image for Kelly, Walt

Kelly, Walt

Groundwater Geochemist
Adjunct Professor, Geography-Geology, Illinois State University
Institute Affiliate

Address and Contact Information

Prairie Research Institute
Illinois State Water Survey
2204 Griffith Dr, Room 401
Champaign, IL  61820


Ph.D., Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, 1993

M.S., Geological Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, 1984

B.S., magna cum laude, Geology, Duke University, 1981



Research Biography

Other campus affiliations

Adjunct Professor, Geography-Geology, Illinois State University

Professional Affiliations

Geological Society of America

American Geophysical Union

National Ground Water Association

Sigma Xi

Illinois Groundwater Association

Research Interests

Water quality and geochemical research, primarily in groundwater but also surface water. Research topics include nitrate, arsenic, urban water quality, and geochemical processes in aquifers.

Selected Publications

Recent peer-reviewed publications:


Panno, S.V., W.R. Kelly, J. Scott, W. Zheng, R.E. McNeish, N. Holm, T.J. Hoellein, and E.L. Baranski, 2019. Microplastic contamination in karst groundwater Systems. Groundwater. 57(2):189-196. doi:10.1111/gwat.12862

Kelly, W.R., S.V. Panno, K.C. Hackley, D.R. Hadley, and D.H. Mannix, 2018. Paleohydrogeology of a Paleozoic sandstone aquifer within an intracratonic basin: Geochemical and structural controls. Journal of Hydrology. 565(2018):805–818. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.09.004.

Panno, S.V., Z. Askari, W.R. Kelly, T.M. Parris and K.C. Hackley, 2018. Recharge and groundwater flow within an intracratonic basin, Midwestern U.S. Groundwater. 56(1):32–45. DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12545

Dodgen, L.K., W.R. Kelly, S.V. Panno, S.J. Taylor, D.L. Armstrong, K.N. Wiles, Y. Zhang, and W. Zheng, 2017. Characterizing pharmaceutical, personal care product, and hormone contamination in a karst aquifer of southwestern Illinois, USA, using water quality and stream flow parameter. Science of the Total Environment. 578 (2017): 281–289.

Morris, L., S.D. Wilson, and W.R. Kelly, 2016. Methods of conducting effective outreach to private well owners – a literature review. Journal of Water and Health. 14(2):167-82. DOI: 10.2166/wh.2015.081.

Zhang, Y., W.R. Kelly, S.V. Panno, and W.-T. Liu, 2014. Tracing fecal pollution sources in karst groundwater by Bacteroidales genetic biomarkers, bacterial indicators, and environmental variables. Science of The Total Environment 490:1082–1090. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.05.086.

Panno, S.V., K.C. Hackley, R.A. Locke, I.G. Krapac, B. Wimmer, A. Iranmanesh, and W.R. Kelly, 2013. Formation waters from Cambrian-age strata, Illinois Basin, USA: Constraints on their origin and evolution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 122:184–197. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2013.08.021.


Panno, S.V., W.R. Kelly, J.C. Angel, and D.E. Luman, 2013. Hydrogeologic and topographic controls on evolution of karst features in Illinois’ sinkhole plain. Carbonates and Evaporites 28:13-21. DOI 10.1007/s13146-013-0157-2. 

Li, X., W. Zheng, and W.R. Kelly, 2013. Occurrence and removal of pharmaceutical and hormone contaminants in rural wastewater treatment lagoons. Science of the Total Environment 445–446(2013):22–28. 

Kelly, W.R., S.V. Panno, and K.C. Hackley, 2012. Impacts of road salt runoff of the Chicago, Illinois, region. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience 18(1):65-81. 

Kelly, W.R., S.V. Panno, K.C. Hackley, H.-H. Hwang, A.T. Martinsek, and M. Markus, 2010. Using chloride and other ions to trace sewage and road salt in the Illinois Waterway. Applied Geochemistry 25(5):661-673.

Walker, P., W.R. Kelly, K.D. Smiciklas and T. Kelley, 2009. Field Application of processed manure upon water quality and crop productivity. Journal of Agronomy 8(2):49-59.


Kelly, W.R., S.V. Panno, K.C. Hackley, A.T. Martinsek, I.G. Krapac, C.P. Weibel, and E.C. Storment, 2009. Bacteria contamination of groundwater in a mixed land-use karst region. Water Quality, Exposure and Health. 1(2):69-78.


Kelly, W.R., and S.V. Panno, 2008. Some considerations in applying background concentrations to ground water studies. Ground Water 46(6):790-792.

Holm, T.R., W.R. Kelly, S.D. Wilson, and J. Talbott, 2008. Arsenic removal in Illinois. Journal of the American Water Works Association 100(9):139-150.

Kelly, W.R., 2008. Long-term trends in chloride concentrations in shallow aquifers near Chicago. Ground Water 46(5):772-781.

Panno, S.V., W.R. Kelly, K.C. Hackley, H.-H. Hwang, and A.T. Martinsek, 2008. Sources and fate of nitrate in the Illinois River Basin, Illinois. Journal of Hydrology 359(1-2):174-188.


Reports available on-line:

Knapp, H.V., J.R. Angel, J.R. Atkins, L. Bard, E. Getahun, K.J. Hlinka, L.L. Keefer, W.R. Kelly, and G.S. Roadcap, 2017. The 2012 Drought in Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Report of Investigation 123, Champaign, IL, 99 p.

Mannix, D.H., D.B. Abrams, G.S. Roadcap, D.R. Hadley, and W.R. Kelly, 2017. Groundwater Depletion in Chicago's Southwestern Suburbs. Illinois State Water Survey Miscellaneous Publication 208, Champaign, IL, 2 p.

Panno, S.V., P.G. Millhouse, R.W. Nyboer, D. Watson, W.R. Kelly, L.M. Anderson, C.C. Abert, and D.E. Luman. 2016. Guide to the Geology, Hydrogeology, History, Archaeology, and Biotic Ecology of the Driftless Area of Northwestern Illinois, Jo Daviess County. Illinois State Geological Survey Guidebook 42, Champaign, IL.

Kelly, W.R., D. Hadley, and D. Mannix, 2016. Shallow Groundwater Sampling in Kane County, 2015. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2016-04, Champaign, IL, 64 p.

Kelly, W.R., D. Abrams, V. Knapp, S. Meyer, Z. Zhang, B. Dziegielewski, D. Hadley, G. Roadcap, D. Mannix, and Y. Lian, 2016. Water Supply Planning: Middle Illinois Progress Report. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report CR 2016-02, Champaign, IL, 53 p.

Mannix, D., D. Abrams, D. Hadley, G. Roadcap, and W. Kelly, 2015. Groundwater availability in Northeastern Illinois from the deep sandstones. Splash: American Water Works Association, Illinois Section, Fall 2015:48-51.

Panno, S.V. and W.R. Kelly, 2015. Driftless Area karst of northwestern Illinois and its effects on groundwater quality. Proceedings of the 14th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering & Environmental Impacts of Karst. October 5 – 9, 2016, Rochester, MN, 12 p.

Kelly, W.R., S.V. Panno, and K.C. Hackley, 2015. Effects of Various Soil Amendments on Subsurface Water Quality at the ISU Farm. Illinois State Water Survey Report of Investigations RI-121, Champaign, IL, 85 p.

Taylor, S.J., W.R. Kelly, S.V. Panno, R. Weck, W. Zheng, Y. Zhang, and W.-T. Liu, 2015. Karst groundwater contaminants in western Illinois: comparison of current conditions with historical data. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report 2014(22).

Panno, S.V., P.G. Millhouse, R.W. Nyboer, D. Watson, W.R. Kelly, L.M. Anderson, C.C. Abert, and D.E. Luman. 2014. Guide to the Geology, Hydrogeology, Botany, History, and Archaeology of the Driftless Area of Northwestern Illinois, Jo Daviess County. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guidebooks 2014A, Champaign, IL.

Zhang, Y., W.R. Kelly, S.V. Panno, and W.-T. Liu, 2013. Identification of Sources of Fecal Pollution of Karst Waters. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2013-02, Champaign, IL.

Kelly, W.R. S.V. Panno, and K.C. Hackley, 2012. The Sources, Distribution, and Trends of Chloride in the Waters of Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 74, Champaign, IL.

Kelly, W.R., and T.R. Holm, 2011. Arsenic in Groundwater in the Tolono Region. Illinois State Water Survey Miscellaneous Publication 196, Champaign, IL.  

Li, X., J. Wang, J. Economy, and W.R. Kelly, 2008. Development of an Anionic Exchange Glass Fiber Substrate POU Device to Remove Arsenic. Midwest Technology Assistance Center Technical Report 08-07, Champaign, IL.

Sanford, R., T. Flynn, T.R. Holm, and W.R. Kelly, 2008. Fate of Arsenic in the Mahomet Aquifer; The Influence of Added Sulfate and Nitrate. Midwest Technology Assistance Center Technical Report 08-06, Champaign, IL.

Kelly, W.R., 2008. Radium and Barium in the Ironton-Galesville Bedrock Aquifer in Northeastern Illinois. Midwest Technology Assistance Center Technical Report 08-01, Champaign, IL.

Kelly, W.R., and S.D. Wilson, 2008. An Evaluation of Temporal Changes in Shallow Groundwater Quality in Northeastern Illinois Using Historical Data. Illinois State Water Survey Scientific Report 2008-01, Champaign, IL.

Wehrmann, H.A., W.R. Kelly, T.R. Holm, and K. Carr, 2007. An Assessment of Metals Distribution and Transport in Groundwater Beneath the Diked Sediment Disposal Area, DePue Wildlife Management Area, Illinois. Illinois Waste Management and Research Center, Research Report 110, Champaign, IL.

Holm, T.R., S.D. Wilson, and W.R. Kelly, 2006. Temporal Variability of Arsenic in Municipal Well Water. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2006-07, Champaign, IL.

Sanford, R., T. Flynn, and W.R. Kelly, 2006. Microcosm Study of Arsenic Fate in Mahomet Aquifer Sediment and Groundwater. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2006-11, Champaign, IL.

Kelly, W.R., 2005. Shallow Groundwater Quality Sampling in Kane County: October 2003. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2005-07, Champaign, IL.

Kelly, W.R., and S. Meyer, 2005. Temporal Changes in Deep Bedrock Groundwater Quality in Northeastern Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2005-05, Champaign, IL.

Kelly, W.R., 2005. Shallow Groundwater Quality Sampling in Kane County: October 2003. Illinois State Water Survey Informational and Educational Material, IEM 2005-01, Champaign, IL.

Kelly, W.R., 2005. Arsenic in Groundwater in Central Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Informational and Educational Material, I/EM 2005-02, Champaign, IL.

Holm, T.R., W.R. Kelly, S.D. Wilson, G.S. Roadcap, JL. Talbott, and J.W. Scott, 2004. Arsenic Geochemistry and Distribution in the Mahomet Aquifer, Illinois. Waste Management and Research Center RR-107, Champaign.

Kelly, W.R., and S.D. Wilson, 2003. Temporal changes in shallow groundwater quality in Northeastern Illinois. In Research on Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois Groundwater: Status and Future Directions XIII, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Illinois Groundwater Consortium Conference, Makanda, IL, April 22, 2003.

Kelly, W.R., and S.D. Wilson, 2002. Temporal changes in shallow groundwater quality in Northeastern Illinois. In Research on Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois Groundwater: Status and Future Directions XII, Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Illinois Groundwater Consortium Conference, Makanda, IL, April 22, 2002.

Kelly, W.R., 2001. Temporal changes in shallow ground-water quality in Northeastern Illinois: Preliminary results. In Research on Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois Groundwater: Status and Future Directions XI, Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Illinois Groundwater Consortium Conference, Makanda, IL, April 9, 2001.

Kelly, W.R., and C. Ray, 1999. Impact of Irrigation on the Dynamics of Nitrate Movement in a Shallow Sand Aquifer. Research Report 128, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL, 58 p.


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