image for Tiemann, Jeremy S

Tiemann, Jeremy S

Associate Aquatic Ecologist

Address and Contact Information

1816 South Oak Street
M/C 652
Champaign, IL  61820
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  • 2002 - Master of Science - Biological Sciences - Emporia State University (Kansas)
  • 1998 - Bachelor of Science - Biology - University of Kansas, Lawrence

Research Interests

Current research interests include the following:

  • Effects of dams and dam removals in Midwestern streams
  • Predatory effects of juvenile Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) and associated on native and non-native bivalves
  • Assessing the rapid expansion of the state-threatened Banded Killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) across Illinois
  • Examining the fecundity and microhabitat preferences of the state-threatened Gravel Chub (Erimystax x-punctatus)
  • Determining the spawning ecology of the imperiled Bigeye Chub (Hybopsis amblops) in Illinois
  • Examining the distribution and habitat preferences of the Iowa Darter (Etheostoma exile) in Illinois
  • Assessing the genetic diversity of the Neosho Madtom (Noturus placidus).
  • Reintroduction of the state-endangered Redspotted Sunfish (Lepomis miniatus) into historical areas in Illinois
  • Reintroduction of the federally-endangered Northern Riffleshell (Epioblasma rangiana) and Clubshell (Pleurobema clava) in Illinois
  • Determining and documenting a novel invasive Corbiculids in Illinois
  • Distribution and status of aquatic snails in Illinois

Selected Publications

Select publications (70 total since 2002):

Hartman, J.H., M.A. Davis, and J.S. Tiemann. Species distribution models predict suitable habitat for the overlooked and understudied freshwater lampreys of Illinois. Environmental Biology of Fishes.

 Hartman, J.H., N.J. Iacaruso, M.A. Davis, J.S. Tiemann, and E.R. Larson. 2024. Diet trophic comparisons between Banded Killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) subspecies. Environmental Biology of Fishes.

Davis, O. + 30 co-authors. 2024. Tracking species recovery status to improve U.S. Endangered Species Act decisions. Conservation Science and Practice. 2024:e13159.

Tiemann, J.S., K.S. Cummings, E. Barba-Macías, and C.R. Randklev. 2024. Distribution of nonindigenous Basket clams (Corbicula spp.) in Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 95. e955284.

Hartman, J.H., J. Corush, E.R. Larson, J.S. Tiemann, P.W. Willink, and M.A. Davis. 2024. Niche conservatism and spread explain introgression between native and invasive fish. Molecular Ecology.

Ruellan, H., K. Stodola, A. Stodola, and J.S. Tiemann. 2023. Predicting suitable habitat for surrogate species of critically imperiled freshwater mussels to aid in translocations. Journal of Freshwater Science 42(3):296-314.

Hartman, J.H., J.S. Tiemann, J.L. Sherwood, P.W. Willink, K.T. Ash, M.A. Davis, and E.R. Larson. 2023. Eastern Banded Killifish (Fundulus diaphanus diaphanus) in Lake Michigan and connected watersheds: the invasion of a non-native subspecies. Journal of Great Lake Research 49(4):876-887.

Szydlowski, D.K., A.K. Elgin, D.M. Lodge, J.S. Tiemann, and E.R. Larson. 2023. Long-term macrophyte and snail community responses to population declines of invasive Rusty Crayfish (Faxonius rusticus). Ecological Applications e2818.

Tiemann, J.S., S.A. Douglass, J.L. Sherwood, A.J. Stites, and M.J. Dreslik. 2022. Spawning schedule of the imperiled Bigeye Chub (Hybopsis amblops) in Illinois. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 37(1):329-340.

Sherwood, J.L., J.S. Tiemann, and J.A Stein. 2022. Fishes of Champaign County, Illinois: as affected by 120 years of stream changes. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 43.

Tiemann, J.S. A.P. Stodola, S.A. Douglass, R.M. Vinsel, and K.S. Cummings. 2022. Nonindigenous aquatic mollusks in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 43.

Kiser, A.H., K.S. Cummings, J.S. Tiemann, C.H. Smith, N.A. Johnson, R.R. Lopez, and C.R. Randklev. 2022. Using a multi-model ensemble approach to determine biodiversity hotspots with limited occurrence data in understudied areas: an example using freshwater mussels in México. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8909. 14 pp.

Tiemann, J.S. J.L. Sherwood, and A.J. Stites. 2022. Status assessment of the state-threatened Gravel Chub (Erimystax x-punctatus) in Illinois. Submitted to Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 115:1-5.

Ring, N.S., J.S. Tiemann, and D.A. Woolnough. 2022. New recorded observation of the invasive Form D Corbicula in Lake Henry, Florida, USA. Southeastern Naturalist 21:N1-N4.

Porreca, A.P., S.E. Butler, J.S. Tiemann, and J.J. Parkos, III. 2022. Differential vulnerability of native and non-native mollusks to predation by juvenile Black Carp. Biological Invasions 24:495-504.

Tiemann, J.S., T. Gibson, J. Halmbacher, and G.T. Watters. 2021. Egg laying behaviors in Lithasia armigera (Say, 1821) (Gastropoda: Cerithioidea: Pleuroceridae). Northeastern Naturalist 28(2):N27-N29.

Coughlan, N.E. and 40 co-authors. 2021. Biometric conversion factors as a unifying platform for comparative assessment of invasive freshwater bivalves. Journal of Applied Ecology 58:1945-1956.

Tiemann, J.S., B.E. Fisher, T. Thomas, J. Adams, C. Moody-Carpenter, A. Jones, and R.E. Colombo. 2021. First occurrence of the Streamline Chub Erimystax dissimilis and Tippecanoe Darter Etheostoma tippecanoe in Illinois and within the Vermilion River basin (Wabash River drainage). Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 114:35-38.

Curtis, A.N., J.S. Tiemann, S.A. Douglass, M.A. Davis, and E.R. Larson. 2020. High stream flows dilute environmental DNA (eDNA) concentrations and reduce detectability. Diversity and Distributions. Early view.

Inoue, K., K.S. Cummings, J.S. Tiemann, T.D. Miller, N.A. Johnson, CA. Smith, and C. Randklev. 2020. A new species of freshwater mussel in the genus Popenaias Frierson, 1927, from the Gulf coastal rivers of central Mexico (Bivalvia: Unionida: Unionidae) with comments on the genus. Zootaxa 4816(4):457-490.

Douglass, S., E. Ressor, J. Tiemann, A. Stodola, S. McMurray, and B. Poulton. 2020. Recent evaluation of Corbicula Form D distribution in the Midwest, U.S.A. American Midland Naturalist 183:136-142.

Tiemann, J.S., J.L. Sherwood, and A.J. Stites. 2020. Population expansion of the state-threatened Eastern Sand Darter, Ammocrypta pellucida (Agassiz, 1863), within the Vermilion River basin (Wabash River drainage), Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 113:1-4.

Volkmer-Ribeiro, C., M.C.D. Mansur, D. Pereira, J.S. Tiemann, K.S. Cummings, and M.H. Sabaj. 2019. Sponge and mollusk associations in a benthic filter-feeding assemblage in the middle and lower Xingu River, Brazil. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences. 166(1):1-24.

Ferreira-Rodríguez, N., and 47 co-authors. 2019. Research priorities for freshwater mussel conservation assessment. Biological Conservation 231:77-87.

Tiemann, J.S., K. Inoue, J.A. Rodríguez-Pineda, M. Hart, K.S. Cummings, E. Naranjo García, and C. Randklev. 2019. Freshwater mussels of the Río Conchos basin, Chihuahua, Mexico. Southwestern Association of Naturalists 64(3/4):180-186.

Sherwood, J.L., A.J. Stites, M.J. Dreslik, and J.S. Tiemann. 2018. Predicting the range of a regionally threatened, benthic fish using species distribution models and field surveys. Journal of Fish Biology 93:972-977

Stites, A.J., J.L. Sherwood, and J.S. Tiemann. 2018. Fecundity estimates of the Gravel Chub, Erimystax x-punctatus (Pisces: Leuciscidae). Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 121(3-4):386-390.

Tiemann, J., C. Lawlis, and S. Douglass. 2018. First occurrence of a novel Corbicula Form D lineage in the Ohio River. Nautilus 132(1):30-32.

Willink, P.W., T.A. Widloe, V.J. Santucci, Jr., D. Makauskas, J.S. Tiemann, S.M. Hertel, J.T. Lamer, and J.L. Sherwood. 2018. Rapid expansion of Banded Killifish Fundulus diaphanus across northern Illinois: Dramatic recovery or invasive species? American Midland Naturalist 179(2):179-190.

Flock, B.E., R.D. Applegate, R.D. McKown, P.S. Gipson, K. Cummings, and J.S. Tiemann. 2018. Amphibious snails attached to the breast feathers of a Northern Bobwhite. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 121(1-2):84-86.

Tiemann, J.S., A.E. Haponski, S.A. Douglass, T. Lee, K.S. Cummings, M.A. Davis, and D. ÓFoighil. 2017. First record of a putative novel invasive Corbicula lineage discovered in the Illinois River, Illinois, USA. BioInvasions Records 6:159-166.

Robinson, J.L., M.J. Wetzel, and J.S. Tiemann. 2017. Some phoretic associations of macroinvertebrates on transplanted federally endangered freshwater mussels. Northeastern Naturalist 24(4):N29-N34.

Ashton, A.J., J.S. Tiemann, and D. Hua. 2017. Evaluation of costs associated with externally affixing PIT tags to freshwater mussels using three commonly employed adhesives. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 20:114-122.

Stodola, K.W., A.P. Stodola, and J.S. Tiemann. 2017. Survival of translocated Clubshell and Northern Riffleshell in Illinois. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 20:89-102.

Tiemann, J.S., M.J. Dreslik, S.J. Baker, and C.A. Phillips. 2016. Assessment of a short-distance freshwater mussel relocation as viable tool during bridge construction projects. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 19:80-87

Tiemann, J.S., S.A. Douglass, A.P. Stodola, and K.S. Cummings. 2016. Effects of lowhead dams on the freshwater mussel fauna in the Vermilion River basin, Illinois, with comments on a natural dam removal. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 109:1-7.

Tiemann, J.S., C.A. Taylor, D. Wylie, J. Lamer, P.W. Willink, F.M. Veraldi, S.M. Pescitelli, B. Lubinski, T. Thomas, R. Sauer, and B. Cantrell. 2015. Range expansions and new drainage records for select Illinois fishes. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 108:47-52.

Tiemann, J.S., T.D. Thomas, and J.M. Epifanio. 2015. Distribution and status of the state-endangered Redspotted Sunfish Lepomis miniatus in Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 108:13-15.

Tiemann, J.S., W.R. Posey, K.S. Cummings, K.J. Irwin, and B. Turner. 2013. First occurrences of Lithasia armigera and Lithasia verrucosa (Gastropoda: Pleuroceridae) in the Mississippi River. Southeastern Naturalist 12(4):N35-N39.

Johnson, P.D., A.E. Bogan, K.M. Brown, N.M. Burkhead, J.R. Cordeiro, J.T. Garner, P.D. Hartfield, D.A.W. Lepitzki, G.L. Mackie, E. Pip, T.A. Tarpley, J.S. Tiemann, N.V. Whelan, and E.E. Strong. 2013. Conservation status of freshwater gastropods of Canada and the United States. Fisheries 38(6):247-282.

Selected Service Activities

  • Past-President of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society
  • The Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society’s liaison to the American Fisheries Society 
  • Co-chair of the Catfish 2020 - the Third International Catfish Symposium
  • Member of the American Fisheries Society's Endangered Species Committee - Gastropod Subcommittee
  • Member of the Illinois Endangered Species Technical Advisory Committee on fishes and on invertebrates
  • Past-president of the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society

Honors and Awards

  • Best Professional Paper Award from the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
  • Best Poster Award from the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
  • Recipient of the Young Professional Mentoring Program Award from the American Fisheries Society
  • Best Poster Award from the Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
  • Best Professional Poster Award in the Water Quality Section from the American Fisheries Society
  • Recipient of the Otto Tiemeier - Frank Cross Award from the Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society for outstanding scholastic achievement in aquatic sciences

LDAP Details for Tiemann, Jeremy S