Matthews, J.W., G.E. Pociask, E.P.F. Price and A.E. Krzywicka. 2019. Flood exposure affects long-term tree survival in compensatory mitigation wetlands. Wetlands.
Pociask, G.E., S.E. Benton, J.L.B. Monson, E.T. Plankell, A.M. Noyes, Katharine L. Schleich, K.W. Carr, J.J. Richardson, M.K. Marti, and L.A. Schafer, 2018, Annual report for active IDOT wetland mitigation and hydrologic monitoring sites: September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2018: Illinois State Geological Survey Open-File Series 2018-3, Champaign, Illinois, 189 p.
Carr, K.W. and G.E. Pociask, 2018, Investigation Riverine Sediment Removal at a Large Restored Floodplain Wetland, La Grange Wetland Bank Site, Brown County, Illinois. Abstract: Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Krzywicka, A.E., D.A. Grimley, G.E. Pociask, and J.W. Matthews, 2017, Hydrology and soil magnetic susceptibility as predictors of planted trees survival in a restored floodplain forest, Ecological Engineering, 103, A: 275-287.
Jessop, J., G. Spyreas, G.E. Pociask, T.J. Benson, M.P. Ward, A.D. Kent, and J.W. Matthews, 2015, Tradeoffs among ecosystem services in restored wetlands, Biological Conservation, 191: 341-348.
Pociask, G.E. and J.W. Matthews, 2013, Restoration Progress and Flood Disturbance at IDOT Wetland Mitigation Sites. Research Report FHWA-ICT-13-016, Illinois Center for Transportation, 31 p.
Pociask, G.E. 2009. An investigation of the hydrology, soil moisture and redox conditions in a southern Illinois floodplain subject to high-frequency, short duration floods: Final Program, Society of Wetland Scientists 30th International Wetlands Meeting, Madison, WI, USA, June 22-26, 2009, 172 p.
Pociask, G.E. and K.W. Carr. 2005. Illinois River Floodplain Wetland Restoration: Hydrology of the La Grange Wetland Mitigation Bank. Poster presentation — Proceedings of the Governors Conference on the Management of the Illinois River 2005. October 4-6, 2005. Peoria, IL.
Pociask, G.E., K.W. Carr, and B.A. Watson, 2005, Level II Hydrogeologic Characterization Report: La Grange Wetland Mitigation Bank: Illinois State Geological Survey Open-File Series 2005-2, Champaign, Illinois, 95 p.
Pociask, G.E., 2004, Harrisburg Potential Wetland Compensation Site: Level II Hydrogeologic Characterization Report, Illinois State Geological Survey Open File Series 2004-7, Champaign, Illinois, 36 p.
Pociask, G.E. and B.L. Rhoads, 2002, Measurement of Asymmetry for Evaluating Channel Morphology in Illinois Streams with Bendway Weirs. Proceedings of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 17–23.