image for Maxson, Kristopher Andrew

Maxson, Kristopher Andrew

Associate Research Scientist, Large River Fish Ecology

Address and Contact Information

1816 S. Oak St.
M/C 652
Champaign, IL  61820


M.S. Biology - Missouri State University, 2016
B.A. Molecular Biology - Blackburn College, 2009

Professional Affiliations

American Fisheries Society, Ecological Society of America, Society of Freshwater Science, Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee

Research Biography

Selected Publications

  1. Harris BS, Spear MJ, Whitten AL, Hine EC, Lenaerts AW, Mathis AT, Maxson KA, Myers M, Oubre M, Schaick J, Solomon LE, Wieland AT, Williams JA, Lamer JT (2023) Invasive Round goby Neogobius melanostomus distribution, relative abundance, and establishment in pools of the Illinois Waterway following 30 years of invasion, Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 39:1.
  2. Maxson KA, Whitten AL, Harris BS, Happel A, Butler SE, Parkos III JJ, Casper AF, Lamer JT (2023) First records of the fishhook waterflea Cercopagis pengoi Ostroumov, 1891 in the Mississippi River Basin, Illinois Waterway, USA. BioInvasions Record 12(4):1079-1087.
  3. Altenritter ME., DeBoer JA, Maxson KM, Casper AF, Lamer JT (2022) Ecosystem responses to aquatic invasive species management: A synthesis of two decades of bigheaded carp suppression in a large river. Journal of Environmental Management 305:114354.
  4. Ickes BS, Bowler MC, Bartels AD, Maxson KA (2022) Fisheries Indicators. In: Houser JN, ed., 2022, Ecological status and trends of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2022–1039, 199 p.,
  5. Solomon LE, Casper AF, Maxson KA, Lamer JT, Ford TW, Blodgett KD, Hobson T, Perry D, Grider NT, Hilsabeck RB, Cook TR, Irons KS, McClelland MA, O’Hara TM (2022) A case study of large floodplain river restoration: two decades of monitoring the Merwin Preserve and lessons learned through water level fluctuations and uncontrolled reconnection to a large river. WETLANDS 42, 59.
  6. Chick JH, Colaninno CE, Beyer AM, Brown KB, Dopson CT, Enzerink AO, Goesmann SR, Higgins T, Knutzen NQ, Laute EN, Long PM, Ottenfeld PL, Uehling AT, Ward LC, Maxson KA, Ratcliff EN, Lubinski BJ, Gittinger EJ (2020) Following the edge of the flood: use of shallow-water habitat by larval silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in the upper Mississippi river system. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 35:95-104.
  7. Solomon LE, Pendleton RM, Maxson KA, Gibson-Reinemer DK, Anderson CA, Lampo EG, Lamer JT, Casper AF (2019) Status, trends and population demographics of selected sportfish species in the La Grange Reach of the Illinois River. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 42:2019002.
  8. Havel JE, Knight SE, Maxson KA (2017) A field test on the effectiveness of milfoil weevil for controlling Eurasian watermilfoil in Wisconsin lakes. Hydrobiologia 800:81-97.

LDAP Details for Maxson, Kristopher Andrew