2024 Aiuvalasit, M., J. Lambert, A., White, and T. Pauketat (eds.) An assessment of the impacts of climate change on cultural heritage in Illinois. Illinois State Archaeological Survey. https://hdl.handle.net/2142/125136
2023 Aiuvalasit, M.J. and I.A. Jorgeson. Combining Paleohydrology and Least-Cost Analyses to Assess the Vulnerabilities of Ancestral Pueblo Communities to Water Insecurity in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico. American Antiquity 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1017/aaq.2023.67
2022 Neely, J. A., M.J. Aiuvalasit, and Barbara M. Winsborough. Relict canals of the Tehuacán Valley, Mexico: A Middle-to Late-Holocene dryland socio-hydrological system. The Holocene 32(12): 1422-1436. https://doi.org/10.1177/09596836221121774
2021 Roos, C. I., C. I., T. W. Swetnam, T. J. Ferguson, M. J. Liebmann, R. A. Loehman, J. R. Welch, E. Q. Margolis, C. H. Guiterman, W. C. Hockaday, M. J. Aiuvalasit, J. Battillo, J. Farella, C. A. Kiahtipes. Native American Fire Management at an Ancient Wildland-Urban Interface in the Southwest US. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(4): e2018733118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2018733118
2021 Skousen, B. J., and M. Aiuvalasit. Questioning the Native American Population Rebound in the Horseshoe Lake Watershed from AD 1500 to AD 1700. American Antiquity 86(1): 199-202. https://doi.org/10.1017/aaq.2020.74
2020 Brelsford, C., M. Dumas, E. Schlager, B. Dermody, M. Aiuvalasit, …. & S. Zipper. Methods for understanding how complex social and hydrological systems can contribute to Sustainability Science. Ecology and Society 25(2): 23. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-11515-250223
2020 Aiuvalasit, M., Riley, T., and J. Schuldenrein. Multi-proxy evidence for rapid and enduring prehistoric anthropogenic vegetation change during the Late Holocene from an oxbow of the Mississippi River, Wapanocca Bayou, Arkansas, USA. Geoarchaeology 35(3), 351-365. https://doi.org/10.1002/gea.21773