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Bried, J. T and S. K. Jog. 2022. Nonnative species limitation of floristic quality scores in wetland mitigation performance and multimetric health assessment. Wetlands 42(1): 3.
Bried, J. T., T. S Fouts, and S. K. Jog. 2021. Searching for indicator species of high floristic quality depressional wetlands in the U.S. southern plains. Wetlands 41(7): 96.
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Bried, J. T., T. S Fouts, and S. K. Jog. 2019. Enhanced indicator species performance with increasing contexualization. Conservation Science and Practice 1(12): e127.
Jog, S. K, J. T. Bried, X. Feng, A. Dzialowski, C. Davis, and M. Papes. 2017. Can land use indicate wetland floristic quality and taxonomic distinctness? Ecological Indicators 78: 331-339.
Bried, J. T, S. K. Jog, C. A. Davis, and A. R. Dzialowski. 2016. Rapid buffer assessment fails to predict and classify wetland floristic quality in Oklahoma. Wetlands 36: 799-805.
Bried, J. T, S. K. Jog, A. R. Dzialowski and C. A. Davis. 2014. Vegetation criteria for identifying potential reference-quality wetlands in the south-central United States. Wetlands 34: 1159-1169.
Bried, J. T, S. K. Jog, and J. W. Matthews. 2013. Floristic quality assessment signals human disturbance over natural variability in a wetland system. Ecological Indicators 34: 260-267