Mwakanyamale-Gilkie, Kisa

Associate Research Scientist, Geophysics

Address and Contact Information

615 East Peabody Dr.
M/C 650
464 Natural Resource Building
Champaign, IL  61820


  • Ph.D., Geophysics, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey - Newark, 2012
  • M.S., Geology, Western Michigan University, 2007
  • B.S., Geology, University of Dar es Salaam, 2005

Research Biography

Selected Publications

Mwakanyamale, K., F. D. Lewis and L. D. Slater, (2013), Statistical mapping of zones of focused groundwater/surface-water exchange using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing, Water Resources Research49, P. 1-6,  DOI: 10.1002/wrcr.20458.

Mwakanyamale, K., L. Slater, F. D. Lewis, M. Elwaseif, D. Ntarlagiannis and C. Johnson, (2012), Spatially variable stage-driven groundwater-surface water interaction inferred from time-frequency analysis of distributed temperature sensing data, Geophysical Research Letters39, L06401, doi:10.1029/2011GL050824.

Mwakanyamale, K., L. Slater, A. Binley and D. Ntarlagiannis, (2012), Lithologic Imaging Using Complex Conductivity: Lessons Learned from the Hanford 300 Area, Geophysics77 (6), P. 113, 10.1190/GEO2011-0407.1.

Slater, L. D., D. Ntarlagiannis, F. D. Day-Lewis, K. Mwakanyamale, R. J. Versteeg, A. Ward, C. Strickland, C. D. Johnson, and J. W. Lane (2010), Use of electrical imaging and distributed temperature sensing methods to characterize surface water–groundwater exchange regulating uranium transport at the Hanford 300 Area, Washington, Water Resources Research46 (10), 1-13.

 Kirschner, J. P., M. A. Kominz, and K. E. Mwakanyamale (2010), Quantifying extension of passive margins: Implications for sea level change, Tectonics29.

LDAP Details for Mwakanyamale-Gilkie, Kisa