Osborn, J.M., H.M. Hagy, M.D. McClanahan, J.B. Davis, and M.J. Gray. 2021. Habitat selection and foraging strategy of American black ducks Anas rubripes wintering in Tennessee. Wildfowl (In press).
McClanahan, M.D., J.M. Osborn, H.M. Hagy, J.B. Davis, R.M. Wheat, and M.J. Gray. 2021. Alligatorweed control in seasonal wetlands. Journal of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (In press).
Klimas, S.K., J.M. Osborn, D.C. Osborne, J.D. Lancaster, C.N. Jaques, A.P. Yetter, and H.M. Hagy. 2020. Body condition of spring-migrating green-winged teal. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98:96–104.
Merrill, L., J.M. Levengood, Hagy, H.M., J.M. Osborn, L. Merrill, and J.C. England. 2018. Blood parasite infection linked to condition of spring-migrating lesser scaup. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96:1145–1152.
Osborn, J.M., H.M. Hagy, McClanahan, M.D., and M.J. Gray. 2017. Habitat selection and activities of dabbling ducks during non-breeding periods. Journal of Wildlife Management.81:1482–1493.
Osborn, J.M., H.M. Hagy, M.D. McClanahan, and M.J. Gray. 2017. Temporally-robust models for predicting seed yield of moist-soil plants. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:157–161.
England, J.C., J.M. Levengood, J.M Osborn, A.P. Yetter, J.M. Kinsella, R.A. Cole, C.D. Suski, and H.M. Hagy. 2016. Spatiotemporal distributions of intestinal helminths from female lesser scaup Aythya affinis during spring migration in the upper Midwest, USA. Journal of Helminthology 91:479–490.
England, J.C., J.M. Levengood, J.M. Osborn, A.P. Yetter, C.D. Suski, R.A. Cole, and H.M. Hagy. 2018. Associations of Intestinal Helminth Infections with Health Parameters of Spring-Migrating Female Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) in the Upper Midwest, USA. Parisitology Research 117:1877–1890.