Glandon, H.L., Reed, E.M., Peterson, S.D., Roswell, C.R., Schmidt, A.R., Chick, J.H., Thomas, S.M., Forsythe, P.S., Ruetz III, C.R., and Czesny, S.C. 2024. Nearshore and embayment zooplankton community structure in Lake Michigan, implications for bigheaded carps. Journal of Great Lakes Research 50 (2024) 102405.
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Rantala, H.M., A.M. Nelson, J.N. Fulgoni, M.R. Whiles, R.O. Hall, Jr., W.K. Dodds, P. Verberg, A.D. Huryn, C.M. Pringle, S.S. Kilham, K.R. Lips, C. Colon-Gaud A.T. Rugenski, S.D. Peterson, K. Fritz, K.E. McLeran, and S. Connelly. 2015. Long-term changes in structure and function of a tropical headwater stream following a disease-driven amphibian decline. Freshwater Biology 60: 575-589.
Dodds, W.K., S.M. Collins, S.K. Hamilton, J.L. Tank, S. Johnson, J.R. Webster, K.S. Simon, M.R. Whiles, H.M. Rantala, W.H. McDowell, S.D. Peterson, T. Riis, C.L. Crenshaw, S.A. Thomas, P.B. Kristensen, B.M. Cheever, A.S. Flecker, N.A. Griffiths, T. Crowl, E.J. Rosi-Marshall, R. El-Sabaawi, and E. Marti. 2014. You are not always what we think you eat: selective assimilation across multiple whole-stream isotopic tracer studies. Ecology 95: 2757-2767.
Whiles, M.R., R.O. Hall, W.K. Dodds, P. Verburg, A.D. Huryn, C.M. Pringle, K.R. Lips, S.S. Kilham, C. Colon-Gaud, A.T. Rugenski, S. Peterson, and S. Connelly. 2013. Disease-driven amphibian declines alter ecosystem processes in a tropical stream. Ecosystems 16: 146-157.
Meyer, C.K., S.D. Peterson, and M.R. Whiles. 2011. Quantitative assessment of yield, precision, and cost-effectiveness of three wetland invertebrate sampling techniques. Wetlands 31: 101-112.
Colon-Gaud, J.C., M.R. Whiles, K.R. Lips, C.M. Pringle, S.S. Kilham, S. Connelly, R. Brenes, and S.D. Peterson. 2010. Stream invertebrate responses to a catastrophic decline in consumer diversity. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29: 1185-1198.
Colon-Gaud, J.C., M.R. Whiles, R. Brenes, S.S. Kilham, K.R. Lips, C.M. Pringle, S. Connelly, and S.D. Peterson. 2010. Potential functional redundancy and resource facilitation between tadpoles and insect grazers in tropical headwater streams. Freshwater Biology 55: 2077-2088.
Whiles, M.R., M.I. Gladyshev, N.N. Sushchik, O.N. Makhutova, G.S.Kalachova, S.D. Peterson, and K.J. Regester. 2010. Fatty acid analyses reveal high degrees of omnivory and dietary plasticity in pond-dwelling tadpoles. Freshwater Biology 55: 1533-1547.
Colon-Gaud, J.C., M.R. Whiles, S.S. Kilham, K.R. Lips, C.M. Pringle, S. Connelly, and S.D. Peterson. 2009. Assessing ecological responses to catastrophic amphibian declines: patterns of macroinvertebrate production and food web structure in upland Panamanian streams. Limnology and Oceanography 54(1): 331-343.
Colon-Gaud, J.C., S.D. Peterson, M.R. Whiles, S.S. Kilham, K.R. Lips, and C.M. Pringle. 2008. Allochthonous litter inputs, organic matter standing stocks, and organic seston dynamics in upland Panamanian streams: potential effects of larval amphibians on organic matter dynamics. Hydrobiologia 603: 301-312.
Whiles, M.R., K.R. Lips, C.M. Pringle, S.S. Kilham, R.J. Bixby, R. Brenes, S. Connelly, J.C. Colon-Gaud, M. Hunte-Brown, A.D. Huryn, C. Montgomery, and S.D. Peterson. 2006. The effects of amphibian population declines on the structure and function of neotropical stream ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4: 27-34.