Hedman, Kristin Marie

Section Head, Interdisciplinary Research
Assistant Director for Bioarchaeology

Address and Contact Information

209 Nuclear Phys Lab
M/C 571


Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.A. Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
B.A. Sociology/Classical Languages, North Dakota State University

Research Biography


Kristin Hedman is a physical anthropologist specializing in human osteology, paleopathology and bioarchaeology. Her research interests focus on mortuary behavior and skeletal evidence of health, activity and interactions; isotopic evidence of diet and population movement; and the social implications of cultural modification of human bone, both pre- and post-mortem. Much of her research has focused on prehistoric populations of the American Bottom region in Illinois. Kristin has supervised ISAS Bioarchaeology projects and staff since 1989. As Associate Director of the Program on Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials, Kristin helps to integrate and facilitate interdisciplinary scientific research projects focusing on archaeological materials and ancient technologies, both within ISAS and with other University units and Institutions.

Honors and Awards

Certified Skeletal Analyst with the State of Illinois
$10,000 UIUC Research Board Grant (2011); Stable Isotope Analysis of Early Mississippian Diet at Cahokia: A Pilot Study.

Current Projects

Cahokia Collapse Project: osteological analysis, stable isotope and strontium analysis, AMS dating and DNA analysis of Late Prehistoric Cahokia populations

Cahokia Mound 72: apply stable isotope, strontium, AMS dates, and DNA analysis to investigate variation in diet and place of origin as they relate sex, status, genetic and temporal differences within this unique mortuary feature

Upper Mississippian Tribalization Project

Culturally Modified Bone and Teeth

Stable Isotope Analysis

Strontium Analysis

Selected Publications

2012 Co-editor of edited volume entitled Redefining Death: Modified Human Bone in the Prehistoric Midwest. (Eve Hargrave, Shirley Schermer, Kristin Hedman and Robin Lillie). Accepted for publication by University of Alabama Press in December 2012.

2012 Oakwood Mound: A Langford Mortuary Site in Will County, Illinois (Michael Strezewski, Kristin M. Hedman and Thomas E. Emerson). The Wisconsin Archaeologist 93(2):3–107.

2010 Health and Diet at the Drda Site (11MS32), Madison County, Illinois. Illinois Archaeology 22(2):668–689. (Yu Dong, Kristin M. Hedman, and Eve A. Hargrave).

2010 Langford Mortuary Patterns as Reflected in the Material Service Quarry Site in the Upper Illinois River Valley. (Thomas E. Emerson, Kristin M. Hedman, Robert E. Warrant, and Mary L. Simon). The Wisconsin Archaeologist 91(1):1–77.

2010 AMS 14C Dating of Human Bone Using Sequential Pyrolysis and Combustion of Collagen. (Hong Wang, Stanley H. Ambrose, Kristin M. Hedman and Thomas E. Emerson). Radiocarbon 52(1):157–163.

2009 Variation in Strontium Isotope Ratios of Archaeological Fauna in the Midwestern United States: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Archaeological Sciences 36(1):64–73. (Kristin M. Hedman, B. Brandon Curry, Thomas M. Johnson, Paul D. Fullagar and Thomas E. Emerson).

2008 The Luthy Alps Site: AMS Dates, Stable Isotopes, and Maize Consumption in the Central Illinois River Valley at the Late Woodland-Mississippian Interface. Illinois Archaeology 20:48-84. (Kristin M. Hedman and Thomas E. Emerson).

2006 Late Cahokian Subsistence and Health: Stable Isotope and Dental Evidence. Southeastern Archaeology Journal 25(2):258–274.

2006 Archaeological Investigations at the Kendall Hill Site (11MS93). Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, Research Reports No. 51. (Kristin M. Hedman and Douglas K. Jackson).

2006 Two Short-Nosed God Maskettes Found with Hacker Mound #3, Burial #7, Jersey County, Illinois. In Illinois Hopewell and Late Woodland Mounds: The Excavations of Gregory Perino 1950–1975, by Gregory Perino, assembled and edited by Kenneth B, Farnsworth and Michael D. Wiant, pp. 654–672. Studies in Archaeology No. 4. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois, Urbana. (Kenneth B. Farnsworth, Thomas E. Emerson and Kristin Hedman).

2005 Marginal Horticulturalists or Maize Agriculturalists? Archaeobotanical, Paleopathological, Isotopic, and Archaeological Studies Related to Langford Subsistence,Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 30(1):67–119. (Thomas Emerson, Kristin Hedman and Mary Simon).

2003 Death and Ritual in Early Rural Cahokia. (Thomas E. Emerson, Eve A. Hargrave and Kristin M. Hedman). In Theory, Method and Technique in Modern Archaeology, edited by Robert J. Jeske and Douglas K. Charles, pp. 163–181. Praeger, Westport.

2002 Inter- and Intra-site Comparisons of Mississippian Diet in the American Bottom: Results of Recent Stable Isotope Analysis of Bone Collagen and Apatite. (Kristin M. Hedman, Eve A. Hargrave and Stanley H. Ambrose). Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 27(2):237–271.

2002 Isolated Human Burials at the Fingers Site (11S333 West), St. Clair County, Illinois. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, Research Reports No. 84.

2001 The Cunningham Site: An Early Late Woodland Occupation in the American Bottom (Madison County, Illinois). Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, Research Report No. 41. ( Michael C. Meinkoth, Dale L. McElrath and Kristin Hedman).

2001 Recent Investigations into Late Prehistoric Mortuary Behavior: The Halliday Site (11-S-27). Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, Research Report No. 50. (Eve Hargrave and Kristin Hedman).

2000 Recent Investigations into Late Prehistoric Mortuary Behavior: The Halliday Site (11S27), Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, Research Report No. 50. Urbana, Illinois. (Eve Hargrave and Kristin Hedman).

1999 The Hill Prairie Mounds: The Osteological Investigation of a Late Middle Mississippian Mortuary Complex. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, Research Report No. 6. (Kristin Hedman and Eve Hargrave).

1998 Summary Report on the 1995 Excavations at the Barton Site (23SL9), St. Louis County, Missouri. Missouri Archaeologist 59:99–124. (Joseph M. Galloy, Ronald L. Sanders, Brent Vollman, James Fitzsimmons, Eleanor A. Reber, Kathryn E. Parker, Eve A. Hargrave and Kristin M. Hedman).

1997 Perkinson Site (23SL69) Osteological Investigations, ITARP Research Report No. 46. Eve A. Hargrave and Kristin Hedman. In Late Prehistoric Life Along the Missouri River I: The Barton Site (23SL69), edited by Joseph M. Galloy. Prepared for TAMS Consultants, Inc. by Hanson Engineers, Inc.

1997 Hill Prairie Site (11Ms100), Mound 251: Osteological Investigations. (Kristin Hedman and Eve A. Hargrave). In Archaeological Investigations at Mound Ms°251 of the Hill Prairie Mound Group (11MS100) Madison County, Illinois, by Joseph Galloy. Report prepared for Sunset Terrace Associates, by Hanson Engineers Incorporated.

1997 Mortuary Features and Human Remains. In Archaeological Investigations for the Relocation of Valmeyer, Monroe County, Illinois. Volume 3: The Stemler Bluff Site. PSAP Research Report No. 28, by Gregory R. Walz.

1995 Human Remains, In The Sister Creeks Site: Middle Woodland Mortuary Practices, by Michael C. Meinkoth. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, Research Report No. 2.

1993 Skeletal Remains from a Historic Sauk Village (11Ri81), Rock Island County, Illinois, Illinois Archaeology 5:537–548.

LDAP Details for Hedman, Kristin Marie