Rudzki, E. N., N. D. Antonson, T. M. Jones, W. M. Schelsky, B. K. Trevelline, M. E. Hauber, and K. D. Kohl. 2024. Host avian species and environmental conditions influence the microbial ecology of brood parasitic brown-headed cowbird nestlings: What rules the roost? Molecular Ecology 33, e17289.
Matthews, A. E., Boves, T. J., Sweet, A. D., Ames, E. M., Bulluck, L. P., Johnson, E. I., Johnson, M., Lipshutz, S. E., Percy, K. L., Raybuck, D. W., Schelsky, W. M., Tonra, C. M., Viverette, C. B. & Wijeratne, A. J. 2023. Novel insights into symbiont population structure: Globe-trotting avian feather mites contradict the specialist–generalist variation hypothesis. Molecular ecology. 32, 19, p. 5260-5275 16 p.
Matthews, A. E., Boves, T. J., Percy, K. L., Schelsky, W. M. & Wijeratne, A. J. 2023. Population Genomics of Pooled Samples: Unveiling Symbiont Infrapopulation Diversity and Host–Symbiont Coevolution. Life. 13, 10, 2054.
Antonson, N. D., M. E. Hauber, Schelsky, W. M. , H. M. Scharf, L. Bulluck, C. Viverette, S. Pirro, and T. J. Boves. 2022. The complete genome sequence of Protonotaria Citrea, the Prothonotary Warbler. Biodiversity Genomes, October
Antonson, N. D., W. M. Schelsky, D. Tolman, R. M. Kilner, and M. E. Hauber. 2022. Niche construction through a Goldilocks principle maximizes fitness for a nest-sharing brood parasite. Proceedings Royal Society B: 289 20221223.
Scharf. H. M., M. E. Hauber, K. H. Stenstrom, W. M. Schelsky. 2022. Should I stay or should I go: the effect of avian brood parasitism on host fledging dynamics. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76, 64.
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Scharf, H. M., M. Abolins-Abols, K. H. Stenstrom, D. T. Tolman, W. M. Schelsky, M. E. Hauber. 2021. Exposure to a mimetic or non-mimetic model avian brood parasite egg does not produce differential glucocorticoid responses in an egg-acceptor host species. General and Comparative Endocrinology 304 (2021) 113723.
Parker, C., W. M. Schelsky, and J. P. Hoover. 2021. Pyrodiversity matters: wild turkey habitat selection in a fire managed landscape. Forest Ecology & Management 493 119227.
Scharf, H. M., M. E. Hauber, B. C. Mommer, J. P. Hoover, and W. M. Schelsky. 2021. The effect of avian brood parasitism on physiological responses of host nestlings. Oecologia 195: 861-872.
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