Branch:
Program Committee, (1986-87; 1989; 1993-94; 2002-3);
Local Arrangements Committee (2005-6)

Program Committee, National Meeting, 2003
Section Cc 'Insect vectors of plant diseases': Secretary (1993), Chair-elect (1994; acting chair at 1994 meeting), Chair (1994)
Standing Committee on Membership: Vice-Chair (1998-1999), Chair (2000-2001); Governing Board Liaison (2004-2005, 2007-09)
Section C, 'Biology, Ecology, & Behavior': Secretary (2002), Vice Chair (2003);
ESA Strategic Planning Committee member (2000-2005), Chair (2002-2003);
Co-subject editor for Arthropods in Relation to Plant Disease for Journal of Economic Entomology (2002-2005);
Governing Board Representative for Section C (2004-2007); for the Plant-Insect Ecosystems Section (2008-9);
Governing Council for Section on Plant-Insect Ecosystems (2008-09)
Governing Board Executive Committee (2006-2009).
Publications Council: Governing Board Liaison (2006)
Women in Entomology Breakfast, organizer (2006- )
ESA representative to the Council of the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) (2007)
Women in Entomology Network, organizer (2007- )
Presidential Task Force on the ESA Website: Chair, 2010
External Advisory Committee, Plant-Insect Ecosystems Section: 2010-2012
Co-represented ESA at AWARDS Workshop 2012
ESA Presidential Committee on Awards Review: Chair, 2012-2013
ESA Fellows Biographies project (2014- )
Editorial Board, Journal of Integrated Pest Management (representing SysEB), (2016-2019; chair 2018)
Co-organizer and speaker in 2018 Member Symposium: Leveling the Playing Field: How Entomologists Can Work to Reduce Bias and Create Safe Workplaces
Co-organizer and speaker in 2019 Program Symposium: Advocating Diversity Among Entomologists: If Insects are Diverse, We should be too!

1979-1984 Entomology Graduate Student Association (UIUC)

Activities Chair (1979-1980); President (1980-1981); INHS Representative (1981-1982)

1985 - 2003 NCR-148, Migration & Dispersal of Biota

Secretary/Treasurer (1985-2000); Vice Chair (2001); Chair (2002)

1996 - Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) (Taxonomic Databases Working Group in the International Union of Biologists)

Executive Committee member (1998; 2008-2016; co-opted 2017- ); North American Representative (2008–2013)
INHS representative in institutional membership 2006–2013; 2015–
Program Committee 2008, 2011, 2013 (chair), 2014–2015, 2016-2018 (co-chair); 2019 biodiversity_next; TDWG 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, SPNHC-TDWG 2024
Co-Editor of abstracts for posters & demonstrations published in the Proceedings of TDWG (2007–2009)
Editor-in-Chief, Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2017– including conference proceedings
Review Manager 2009, Darwin Core Standard

2006 - 2009 GBIF DIGIT Science Subcommittee

  • moderator of e-conference to prioritize seed funding for DIGIT (2007)

2014-2016 International Congress of Entomology (ICE2016)

Co-convener for Scientific Section 5 "Biodiversity, Biogeography and Conservation Biology"
Women in Entomology Breakfast (2016)
Symposium co-organizer and speaker in, Connecting with the World's Best Talent: Attracting and retaining diverse entomologists
International Entomology Leadership Summit: Improving the Human Condition through Insect Science (2016)

LDAP Details for Kampmeier, Gail