image for Ford, Trenton Wayne

Ford, Trenton Wayne

Illinois State Climatologist
Assistant Scientist, Climatology

Address and Contact Information

2204 S. Griffith
M/C 674
Champaign, IL  61820
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Research Biography

Trent has expertise in hydroclimatology and climate extremes including drought and heat waves. He leads work to better understand water movement between the land and atmosphere, how these processes create or worsen extreme weather, and how we can better monitor and predict societal impacts. Through his work as the Illinois State Climatologist, Trent has significant experience in stakeholder and decision maker outreach and communication of climate science. He regularly engages with communities, industries, and local to federal level agencies in Illinois and the Midwest in hazard early warning, preparedness, and mitigation, and helps to identify climate solutions from local to global scales. 

Illinois Experts Profile


Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas

Ph.D. (Geography): August 2015

Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas

Master of Science (Geography): May 2013

Illinois State University - Normal, Illinois

Bachelor of Science (Geography): May 2011

LDAP Details for Ford, Trenton Wayne