image for Janssen, Eric Daniel

Janssen, Eric Daniel

Assistant Research Scientist, Wetland Plant Ecology

Address and Contact Information

1816 S. Oak Street
M/C 652
Champaign, IL  61820

Research Biography


MS, Natural Resources and Environmental Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2022
BS, Natural Resources and Environmental Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2013

Research Interests

My research interests include surveying plant communities throughout Illinois. I am also interested in studying rare species, particularly germinating and propagating these species. 

Selected Publications

Janssen, E., S.A. Johnson, N. Glass, P. Dickerson, C.J. Whelan, and B. Molano Flores. 2024. Impacts of road salt on seed germination of Thuja occidentalis found in natural communities adjacent to the Illinois Tollway in northeastern IL USA. Botany e-First

Janssen, E., J. Coons, N. Coutant, and B. Edgin. 2024. Impacts of greenhouse fertilization and planting season on survival and reproductive potential of Silene regia transplants. Restoration Ecology 32(5): 1-11. 

Johnson, S., E. Janssen, N. Glass, P. Dickerson, C. Whelan, B. Molano-Flores. 2022. The role of environmental stressors on reproduction, seed morphology, and germination: A case-study of Northern White Cedar, Thuja occidentalis L. Botany 100(11): 839-847. 

Janssen, E.D., D.N. Zaya, L.X. Yao, B. Molano-Flores. 2020. Assessment of seed germinability after prolonged seed storage for Synthyris bullii (Plantaginaceae), a rare endemic of the midwestern USA. The American Midland Naturalist 183(1): 116-129. 

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