image for Hazel, Xander

Hazel, Xander

Strategic Content Specialist, Social Media

Address and Contact Information

615 East Peabody Dr.
M/C 650
Champaign, IL  61820
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn


I am a digital content creator and science communicator. I manage all social media accounts at the Prairie Research Institute (more than 25) across multiple platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, and TikTok. I write and contribute to blog stories, most notably the "People of PRI."

Before PRI, I led two non-profits in Champaign, IL, the Orpheum Children's Science Museum from 2017 to 2020 and Champaign Center Partnership from 2020 to 2023.

Selected Publications

Science Communication


  • Hazel, A. M., M. P Donovan, P. G. Mueller, S. W. Punyasena, and L. M . Hanks. Using palynology to identify floral hosts of cerambycid beetles. In prep.
  • Bolmin, O., L. Wei, A. M. Hazel, A. C. Dunn, A. Wissa, and M. Alleyne. 2019. Latching of the click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) thoracic hinge enabled by the morphology and mechanics of conformal structures. J Exp Biol 222 (12): jeb196683.
  • Smith, C. R., P. L. Blair, C. Boyd, B. Cody, A. Hazel, A. Hedrick, H. Kathuria, P. Khurana, B. Kramer, K. Muterspaw, C. Peck, E. Sells, J. Skinner, C. Tegeler, and Z. Wolfe. 2016. Microbial community responses to soil tillage and crop rotation in a corn/soybean agroecosystem. Ecol Evol 6(22): 8075–8084


  • M.S., Entomology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2017
  • B.A., Environmental Science, Earlham College, 2014

Selected Service Activities

  • Urbana Arts and Culture Commission, City of Urbana, (2024-present)

LDAP Details for Hazel, Xander