image for Trivellone, Valeria

Trivellone, Valeria

Assistant Research Scientist, Vector Ecology

Address and Contact Information

1816 S. Oak Street
M/C 652
Champaign, IL  61820
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After receiving a M.S. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Pisa in 2003, Trivellone received her Ph.D. in biology from the University of Neuchâtel in 2016. She worked as a research assistant at the Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and Agroscope in Switzerland. In 2018, she worked at the Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois (US) as a postdoctoral fellow for 5 years. Since 2023, she has been working at the Illinois Natural History Survey (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) as an assistant research scientist in Vector Ecology.

Academic Interests

Valeria Trivellone is an ecologist and evolutionary biologist and her work ranges from field studies of the evolution of host-pathogen systems in natural and agricultural habitats to foundational studies of the ecological theory of community assembly and coexistence.
Her current focus is integrating evolutionary principles with ecological theories into understanding the relationship between global changes (e.g. land use) and emerging disease using the Stockholm Paradigm. From such insights stems a proactive policy proposal (DAMA protocol) to anticipate pathogen outbreaks to reduce the disease costs of food production.

Keywords: Auchenorrhyncha; agroecology; biodiversity; evolutionary ecology; exotic species; functional community ecology; insect conservation; plant-insect-microbe interactions; taxonomy; vector ecology

Selected Publications

Trivellone, V., Cao, Y., Dietrich C.H. (2022) .Comparison of Traditional and Next-Generation Approaches for Uncovering Phytoplasma Diversity, with Discovery of New Groups, Subgroups and Potential Vectors. Biology,11(7), 977

Trivellone, V., Hoberg, E. P., Boeger, W. A., & Brooks, D. R. (2022). Food security and emerging infectious disease: risk assessment and risk management. Royal Society Open Science, 9(2), 211687

Trivellone, V., Wei, W., Filippin, L., Dietrich, C.H. (2021). Screening potential insect vectors in a museum biorepository reveals undiscovered diversity of plant pathogens in natural areas. Ecology and Evolution, 11(11), 6493-6503.

Brooks, D.R., Hoberg, E. P., Boeger, W.A., Trivellone, V. (2021). Emerging infectious disease: an underappreciated area of strategic concern for food security. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Trivellone, V., Dietrich, C.H. (2021). Evolutionary Diversification in Insect Vector–Phytoplasma–Plant Associations. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. saaa048,

Brooks, D. R., Hoberg, E. P., Boeger, W. A., Gardner, S. L., Araujo, S. B., Bajer, K., ... Trivellone, V. (2020). Before the pandemic ends: making sure this never happens again. World complexity Science Academy Journal 1(1).

Cao, Y., Trivellone, V., Dietrich, C.H. A timetree for phytoplasmas (Mollicutes) with new insights on patterns of evolution and diversification (2020). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

Trivellone, V., Ripamonti, M., Angelini, E., Filippin, L., Rossi, M., Marzachí, C., Galetto, L. 2019. Evidence suggesting interactions between immunodominant membrane protein Imp of Flavescence dorée phytoplasma and protein extracts from distantly related insect species. Journal of applied microbiology, 127(6), 1801-1813

Trivellone, V. 2019. An online global database of Hemiptera-Phytoplasma-Plant biological interactions. Biodiversity Data Journal. Biodivers. Data J. 7: e32910.

Trivellone, V. 2018. Hemiptera-Phytoplasma-Plant database links. (

Trivellone, V., Dietrich, C. H., Dmitriev, D., Yoder, M. 2018. TaxonWorks: A Use Case in Documenting Complex Biological Relationships. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 2, e25723.

Trivellone, V., Bougeard, S., Giavi, S., Krebs, P., Balseiro, D., Dray, S., & Moretti, M. 2017. Factors shaping community assemblages and species co‐occurrence of different trophic levels. Ecology and evolution, 7(13), 4745-4754.

Vandegehuchte, M.L, Trivellone V., Schütz, M., Firn J., de Schaetzen F., Risch A.C. 2017. Mammalian herbivores affect leafhoppers associated with specific plant functional types at different timescales. Functional ecology.

Trivellone, V., Filippin, L., Narduzzi-Wicht, B., Angelini, E. 2016. A regional-scale survey to define the known and potential vectors of grapevine yellow phytoplasmas in vineyards South of Swiss Alps. European journal of plant pathology, 145(4), 915-927

Mitrović M., Jakovljević M., Jović J., Krstić O., Kosovac A., Trivellone V., Jermini M., Toševski I., Cvrković T. 2016. 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani' genotypes associated with potato stolbur in Serbia and the role of Hyalesthes obsoletus and Reptalus panzeri (hemiptera, cixiidae) as natural vectors. European journal of Plant Pathology, 144: 619 – 630.

Trivellone V., Pollini Paltrinieri L., Jermini M., Moretti M. 2012. Management pressure drives leafhopper communities in vineyards in Southern Switzerland. Insect Conservation and diversity, 5: 75-85.

Pinzauti F., Trivellone V., Bagnoli B. 2008. Ability of Reptalus quinquecostatus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) to inoculate Stolbur phytoplasma to artificial feeding medium. Annals of applied biology, 153 (3): 299-305.

Selected Service Activities

Topic Editor, Insect


Ph.D., Biology, University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland),  2016
M.S., Environmental Sciences, University of Pisa (Italy), 2003

LDAP Details for Trivellone, Valeria