Faculty Listing
Faculty Listing
- Collins, Jasmine Danielle, VST RES SPEC, IL Wrkfr and Educ Rsrch Collab -- UofI System Offices
- Cupps-Miller, Heather, Program Coordinator
- Emmert, Jason Lee, PROF, Animal Sciences
- Keating, Kari H, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Korte, Debra, TCH ASSOC PROF, Ag Ldrshp Educ Comm Program
- Leman, Amy Marie, Assistant Professor
- Morgan, Eric, Associate Professor
- Ochs, Gary, Instructor
- Rosch, David Michael, Associate Professor
- Smist, Jennifer, Instructor
- Allen, Crystal Ann, Lecturer
- Antonson, Adrienne, Assistant Professor
- Bresolin, Tiago, Assistant Professor
- Cann, Isaac, Professor
- Cardoso, Phil, Professor
- Cattai de Godoy, Maria Regina, Associate Professor
- Condotta, Isabella C.F.S., Assistant Professor
- Dean, Matthew Jordan, Assistant Professor
- Dilger, Anna Carol, Professor
- Dilger, Ryan N, Professor, Animal Sciences
- Drackley, James K, Professor
- Emmert, Jason Lee, PROF, Animal Sciences
- Fischer-Brown, Amy Elizabeth, TCH PROF
- Glowacz, Megan, Instructor
- Harsh, Bailey Nicole, Assistant Professor
- Johnson, Rodney W, Professor, Integrative Immunology and Behavior
- Knox, Robert Victor, Professor
- Kukekova, Anna V, Associate Professor
- Loman, Brett Richard, Assistant Professor
- Loor, Juan J, Professor
- Mackie, Roderick Ian, Professor
- McCann, Joshua Clay, Associate Professor
- Miller, David J, Professor
- Nolan, Derek Thomas, TCH ASST PROF
- Nowak, Romana Angelika, Professor
- Oba, Patricia Massae, Research Assistant Professor
- Parsons, Carl M, Professor
- Richardson, Sarah Danielle, SR INSTR
- Ridlon, Jason M, Associate Professor
- Robben, Michael, Assistant Professor
- Roca, Alfred L, Full Professor
- Rodriguez Zas, Sandra Luisa, Professor
- Schneider, Alicia Marie, Instructor
- Shike, Daniel William, Professor
- Southey, Bruce, Research Assistant Professor
- Steelman, Andrew Jonathan, Associate Professor
- Stein, Hans, Professor, Animal Sciences
- Swanson, Kelly S, Professor, Department of Animal Sciences
- Urbano Braz, Camila, Assistant Professor
- Wheeler, Matthew B, Professor, Animal Sciences, Bioengineering
- Arbelaez, Juan David, Assistant Professor
- Athey, Kacie, Assistant Professor
- Babadoost, Mohammad, Professor, Vegetable & Fruit
- Behnke, Gevan D, Lecturer
- Below, Frederick E, Professor of Plant Physiology
- Bohn, Martin O, Professor
- Bollero, German A, Professor, Biometry
- Caetano-Anolles, Gustavo, Professor
- Camiletti, Boris, Assistant Professor
- Davis, Adam, Professor
- Ersoz, Elhan, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Hager, Aaron G, Associate Professor
- Heaton, Emily, Professor
- Hind, Sarah, Assistant Professor
- Hudson, Matthew, Professor of Bioinformatics
- Jamann, Tiffany M, Associate Professor
- Jones, John, Assistant Professor
- Jones, Robert J, Chancellor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Juvik, John A, Professor of Plant Genetics
- Klimasmith, Isaac Mowry, Lecturer
- Lambert, Kris Nicholas, Associate Professor, Nematology
- Lee, DoKyoung, Associate Professor
- Lipka, Alexander Edward, Associate Professor
- Long, Steve, DEPUTY DIRECTOR, EBI, Institute for Genomic Biology
- Margenot, Andrew J, Associate Professor
- Martin, Nicolas Federico, Associate Professor
- McCoy, Jack, Lecturer
- Mideros Mora, Santiago X, Associate Professor
- Monteverde Dominguez, Eliana, Assistant Professor
- Moose, Stephen Patrick, Professor, Maize Functional Genomics
- Ort, Don
- Peng, Bin, Assistant Professor
- Preza Fontes, Giovani, Assistant Professor
- Rai, Amit, Assistant Professor
- Riechers, Dean Edward, Professor, Weed Physiology
- Riggins, Chance, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Rutkoski, Jessica Elaine, Assistant Professor
- Sacks, Erik J, Associate Professor
- Schroeder, Nathan E, Associate Professor Dept. of Crop Sciences
- Seiter, Nicholas J, Assistant Professor
- Sible, Connor, Research Assistant Professor
- Studer, Anthony Joseph, Associate Professor
- Tranel, Patrick J, Professor of Molecular Weed Science
- Villamil, Maria Bonita, Associate Professor
- Zilles, Julie, Research Associate Professor
- Cadwallader, Keith R, Professor of Food Chemistry
- Chapman-Novakofski, Karen Marie, Professor, Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition
- Chen, Hong, Associate Professor, FSHN
- Demejia, Elvira, Professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition
- Donovan, Sharon M, Professor and Melissa M. Noel Endowed Chair in Nutrition and Health
- Engeseth, Nicki, Professor of Food Chemistry
- Feng, Hao, Professor
- Helferich, William G, Professor
- Holscher, Hannah Diane, Associate Professor
- Jin, Yong-Su, Professor
- Madak-Erdogan, Zeynep, Sylvia D. Stroup Scholar of Nutrition and Cancer
- Miller, Michael, Associate Professor
- Nakamura, Manabu T, Associate Professor
- Nickols, Sharon M, Professor
- Pan, Yuan-Xiang, Professor of Molecular Nutrition, Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN)
- Pepino de Gruev, Yanina, Associate Professor
- Schmidt, Shelly J, Professor of Food Chemistry
- Stasiewicz, Matt, Associate Professor
- Takhar, Pawan Singh, Professor
- Fiese, Barbara, Professor Emerita, Human Development and Family Studies
- Freeman Bost, Kelly K, Professor of Child Development
- Hardesty, Jen, Professor
- Hughes, Robert, Professor of Child Development
- Jarrett, Robin L, Professor, African American Studies
- Koerner, Susan Silverberg, Department Head
- Kramer, Karen, Associate Professor
- Kramer, Laurie F
- Kwon, Soo Ah, Associate Professor, Asian American Studies
- Larson, Reed W, Professor Emeritus, Family Ecology
- Lleras, Christy L, Associate Professor
- McBride, Brent, Director, Child Development Lab
- McElwain, Nancy L, Professor
- Ogolsky, Brian Gabriel, Professor
- Oswald, Ramona Faith, Professor of Family Studies, Department of Human and Community Development
- Raffaelli, Marcela, Professor Emerita
- Rosch, David Michael, Associate Professor
- Shapiro, Constance Hoenk, Professor
- Smith, Sharde, Associate Professor
- Tu, Kelly M, Associate Professor
- Arai, Yuji, Associate Professor
- Bloomer, Caitlin, Teaching Assistant Professor
- Brazee, Richard J, Associate Professor
- Fraterrigo, Jennifer M, Professor
- Guan, Kaiyu, Professor
- Hudson, Robert J M, Associate Professor, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- Johnson, McKenzie Frances, Assistant Professor
- Kent, Angela, Professor of Microbial Ecology
- Kuo, Ming, Associate Professor
- Larson, Eric R, Associate Professor
- Matthews, Jeffrey Wayne, Associate Professor
- McSweeney, Kevin, CLIN PROF, Natural Res & Env Sci
- Miller, James Robert, Associate Professor
- Morgan, Eric, Associate Professor
- Mulvaney, Richard L, Professor
- O'Keefe, Joy, Associate Professor
- Schooley, Robert Lee, Professor
- Suski, Cory, Professor
- Ugarte Diaz, Carmen Marlene
- Van Doren, Benjamin Mark, Assistant Professor
- Van Riper, Carena, Associate Professor
- Ward, Michael Patrick, Professor
- Wardropper, Chloe, Assistant Professor
- Yannarell, Tony, Associate Professor, Microbial Ecology
- Yu, Zhongjie, Assistant Professor
- Andrade, Flavia Cristina Drumond, Professor
- Armstrong, M Jocelyn
- Barnes, Lynette C, Clinical Professor
- Boileau, Richard A
- Boppart, Marni, Professor
- Buchner, David M
- Burd, Nicholas A, Assistant Professor
- Carlson, Kristin Nicole, TCH ASST PROF
- Carlton, Les G
- Chiu, Chung-Yi, Associate Professor
- Firkins, Carol
- Gobin, Robyn Latrice, Associate Professor
- Graber, Kim C, Professor and Department Head
- Hanley-Maxwell, Cheryl D, Dean
- Hernandez, Manuel Enrique, TCH ASSOC PROF, MED EDUC FAC
- Jan, Yih-Kuen, Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Community Health
- Khan, Naiman A, Associate Professor
- Klonoff-Cohen, Hillary
- Lara-Cinisomo, Sandraluz, Associate Professor
- Littlefield, Melissa Monique, Associate professor, English
- McAuley, Edward, PROF EMERITUS, BECKMAN INST, Beckman Institute
- Meinert, Cassandra J, ASST DIR, MHA GRAD PRGM
- Mullen, Sean P, Associate Professor
- O'Neill, Amy, Academic Advisor
- O'Rourke, Thomas W
- Petruzzello, Steve, Professor
- Rice, Ian Matthew
- Rice, Laura A, Associate Professor
- Rogers, Wendy, Professor
- Rosenblatt, Karin Ann
- Schwingel, Andi, Associate Professor
- Sebastiao, Emerson, Assistant Professor
- Sosnoff, Jacob J, Adjunct Professor
- Strauser, David Ross, Professor
- Sydnor, Synthia
- Trask, Jeffrey Tyson
- Woods, Amelia Mays, Professor
- Ambrose, Nicoline G
- Aronoff, Justin Evan, Associate Professor
- Chambers, Ron
- Channell, Marie Moore, Associate Professor
- Davies Brenier, Laura, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Dramin Weiss, Susan, ASL INSTRUCTOR
- Franz, Abby L, Academic Hourly
- Gallagher, Tanya Montaleone, Timothy J. Nugent Professor in Rehabilitation Research
- Hadley, Pamela Ann, Professor
- Hengst, Julie A
- Husain, Fatima T, Professor
- Kuehn, David P, Professor Emeritus
- Lansing, Charissa
- Mattie, Laura Jean, Associate Professor
- Mendes, Clarion C, Clinical Associate Professor
- Mertes, Ian Benjamin, Associate Professor
- Mudar, Raksha, Professor
- Perlman, Adrienne Lynn
- Proctor, Frances Adele
- Yairi, Ehud
- Albarracin, Dolores
- Anand, Gopesh, Professor
- Bednar, Michael Kay, Associate Professor
- Bucheli, Marcelo, Professor
- Chattopadhyay, Shinjinee, Assistant Professor
- Clougherty, Joseph A, Professor
- Esfahani, Hadi S, PROF EMERITUS, Center for Global Studies
- Fricke, Michael Ryan, ADJ TCH ASSOC PROF
- Ghosh, Avijit, Interim Executive Vice President and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Girndt-Clougherty, Tina, Visiting Assistant Professor
- Goncalo, Jack, Professor
- Jayes, Janice Lee, ACADEMIC HOURLY - OLLI
- Khessina, Olga, Associate Professor
- Kim, June-Young, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Kindt, John W, Emeriti Faculty
- Kraatz, Matthew S, Professor
- Kurtz, Jeffrey M, Instructor
- Kwan, Mei-Po, Adjunct Professor
- Kwon, H. Dharma, Associate Professor of Business Administration
- Lansing, Paul
- Larson, Eric, TEACHING PROF
- Liu, Yunchuan, Associate Professor
- Loewenstein, Jeff, Professor
- Love, E Geoffrey, Associate Professor
- Loyd, Denise Lewin, Professor
- Mahoney, Joseph T, Professor of Business Administration
- Martinez, Candace Agrella, Clinical Associate Professor
- Mehta, Ravi Prakash, Professor
- Monroe, Kent Bourdon, Professor Emeritus
- Mukherjee, Ujjal Kumar, Associate Professor
- Nelson, Matthew L, Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Noel, Hayden Neville, Clinical Associate Professor
- Northcraft, Gregory B
- Otnes, Cele, Professor of Business Administration
- Palekar, Udatta S
- Qualls, William J
- Raquel, Steve, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Rindfleisch, Aric P, Professor
- Sachdev, Vishal, Director- Illinois MakerLab
- Schijven, Mario Petrus Gerardus, Assistant Professor
- Scott, Nehemiah, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Shah, Sonali, Professor
- Shavitt, Sharon, Professor of Business Administration and Psychology
- Shaw, Michael, Professor of Business Administration
- Somaya, Deepak, Professor
- Subramanyam, Ramanath, Professor
- Taghaboni-Dutta, Fataneh, Clinical Professor
- Torelli, Carlos Javier, Professor
- Viswanathan, Madhubalan, Research Professor
- White, B Joseph
- White, Tiffany, Professor
- Wolters, Mark Edward, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Wright, Margaret, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Yao, Fiona Kun, Associate Professor
- Allison, James, Associate Professor
- Ansell, Phillip J, Associate Professor
- Bentsman, Joseph, Professor
- Bergman, Lawrence A, Professor Emeritus
- Bodony, Daniel J, Professor
- Bragg, Michael B, EXEC DIR GCOE CHICAGO, Engineering Administration
- Bretl, Timothy Wolfe, Professor
- Buckmaster, John D
- Burton, Rodney L, Professor Emeritus
- Caccamo, Marco, Adjunct Professor
- Chamorro Chavez, Leonardo Patricio, Professor
- Chasiotis, Ioannis, Professor
- Chew, Huck Beng, Professor
- Chowdhary, Girish, Associate Professor
- Conway, Bruce A, Professor Emeritus
- Coverstone, Victoria, Professor Emerita
- Dutton, Craig, Professor Emeritus
- Eggl, Siegfried, Assistant Professor
- Elliott, Gregory S, Professor
- Freund, Jonathan, Professor
- Geubelle, Philippe, EXEC ASSOC DEAN, Engineering Administration
- Goza, Andres Jared, Assistant Professor
- Hovakimyan, Naira, Professor
- Jasiuk, Iwona M, Professor
- Lambros, John, Professor
- Langbort, Cedric, Professor
- Laystrom-Woodard, Julia Katherine, Adjunct Lecturer
- Lee, Ki D, Research Professor
- Lee, Tonghun, Professor
- Lembeck, Michael, Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
- Levin Fliflet, Deborah, Professor
- Mansour, Nagi, Adjunct Research Professor
- Masud, Arif, Professor
- McFarland, Donald Michael, ADJ RES PROF, Civil & Environmental Eng
- Merret, Jason M, Clinical Professor
- Miley, George, Professor Emeritus
- Namachchivaya, N Sri
- Ornik, Melkior, Assistant Professor
- Panerai, Francesco, Assistant Professor
- Panesi, Marco, Professor
- Phillips, James W, Professor Emeritus
- Prussing, John E, Professor Emeritus
- Rovey, Joshua Lucas, Professor
- Salapaka, Srinivasa M, Professor
- Saxton-Fox, Theresa Ann, Assistant Professor
- Selig, Michael S, Professor Emeritus
- Solomon, Wayne C, Professor Emeritus
- Sottos, Nancy R, Professor
- Stephani, Kelly, Associate Professor
- Tran, Huy Trong, Assistant Professor
- Vakakis, Alex, Professor
- Villafane Roca, Laura, Assistant Professor
- Woodard, Brian S, Assistant Dean
- Woollands, Robyn, Assistant Professor
- Zahedi Mehr, Negar, Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Amos, Jenny, TEACHING PROF
- Anastasio, Thomas J, Associate Professor Emeritus
- Bashir, Rashid, Dean
- Bhargava, Rohit, Professor
- Boppart, Stephen Allen, Professor
- Bresler, Yoram, RES PROF, Bioengineering
- Cheng, Jianjun, Adjunct Professor
- Cunningham, Brian T, Professor
- Do, Minh N, Professor
- Dobrucki, Wawrzyniec, Associate Professor
- Gillette, Martha, Professor
- Granick, Steve, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
- Harley, Brendan A, Professor
- Hsiao-Wecksler, Elizabeth T, Professor
- Imoukhuede, Princess U II, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Insana, Mike, Professor
- Jasiuk, Iwona M, Professor
- Jin, Yong-Su, Professor
- Kenis, Paul J A, Professor
- Kim, Kyekyoon, Professor
- Kong, Hyun Joon, Professor
- Leckband, Deborah, Professor
- Liang, Zhi-Pei, Professor
- Lim, Sung Jun, Visiting Scholar
- Lu, Ting, Professor
- Nelson, Mark E, Professor Emeritus
- Oelze, Michael L, Professor
- Rogers, John A, Adjunct Professor
- Schook, Lawrence, Gutgsell Professor of Animal Sciences
- Smith, Andrew M, Professor
- Sutton, Brad, Professor
- Sweedler, Jonathan V, Professor
- Underhill, Gregory H, Associate Professor
- Wagoner Johnson, Amy Jaye, Professor
- Wang, Michelle Yongmei, ASSOC PROF, Psychology
- Wang, Ning, Adjunct Professor
- Wheeler, Bruce C
- Wheeler, Matthew B, Professor, Animal Sciences, Bioengineering
- Zhang, Yuanhui, Professor
- Zhao, Huimin, Professor
- Alipour, Mohamad, Research Assistant Professor
- Al-Qadi, Imad L, Professor
- Andrawes, Bassem O, Professor
- Barkan, Christopher Paul Lyman, Professor
- Barros, Ana, Professor
- Benekohal, Rahim F, Professor
- Cai, Ximing, Professor
- Cha, Eun Jeong, Associate Professor
- Cusick, Roland, Associate Professor
- Duarte, Carlos Armando, Professor
- Edwards, John Riley, Assistant Professor
- Elbanna, Ahmed, Associate Professor
- El-Gohary, Nora, Professor
- El-Rayes, Khaled A, Professor
- Espinosa Marzal, Rosa Maria, Professor
- Fahnestock, Larry Alan, Professor
- Garcia, Marcelo, Professor
- Gardoni, Paolo, Professor
- Garg, Nishant, Assistant Professor
- Golparvar Fard, Mani, Professor
- Guest, Jeremy, Professor
- Hajj, Ramez, Assistant Professor
- Hashash, Youssef M A, Professor
- Horowitz, Hannah Marie, Assistant Professor
- Jebelli, Houtan, Assistant Professor
- Jones, Nick, EXEC VPRES & VPAA, Exec VP & VP Academic Affairs -- UofI System Offices
- Konar, Megan, Associate Professor
- Kontou, Eleftheria, Assistant Professor
- Kumar, Praveen, Professor
- LaFave, James Michael, Professor
- Lehe, Lewis James, Assistant Professor
- Lombardo, Franklin T, Associate Professor
- Lopez-Pamies, Oscar, Professor
- Makhnenko, Roman, Assistant Professor
- Masud, Arif, Professor
- Matthews, Megan Leigh, Assistant Professor
- Mei, Ran, Assistant Professor
- Meidani, Hadi, Associate Professor
- Mesri, Gholamreza, Professor
- Nguyen, Thanh Huong, Professor
- Olson, Scott Michael, Professor
- Ouyang, Yanfeng, Professor
- Popovics, John S, Professor
- Roesler, Jeffery Raphael, Professor
- Schmidt, Arthur R, Clinical Associate Professor
- Sivapalan, Murugesu, Professor
- Spencer, B F, Professor
- Stark, Timothy D, Professor
- Stillwell, Ashlynn, Associate Professor
- Sychterz, Ann Christine, Assistant Professor
- Talebpour, Alireza, Assistant Professor
- Tartakovsky, Alex, Professor
- Tessum, Christopher M, Assistant Professor
- Tinoco Lopez, Rafael Omar, Associate Professor
- Tutumluer, Erol, Professor
- Verma, Vishal, Associate Professor
- Wei, Na, Associate Professor
- Yan, Jinhui, Associate Professor
- Zhang, Shelly, Assistant Professor
- Zhao, Lei, Assistant Professor
- Al-Hassanieh, Haitham, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Allen, Jont, Professor
- Bailey, michael, Adjunct Professor
- Banerjee, Arijit, Associate Professor
- Baryshnikov, Yuliy, Professor
- Bayram, Can, Associate Professor
- Belabbas, Mohamed Ali, Associate Professor
- Bernhard, Jennifer Truman, Professor
- Boppart, Stephen Allen, Professor
- Borisov, Nikita, Professor
- Bose, Subhonmesh, Associate Professor
- Bresler, Yoram, RES PROF, Bioengineering
- Cangellaris, Andreas C, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost
- Chen, Deming, Professor
- Chew, Weng Cho, Professor Emeritus
- Choi, Hyungsoo, Research Professor
- Choquette, Kent D, Professor
- Cunningham, Brian T, Professor
- Dallesasse, John, Professor
- Do, Minh N, Professor
- Dokmanic, Ivan, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Dominguez-Garcia, Alejandro, Professor
- Dragic, Peter D, Associate Professor
- Fliflet, Arne Woolsey, Lecturer
- Franke, Steven J
- Gilbert, Matthew, Associate Professor
- Goddard, Lynford L, Professor
- Gong, Songbin, Associate Professor
- Gross, George, Professor Emeritus
- Gruev, Viktor, Professor
- Hajek, Bruce, Professor
- Hanumolu, Pavan Kumar, Professor
- Haran, Kiruba Sivasubramaniam, Professor
- Hasegawa-Johnson, Mark, Professor
- Hillmer, Philip M, Lecturer
- Hu, Yih-Chun, Associate Professor
- Hutchinson, Seth Andrew
- Iyer, Ravishankar K, Professor
- Jin, Jianming, Professor
- Jones, Douglas L
- Kamalabadi, Farzad, Professor
- Killeen, Timothy L, PRESIDENT, President's Office -- UofI System Offices
- Kim, Kyekyoon, Professor
- Kim, Nam Sung, Professor
- Kudeki, Erhan, Professor
- Kumar, Rakesh, Professor
- Leburton, Jean-Pierre, PROF EMERITUS, Engineering Administration
- Lee, Minjoo Lawrence, Professor
- Levinson, Stephen E
- Liang, Zhi-Pei, Professor
- Liberzon, Daniel M, Professor
- Lu, Yi, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Lumetta, Steven Sam, Associate Professor
- Lyding, Joseph W, Professor
- Makela, Jonathan, Professor
- Milenkovic, Olgica, Professor
- Miller, Andrew Edmund, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Mitra, Sayan, Professor
- Moulin, Pierre, Professor
- Nicol, David Malcolm, Professor
- Oelze, Michael L, Professor
- Overbye, Thomas J
- Patel, Sanjay, Professor Emeritus
- Radhakrishnan, Chandrasekhar, TEACHING ASSOC PROF
- Raginsky, Maxim, Professor
- Ravaioli, Umberto, Professor
- Rosenbaum, Elyse, Professor
- Roy Choudhury, Romit, Professor
- Sanders, William H
- Schmitz, Christopher, TEACHING PROF
- Schutt-Aine, Jose E, Professor
- Schwing, Alexander Gerhard, Associate Professor
- Shanbhag, Naresh R, Professor
- Smaragdis, Paris, Professor
- Srikant, Rayadurgam, Professor
- Varshney, Lav R, Associate Professor
- Veeravalli, Venugopal Varadachari, Professor
- Viswanath, Pramod, GILMORE PROF EMERITUS
- Vlasov, Yurii A, Professor
- Waldrop, Lara, Associate Professor
- Zhao, Zhizhen, Associate Professor
- Zhu, Wenjuan, Associate Professor
- Allison, James, Associate Professor
- Beck, Carolyn L, Professor
- Cao, Caroline, Professor
- Chandrasekaran, Karthekeyan, Associate Professor
- Dayanikli, Gokce, Assistant Professor
- Dong, Roy, Assistant Professor
- Etesami, Seyed Rasoul, Associate Professor
- Feng, Liming, Associate Professor
- Garg, Jugal, Associate Professor
- Goldstein, Molly Hathaway, TCH ASST PROF
- Gupta, Avinash, TCH ASST PROF
- Hanasusanto, Grani Adiwena, Associate Professor
- Kim, Harrison Hyung Min, Professor
- King, Douglas M, TCH ASST PROF
- Krishnan, Girish, Associate Professor
- Li, Yingying, Assistant Professor
- Li, Yumeng, Assistant Professor
- Marla, Lavanya, Associate Professor
- Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar, Assistant Professor
- Rehg, Jim, Professor
- Reis, Henrique M, Professor
- Shamma, Jeff, Professor
- Sowers, Richard B, Professor
- Sreenivas, Ramavarapu S, Professor
- Stipanovic, Dusan M, Professor
- Stolyar, Aleksandr, Professor
- Vogiatzis, Chrysafis, TEACHING ASSOC PROF
- Wang, Pingfeng, Professor
- Wang, Qiong, Associate Professor
- Wooldridge, Abigail, Assistant Professor
- Xu, Yunzong, Assistant Professor
- Anderson, Chris, Assistant Professor
- Bellon, Pascal, Professor
- Braun, Paul V, Professor
- Cahill, David G, Professor
- Cao, Qing, Associate Professor
- Charpagne, Marie, Assistant Professor
- Chen, Qian, Professor
- Cheng, Jianjun, Adjunct Professor
- Espinosa Marzal, Rosa Maria, Professor
- Evans, Chris, Associate Professor
- Hoffmann, Axel Friedrich, Professor
- Huang, Pinshane, Associate Professor
- Kriven, Waltraud M, Professor
- Krogstad, Jessica Anne, Associate Professor
- Leal, Cecilia, Professor
- Perry, Nicola Helen, Associate Professor
- Rogers, John A, Adjunct Professor
- Schleife, Andre, Associate Professor
- Schroeder, Charles M, Professor
- Schweizer, Kenneth S, Professor
- Shim, Moonsub, Professor
- Shoemaker, Daniel Philip, Associate Professor
- Sottos, Nancy R, Professor
- Statt, Antonia, Assistant Professor
- Stinville, jean-charles, Assistant Professor
- Trinkle, Dallas, Professor
- van der Zande, Arend, ASSOC PROF, Mechanical Sci & Engineering
- Wang, Hua, Assistant Professor
- Zhang, Yingjie, Assistant Professor
- Zhou, Peter, Assistant Professor
- Zuo, Jian-Min, Professor
- Admal, Nikhil Chandra, Assistant Professor
- Alleyne, Andrew G, Adjunct Professor
- Almeida de Souza Ramos, Joao, Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Bahl, Gaurav, Professor
- Beaudoin, Armand Joseph, Professor Emeritus
- Bentsman, Joseph, Professor
- Brewster, M Quinn, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- Bullard, Clark W, Professor Emeritus
- Cai, Lili, Assistant Professor
- Chamorro Chavez, Leonardo Patricio, Professor
- Dullerud, Geir, Professor
- Dunn, Alison, ADJ ASSOC PROF, CI MED, Biomed & Translational Sci
- Ertekin, Elif, Associate Professor
- Ewoldt, Randy H, Professor
- Feng, Jie, Assistant Professor
- Ferreira, Placid Mathew, Professor
- Fischer, Paul, Professor
- Freund, Jonathan, Professor
- Gazzola, Mattia, Associate Professor
- Glumac, Nick G, Professor
- Haber, Robert B, Professor Emeritus
- He, Jiajun, TCH ASST PROF
- Hilgenfeldt, Sascha, Professor
- Hovakimyan, Naira, Professor
- Hsiao-Wecksler, Elizabeth T, Professor
- Hutchens, Shelby, Associate Professor
- Jacobi, Anthony, Professor
- Jasiuk, Iwona M, Professor
- Johnson, Blake Everett, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Johnson, Harley T, Professor
- Juarez, Gabriel, Assistant Professor
- Kapoor, Shiv, Professor Emeritus
- Kersh, Mariana Elizabeth, Associate Professor
- King, William Paul, Professor
- Koric, Seid, TECH ASSOC DIR
- Krier, Herman, Professor Emeritus
- Kurath, Peter, Academic Hourly
- Lee, Chia-Fon, Professor Emeritus
- Lee, Tonghun, Professor
- Liebenberg, Leon, TEACHING PROF
- Matalon, Moshe, Professor
- Matlack, Kathryn, Associate Professor
- Mehta, Prashant Girdharilal, Professor
- Miljkovic, Nenad, Professor
- Pearlstein, Arne J, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- Philpott, Michael L, Associate Professor Emeritus
- Saif, Md Taher Abu, Professor
- Salapaka, Srinivasa M, Professor
- Sehitoglu, Huseyin, Professor
- Shao, Chenhui, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Sinha, Sanjiv, Professor
- Smith, Kyle C, Associate Professor
- Socie, Darrell F, Professor Emeritus
- Sofronis, Petros, Professor
- Starzewski, Martin, Professor
- Stephani, Kelly, Associate Professor
- Stewart, Donald Scott, Research Professor
- Tawfick, Sameh H, Professor
- Tucker, Charles L, Research Professor
- Vakakis, Alex, Professor
- van der Zande, Arend, ASSOC PROF, Mechanical Sci & Engineering
- Vanka, Surya Pratap, Research Professor
- Wagoner Johnson, Amy Jaye, Professor
- Wang, Ning, Adjunct Professor
- Wang, Xiaofei, Research Associate Professor
- West, Matthew, Professor
- Abbamonte, Peter, Professor
- Adshead, Peter John, Associate Professor
- Aksimentiev, Aleksei, Professor
- Beck, Douglas H, Professor
- Bezryadin, Alexey, Professor
- Bradlyn, Barry, Associate Professor
- Chemla, Yann, Professor
- Chen, Lu, Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Clark, Bryan K, Associate Professor
- Cooper, S Lance, Professor
- Covey, Jacob, Assistant Professor
- Dahmen, Karin A, Professor
- DeMarco, Brian Leeds, Professor
- Draper, Patrick I, Associate Professor
- Eckstein, James
- El-Khadra, Aida X, Professor
- Faulkner, Thomas, Associate Professor
- Fernandes, Rafael, Professor
- Filippini, Jeffrey P, Associate Professor
- Fradkin, Eduardo H, Professor
- Gammie, Charles, Professor
- Giannetta, Russell, Research Professor
- Golding, Ido, Professor
- Goldschmidt, Elizabeth, Assistant Professor
- Gollin, George, Professor
- Grosse Perdekamp, Matthias, Professor
- Holder, Gilbert, Professor
- Hooberman, Benjamin, Associate Professor
- Hughes, Taylor L, Professor
- Kahn, Yonatan Frederick, Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Kim, Sangjin, Assistant Professor
- Kou, Angela, Assistant Professor
- Kuo, Eric, Assistant Professor
- Kwiat, Paul G, Professor
- Lee, Jong Yeon, Assistant Professor
- Leigh, Robert G, Professor
- Liu, Chen-Yu, Professor
- Long, Josh, Professor
- Lorenz, Virginia, Professor
- Luthey-Schulten, Zan, Professor
- Madhavan, Vidya, Professor
- Mahmood, Fahad, Assistant Professor
- Makri, Nancy, Professor
- Mason, Nadya, Adjunct Professor
- Mouschovias, Telemachos Ch, Professor
- Nayfeh, Munir H, Professor
- Neubauer, Mark, Professor
- Noronha, Jorge, Professor
- Noronha-Hostler, Jaki, Associate Professor
- Okada Da Silva, Hector, Assistant Professor
- Pfaff, Wolfgang, Assistant Professor
- Phillips, Philip W, Professor
- Selvin, Paul, Professor
- Shapiro, Stuart Louis, Research Professor
- Shelton, Jessie, Associate Professor
- Sickles, Anne M, Professor
- Song, Jun, Professor
- Stelzer, Timothy J, Professor
- Stone, Michael, Professor
- Vieira, Joaquin Daniel, Professor
- Vishveshwara, Smitha, Professor
- Wagner, Lucas Kyle, Associate Professor
- Wang, Pengjie, Assistant Professor
- Witek, Helvi, Associate Professor
- Yunes, Nicolas, Professor
- Abdelzaher, Tarek, Professor
- Adve, Sarita V, Professor
- Adve, Vikram Sadanand, Professor
- Agha, Gul A, RES PROF, Ctr S. Asian & MidEast Studies
- Ahuja, Narendra, PROF EMERITUS, CSL
- Alagappan, Ram, Assistant Professor
- Alawini, Abdussalam Alhadi M, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Amato, Nancy, Professor
- Angrave, Lawrence, TCH PROF
- August, Tal, Assistant Professor
- Bailey, Brian P, Professor
- Banerjee, Arindam, Professor
- Bates, Adam, Associate Professor
- Beckman, Mattox Alan, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Caesar, Matthew Chapman, Professor
- Challen, Geoffrey Werner, TCH PROF
- Chan, Timothy Moon-Yew, Professor
- Chandrasekharan, Eshwar, Assistant Professor
- Chang, Kevin Chenchuan, Professor
- Chekuri, Chandra Sekhar, Professor
- Chowdhary, Girish, Associate Professor
- Cobb, Camille, Assistant Professor
- Cunningham, Katie, Assistant Professor
- Cunningham, Ryan Matthew, Lecturer
- Dalpiaz, David M, TCH ASSOC PROF
- DeJong, Gerald F, Professor Emeritus
- El-Kebir, Mohammed, Associate Professor
- Erickson, Jeff, Professor
- Evans, Carl, TCH ASST PROF
- Fagen-Ulmschneider, Wade A, TCH PROF
- Fischer, Paul, Professor
- Fleck, Margaret M, TEACHING PROF
- Forbes, Michael A, Assistant Professor
- Forsyth, David Alexander, Professor
- Ganesan, Aishwarya, Assistant Professor
- Gear, Charles, Professor Emeritus
- Gertner, Yael, TCH ASST PROF
- Ghose, Saugata, Assistant Professor
- Godfrey, Philip B, Professor
- Granha Jeronimo, Fernando, Assistant Professor
- Gropp, William D, Professor
- Gui, Liangyan, Research Assistant Professor
- Gunter, Carl, Professor
- Gunter, Elsa, Research Professor
- Gupta, Indranil, Professor
- Hakkani Tur, Dilek, Professor
- Han, Jiawei, Professor
- Harandi, Mehdi T, Associate Professor Emeritus
- Har-Peled, Sariel, Professor
- Hart, John C, Professor
- Hauser, Kris, Professor
- Heath, David, Assistant Professor
- Herman, Geoffrey Lindsay, TCH PROF
- Hockenmaier, Julia, Professor
- Hoiem, Derek W, Professor
- Jabbarvand Behrouz, Reyhan, Assistant Professor
- Jacobson, Sheldon Howard, Professor
- Ji, Heng, Professor
- Jiang, Nan, Associate Professor
- Kale, Laxmikant V, Research Professor
- Kamin, Samuel N, Professor Emeritus
- Kang, Daniel, Assistant Professor
- Karahalios, Karrie, Professor
- Katz, Daniel S., Chief Scientist, NCSA
- Khurana, Dakshita, Associate Professor
- Kim, Minje, Associate Professor
- Kindratenko, Volodymyr, ASST DIR
- Kishida, Kohei, Associate Professor
- Kloeckner, Andreas Paul Eberhard, Associate Professor
- Kramer, Bill, EXEC DIR, NFI
- Kravets, Robin Hillary, Professor
- Kumar, Ranjitha, Associate Professor
- Lai, Fan, Assistant Professor
- Lavalle, Steven M, Professor
- Lawrie, Duncan H, Professor Emeritus
- Lazebnik, Svetlana, Professor
- Lewis, Colleen, Associate Professor
- Li, Bo, Assistant Professor
- Liu, Ge, Assistant Professor
- Liu, Hongye, TCH ASST PROF
- Marinov, Darko, Professor
- Mehta, Ruta, Associate Professor
- Mendis, Charith, Assistant Professor
- Meseguer, Jose, Professor
- Mickunas, M Dennis, Associate Professor Emeritus
- Misailovic, Sasa, Associate Professor
- Morales Aguirre, Marco, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Moses, William Steven, Assistant Professor
- Nahrstedt, Klara, Professor
- Nowak, Michael, TCH ASST PROF
- Olson, Luke, Professor
- Park, Yongjoo, Assistant Professor
- Parthasarathy, Madhusudan, Professor
- Peng, Hao, Assistant Professor
- Pitt, Leonard B, Professor Emeritus
- Rauchwerger, Lawrence, Professor
- Rehg, Jim, Professor
- Reid, John, Research Professor
- Reingold, Edward M, Professor Emeritus
- Ren, Ling, Assistant Professor
- Ringer, Talia, Assistant Professor
- Robles Granda, Pablo D, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Rosu, Grigore, Professor
- Saha, Koustuv, Assistant Professor
- Schatz, Jule, TCH ASST PROF
- Sha, Lui Raymond, Professor
- Shaffer, Eric Gene, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Silva, Mariana Teixeira, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Singh, Gagandeep, Assistant Professor
- Sinha, Makrand, Assistant Professor
- Skeel, Robert D, Professor Emeritus
- Smaragdis, Paris, Professor
- Solomon, Brad R, TCH ASST PROF
- Solomonik, Edgar, Associate Professor
- Soltanaghai, Elahe, Assistant Professor
- Sterman, Sarah Gimbert, Research Assistant Professor
- Sultana, Sharifa, Assistant Professor
- Sun, Jimeng, Professor
- Sundaram, Hari, Professor
- Tahboub, Ruby, TCH ASST PROF
- Tissenbaum, Michael Benjamin, Associate Professor
- Tong, Hanghang, Professor
- Torrellas, Josep, Professor
- Tur, Gokhan, Research Professor
- Tychonievich, Luther, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Vasisht, Deepak, Assistant Professor
- Viswanathan, Mahesh, Professor
- Wang, Gang, Associate Professor
- Wang, Shenlong, Assistant Professor
- Wang, Yuxiong, Assistant Professor
- Warnow, Tandy, Professor
- Williams, Tiffani L, TCH PROF
- Winslett, Marianne S, Professor Emerita
- Woodley, Michael Joseph, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Xu, Tianyin, Assistant Professor
- Yan, Francis Y., Assistant Professor
- You, Jiaxuan, Assistant Professor
- Yuan, Wenzhen, Assistant Professor
- Zhai, Chengxiang, Professor
- Zhang, Lingming, Associate Professor
- Zhang, Minjia, Assistant Professor
- Zhang, Tong, Professor
- Zhao, Han, Assistant Professor
- Zilles, Craig, Professor
- Albrecht, Johann
- Ali, Mir M
- Aminmansour, Abbas, Associate Professor
- Anderson, James Robert
- Andrejasich, Michael J
- Anthony, Kathryn H, ACSA Distinguished Professor, School of Architecture
- Armstrong, Paul J, Associate Professor Emeritus
- Bartumeus Ferre, Sara, Professor
- Betts, Richard J
- Bognar, Botond, Professor and Edgar A. Tafel Chair in Architecture
- Boubekri, Mohamed, Professor
- Chasco, David, Professor
- Deal, Brian M, Professor
- Dearborn, Lynne Marie, Associate Professor, Associate Director, School of Architecture
- Deutsch, Randall, Clinical Associate Professor
- Erickson, Kevin N, Associate Professor
- Gamble, William L
- Garner, John S
- Geil, Wilma Jean
- Ginsburg, Rebecca, Associate Professor
- Hall, Gaines
- Hemingway, Erik, Associate Professor
- Hinders, Kevin J, Associate Professor
- Irish, Sharon Lee, Project Coordinator
- Kim, Michael Kyong-il
- Kruty, Paul S
- Kuznetsov, Helen
- Lapunzina, Alejandro, Professor
- Lerum, Vidar
- Malnar, Joy Monice
- McCulley, Michael T
- Murray, Scott, Associate Professor, Architecture
- Palumbo, Paul A
- Plummer, Henry S
- Poss, Jeffery S
- Ruggles, D Fairchild, Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture
- Schmitt, Ronald E
- Stallmeyer, John Charles, Associate Professor
- Strand, Rick, Associate Professor
- Taylor, Mark, Associate Professor
- Tierney, T. F.
- Uihlein, Marci, Associate Professor
- Wenzel, Joseph W
- Wickersheimer, David
- Bailey, Andrew D
- Bakker, Conrad Quentin, Professor
- Batten, Luke, Associate Professor
- Becker, Susan E, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Benson, Eric, Associate Professor of Graphic Design and Design for Responsible Innovation
- Block, Jane
- Bresler, Liora, Professor Emerita
- Bullock, William C
- Burkus-Chasson, Anne, Associate Professor
- Carls, Kenneth Raymond
- Cox, Donna, First Michael Aiken Chair
- Delacruz, Elizabeth M
- Duncum, Paul Angus
- Fineberg, Jonathan D
- Finnegan, Cara, Professor
- Ginsburg, Rebecca, Associate Professor
- Goggin, Nan Elizabeth
- Griffis, Ryan, Associate Professor
- Gunji, Kimiko, Emeriti Faculty
- Gunji-Ballsrud, Jennifer Misuzu, Director, Japan House
- Guthrie, Gerald W
- Hamilton, Kevin, PROF, Art & Design
- Hammie, Patrick E, James Avery Professor
- Harleman, Kathleen
- Hays, David Lyle, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture
- Hedeman, Anne D
- Hetrick, Laura, Assistant Professor, Art Education
- Hogin, Lauretta J, Professor
- Hostetter, Eric R
- Hudson, Brad, Teaching Assistant Professor
- Kellman, Julia
- Kendrick, Barbara F
- Kovatch, Ronald R
- Krepp, Sarah L, Emeriti Faculty
- Lucero, Jorge, Assistant Professor of Art Education.
- McDonagh, Deana C, Professor of Industrial Design
- Mette, Alan T, Professor
- O'Brien, David J, Professor, Art History
- Parsons, Michael J, Adjunct Research Professor
- Pokorny, Melissa, Associate Professor, Painting, Sculpture, Foundations, School of Art and Design
- Rosenthal, Lisa, Associate Professor of Art History
- Ross, Joel, Associate Professor
- Ruggles, D Fairchild, Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture
- Scott, Ernest D
- Shin, Cliff Sungsoo, Associate Professor
- Socha, Daniel F
- Squier, Joseph C
- Theide, Billie J, Professor
- Twardock, A Robert
- Van Laar, Timothy J
- Vazquez, Oscar, Professor, Art History
- Wang, Andrew H-J
- Weaver, David Deke, Professor
- Weissman, Terri, Associate Professor
- Wiesener, Catherine A, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Wood, Jeryldene M
- Chiaramonte, Denis, AC HRLY TEACH, Dance
- Chiaramonte, Laura, TCH ASST PROF
- Erkert, Jan, Professor, Dance
- Hook, Sara, Professor
- Knowles, Patricia K
- Lehovec, Linda
- Monson, Jennifer, Professor
- Murray, Alexander D
- Nettl-Fiol, Rebecca C, Professor, Dance
- O'Connor, Terrance R, Professor
- Oliver, Cynthia, Professor
- Toenjes, John, Associate Professor
- Wadleigh, Renee, Professor Emerita
- Bartumeus Ferre, Sara, Professor
- Davis, Jenny, Associate Professor
- Deal, Brian M, Professor
- Fennell, Christopher, Professor
- Ginsburg, Rebecca, Associate Professor
- Hays, David Lyle, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture
- Holliday, Kathryn, Professor
- Lemon, Kelley Denise, Assistant Professor
- Littleton, Paul, Adjunct Lecturer
- McGuire, Mary Patricia, Associate Professor
- Moen, Bridgette Nicole, Adjunct Lecturer
- Monson, Jennifer, Professor
- O'Shea, Conor E, Assistant Professor
- Rhee, Pollyanna, Assistant Professor
- Ruggles, D Fairchild, Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture
- Scott, Beth, Visiting Associate Professor
- Sears, Stephen Michael, Assistant Professor
- Sullivan, William C, Director, ROKWIRE, Illinois' Smart, Healthy Community Initiative
- Tao, Zhihan, Assistant Professor
- Allen, David J, Director of Advancement
- Bashford, Christina, Professor
- Bayolo, Armando, Lecturer
- Bidner, Heidi, Office Administrator
- Blume, Philipp, RES SCHOLAR
- Bottalico, Pasquale, Associate Professor
- Bridgewater, Ron, Associate Professor
- Brooks, Lara, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Brooks, William F, Associate Professor Emeritus
- Carrillo, Carlos R, Associate Professor
- Chandra, Arun, Visiting Scholar
- Chowning, Cara Lynn, ACADEMIC HRLY CLIN, Music
- Clark, Quandra Linear, SOM CHORUS (AC HRLY TEACH)
- Coleman, Barrington L, Professor
- Custer, Lana Marie, ACTG OFCR (LU)
- Daval, Charles JC, Professor
- Davis, Ollie Watts, Professor
- Dee, John, Professor
- de Rezende Ferreira Sobrinho, Iura, Assistant Professor
- Djokic, Denise, Adjunct Instructor
- Dufresne, Jonathan, PRGM COORD, ADM & PUB ENG
- Eagen-Jones, Megan Kelly, TEACH ASST PROF
- Ehlen, Timothy, Professor
- Fieldsteel, Eli Mulvey, Associate Professor
- Fleming, Kim, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Flores, Ricardo, Associate Professor
- Freivogel, Liz, Clinical Associate Professor
- Freivogel, Megan Ruth, Clinical Associate Professor
- Gallo, Donna, Assistant Professor
- Geraldi, Kevin, Associate Professor
- Gilreath, Amy Suzanne, Adjunct Lecturer
- Graham, Josh, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Gray, Lawrence W, Professor
- Grosser, Benjamin Adam, Professor
- Gunn, Julie Jordan, Professor
- Gunn, Nathan, Professor
- Hagan, Kerry, Associate Professor
- Haken, Rudolf, Professor
- Harris, Dawn M, Instructor
- Herl, Joseph, Research Professor
- Herrera, Luis Ricardo, Associate Professor
- Hickey, Joan B, Senior Lecturer
- Holden, Lamont, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Houser, Barry, Clinical Associate Professor
- Hughes-McCray, LaShae Anntoinette, ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR
- Kalnin, Igor E, ACADEMIC HRLY CLNCL, Music
- Kaper, Hans G, Adjunct Professor
- Kavelman, Aaron, TCH CONSLT
- Keeble, Jonathan, Professor of Flute
- Koo, Salley, Assistant Professor
- Kruse, Adam John, Associate Professor
- Lam, Ieng Ieng, Lecturer
- Lee, Nelson, Clinical Associate Professor
- Lund, Erik R, Professor Emeritus
- MacLeod, Rebecca, Professor
- MacLeod, Scott, Associate Professor
- Magee, Gayle Sherwood, Professor
- Magee, Jeffrey S, Professor
- Major, Andrew, Lecturer
- McDonough, Daniel J, Clinical Associate Professor
- McNeill, Charles L, Professor
- Meyers, John P, Assistant Professor
- Miller, Jerran, BUS AND FIN SPEC
- Minor, Janice Louise, Clinical Associate Professor
- Modest, JaNaea A, Instructor
- Moorhouse, Linda, Associate Director | School of Music
- Moton, Gina Michele, Associate Director of Human Resources
- Mullen, Jess, Assistant Professor
- Parisi, Susan H, RES SCHOLAR
- Phillips, Jenny, SR MGR FOR GRAD SVCS
- Pugh, Jim, Professor
- Ramirez, Carlos Roberto, Assistant Professor
- Reagan, Maureen V, ASSOC DIR, ADMIN & PATRON EXP
- Redman, Yvonne Gonzales, Associate Professor
- Robards, Casey, Assistant Professor
- Roidl-Ward, Ben, Assistant Professor
- Roman, Nicki, Clinical Associate Professor
- Romm, Ronald, Professor Emeritus
- Ross, Michael D, Director
- Rudy, Hannah L, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Saebo, Kristoffer K Kavana, Adjunct Lecturer
- Sanchez Portuguez, Guido Alejandro, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Scully, Bernhard David, Associate Professor
- Sennet, Rochelle, Professor
- Shaffer, Kendra Michelle, DIR OF BUS SERV
- Shungu, Pete, TCH ASST PROF
- Siena, Jerold, Professor
- Smith, Jonathon, Lecturer
- Solis, Gabriel, Research Professor
- Solya, Andrea, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Spencer, Joel William, Associate Professor
- Spennetta, Rebecca Warren, ACADEMIC ADVISOR
- Stephens, Chip, Professor
- Sweet, Bridget, Professor
- Takao, Makoto Harris, Assistant Professor
- Taylor, Stephen A, Professor
- Tegge, Scott, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Tharp, Reynold, Associate Professor
- Tilley, Michael Porter, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Tsitsaros, Christos, Professor
- Turner, Alice Jean, ASST DIR FOR FIN
- Vallier, Nolan Andrew, Lecturer
- Vecchio, Mike, Assistant Professor
- Watson, Carolyn Narelle, Associate Professor
- Whitaker, Jon, Clinical Professor
- Wigley, Sarah Francys, Clinical Associate Professor
- Wu, Chi-Chen, Associate Professor
- Yampolsky, Philip, RES SCHOLAR
- Yeo, Douglas, Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
- Yeung, Ann, Professor
- Zheng, Victor, XH Music Competition Asst (LU), Music
- Boesche, John
- Bright, Latrelle Sharmaine, Specialist in Education
- Diaz-Soto, Jose M, VST ASST PROF, Theatre
- Dixon, Lisa G
- Jenkins, Jeffrey Eric, Professor and Chair of Theatre Studies
- Kaczmarowski, Rose, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Maslova, Olga Markovna, Associate Professor
- Miller, Thom, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Mitchell, Tom
- Moody, Allison, TCH ASST PROF
- Morrissette, J.W., TEACHING PROF
- Munoz, Aaron, Assistant Professor
- Murray, Brant, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Perry, Robert, Associate Professor
- Pullen, Kirsten Wynne, Professor
- Robinson, Valleri J, Associate Professor
- Spridco, Jennifer, TCH ASST PROF
- Sturgis, Nanka Irene, Associate Professor
- Chakraborty, Arnab, Professor
- Deal, Brian M, Professor
- Dearborn, Lynne Marie, Associate Professor, Associate Director, School of Architecture
- Doussard, Marc J, Professor
- Edwards, Mary, Associate Professor
- Greenlee, Andrew Jordan, Professor
- Hewings, Geoffrey J D, PROF EMERITUS, Agr & Consumer Economics
- Hopkins, Lewis D
- Kim, Tschangho John
- Lee, Bumsoo, Associate Professor
- McMillen, Daniel P, PROF, Handler Dept of Real Estate -- UofI Chicago
- Mendenhall, Ruby, Professor
- Miraftab, Faranak, Professor, Urban & Regional Planning
- Olshansky, Robert B
- Salo, Ken Edgar, Clinical Associate Professor
- Schneider, Daniel W, Professor
- Althaus, Scott, Director, Cline Center for Advanced Social Research
- Bashir, Masooda N, Associate Professor
- Batzloff, Brandon, TCH ASST PROF
- Bishop, Ann P
- Black, Alistair Matthew
- Blake, Catherine Lesley, Professor, Information Sciences
- Bonn, Maria Stella, Associate Professor
- Bosch, Nigel, Assistant Professor, Information Sciences
- Bruce, Bertram C, Professor Emeritus
- Chan, Anita, Associate Professor, Information Sciences
- Charles, David, TCH ASST PROF
- Chen, Jiangping, Visiting Professor
- Choi, Kahyun, Assistant Professor
- Chu, Clara M, Professor
- Cochrane, Pauline A
- Cole, Timothy W
- Comstock, Sharon L, Teaching Assistant Professor
- Cordell, Ryan Charles, Associate Professor
- Dahlen, Sarah Park, Associate Professor
- Darch, Peter Thomas, Assistant Professor
- Davis, Susan Gray
- Downie, J. Stephen, Professor and Associate Dean for Research
- Dubin, David, Teaching Associate Professor
- Estabrook, Leigh S
- Evans, Craig, Lecturer
- Guo, Yue, Assistant Professor
- Haythornthwaite, Caroline Alison
- He, Jing Rui, Professor
- Hearne Claffey, Elizabeth G
- Hendricks, Renee M, TCH ASST PROF
- Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke, Professor/Coordinator for Information Literacy Services & Instruction, University
- Hoiem, Elizabeth Fabry Massa, Associate Professor
- Houston, Brant, Knight Chair Professor in Investigative and Enterprise Reporting
- Huang, Yun, Associate Professor
- Jenkins, Christine A
- Karahalios, Karrie, Professor
- Katz, Daniel S., Chief Scientist, NCSA
- Kendall, Lori, Associate Professor
- Kilicoglu, Halil, Associate Professor
- Knox, Emily Joyce Magdelyn, Professor
- Koh, Kyungwon, Associate Professor
- Kyrillidou, Martha, Research Associate
- La Barre, Kathryn
- LeBlanc, Zoe, Assistant Professor
- Liu, Yaoyao, Assistant Professor
- Lourentzou, Ismini, Assistant Professor
- Ludaescher, Bertram, Professor
- Lueg, Christopher, Professor
- Ma, Jiaqi, Assistant Professor
- Maemura, Emily, Assistant Professor
- Magee, Rachel, Assistant Professor
- Mak, Bonnie, Associate Professor, Information Sciences
- McDowell, Kathleen, Associate Professor
- McWorter, Gerald Arthur, Professor Emeritus
- Mohaghegh, Zahra, Associate Professor
- Mussulman, David E, Lecturer
- Naiman, Jill, Teaching Assistant Professor
- Ocepek, Melissa G, Assistant Professor
- Palmer, Carole
- Pintar, Judith A, Teaching Associate Professor
- Rayward, Warden B
- Renear, Allen H, Professor
- Richardson, Selma
- Rusch, Adam P, TCH ASST PROF
- Sanfilippo, Madelyn Rose, Assistant Professor
- Santos, Eunice E, Professor and Dean
- Schatz, Bruce R
- Schneider, Jodi A, Associate Professor
- Schwebel, Sara Lynn, Professor
- Seo, JooYoung, Assistant Professor
- Smith, Linda, Professor and Interim Executive Associate Dean
- Sun, Meicen, Assistant Professor
- Tilley, Carol, Associate Professor
- Torvik, Vetle Ingvald, Associate Professor
- Trainor, Kevin, Senior Lecturer
- Turk, Matthew J, Assistant Professor
- Twidale, Michael, Professor
- Underwood, William E, Professor of Information Sciences
- Wagner, Travis, Assistant Professor
- Wang, Dong, Associate Professor
- Wang, Haohan, Assistant Professor
- Wang, Shaowen, Professor and Department Head, Geography & GIS
- Wang, Yang, Professor
- Weech, Terry, Associate Professor Emeritus
- Weible, John D, Senior Lecturer
- Wentling, Tim L
- Wickes, Elizabeth Danielle, Lecturer
- Wickett, Karen Michelle, Assistant Professor
- Wilkin, John P
- Williams, Kate, Associate Professor Emeritus
- Wolske, Martin B, Teaching Assistant Professor
- Zhai, Chengxiang, Professor
- Zhang, Yang, TEACH ASST PROF
- Ames, Topher, BUS SPEC
- Ashby, Steven, Clinical Professor
- Barker, Elizabeth A, Assistant Dean
- Benton, Richard, Associate Professor
- Bruno, Robert Anthony, Professor
- Cardador, Teresa, Associate Professor
- Drasgow, Fritz, Dean and Professor, School of Labor and Employment Relations
- Finkin, Matthew, PROF EMERTIUS
- Forsythe, Elizabeth Carla, Associate Professor
- Gilbert, Daniel, Associate Professor
- Hartke, Pam, Office Support Specialist
- Kramer, Amit, Associate Dean for Online Graduate Education
- Labarbera-Twarog, Emily, Associate Professor
- Lamare, James Ryan, Professor
- Lawler, John J, Professor
- Madigan, Nell Catherine, Associate Dean
- Martocchio, Joe, Professor Emeritus
- Park, YoungAh, Associate Professor
- Smith, Emily, Executive Director
- Weaver, Andrew, Associate Professor
- Bailey, Ronald William, Professor
- Bowen, Merle, Professor
- Cha-Jua, Sundiata, Associate Professor
- Harrison, Faye V, Professor
- Hunt, Irvin Joseph, Associate Professor
- Jenkins, Candice M, Professor
- McDuffie, Erik S, Associate Professor
- McKinnis, Leonard, Assistant Professor
- Mendenhall, Ruby, Professor
- Meyers, John P, Assistant Professor
- Nance, C. Kemal, Assistant Professor
- Neville, Helen, Professor
- Ngumbi, Esther Ndumi, Assistant Professor
- O'Byrn, Eddie, Assistant Professor
- Phillips, Mary, Associate Professor
- Smalls, Krystal Ashlee, Associate Professor
- Smith, Bobby, Associate Professor
- Williams, Alexia, Assistant Professor
- Calcaterra, Angie, Associate Professor
- Davis, Jenny, Associate Professor
- Maldonado, Korinta, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Rand, Jacki, Associate Professor
- Ryan Burchfield, Renata, Assistant Professor
- Rymhs, Deena, Professor
- Ambrose, Stanley H, Professor
- Bishop, Kate, Assistant Professor
- Brinkworth, Jessica F, Associate Professor
- Calhoun, Kendra, Assistant Professor
- Clancy, Kathryn B H, Professor
- David, LaKisha, Assistant Professor
- Davis, Jenny, Associate Professor
- Delfino, Jennifer, Associate Professor
- Desmond, Jane, Professor
- Dominguez, Virginia Rosa, Professor
- Farnell, Brenda M, Professor
- Fennell, Christopher, Professor
- Greenberg, Jessica R, Associate Professor
- Harrison, Faye V, Professor
- Hughes, Cris Erin, Clinical Associate Professor
- Jelinek, Petra, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Konigsberg, Lyle W, Professor
- Lucero, Lisa J, Professor
- Maldonado, Korinta, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Malhi, Ripan S, Professor
- Martin, Jeffrey T, Associate Professor
- Moodie, Ellen, Associate Professor
- Orta, Andrew, Professor
- Riggs, Erin, Assistant Professor
- Ritchison, Brandon Tyler, Assistant Professor
- Rosas, Gilberto, Professor
- Shackelford, Laura Lynn, Associate Professor, Anthropology
- Smalls, Krystal Ashlee, Associate Professor
- Stumpf, Rebecca, Professor
- Telep, Suzie, Assistant Professor
- Velasquez Estrada, Elizabeth, Assistant Professor
- Barrow, Kirk S, Assistant Professor
- Dunne, Bryan C, Teaching Assistant Professor
- Fields, Brian David, Professor, Astronomy
- French, Decker, Assistant Professor
- Gammie, Charles, Professor
- Kemball, Athol J, Professor
- Liu, Xin, Associate Professor
- Looney, Leslie, Professor and Chair, Astronomy
- Mouschovias, Telemachos Ch, Professor
- Narayan, Gautham, Assistant Professor
- Ricker, Paul Milton, Professor
- Shen, Yue, Professor
- Vieira, Joaquin Daniel, Professor
- Winans, Amanda, Instructor
- Wong, Tony, Professor
- Young, Lisa, Lecturer
- Chen, Lin-Feng, Professor
- Cui, Chang, Assistant Professor
- Fratti, Rutilio, Professor
- Huang, Raven H, Professor
- Jin, Hong, Associate Professor
- Kalsotra, Auinash, Professor
- Kim, Chu-Young, Professor
- Meroueh, Samy, Professor
- Nair, Satish K, Professor
- Ranoa, Diana Rose Evangelista, ASST PROF, Biochemistry
- Sanfilippo, Joseph Edward, Assistant Professor
- Shapiro, David J, Professor
- Stadtmueller, Beth Marie, Assistant Professor
- Tajkhorshid, Emad, J. W. Hastings Endowed Chair, Biochemistry
- Wu, Nicholas Ching Hai, Assistant Professor
- Zhang, Kai, Associate Professor
- Zhang, Yan, Assistant Professor
- Belmont, Andrew S, Professor
- Brieher, William M, Professor
- Ceman, Stephanie S, Professor
- Chen, Jie, Professor
- Freeman, Brian C, Professor
- Gillette, Martha, Professor
- Kannanganattu, Prasanth Kumar, Professor
- Li, Xin, Associate Professor
- Ma, Haiting, Assistant Professor
- Prasanth, Supriya, Professor
- Rivier, David, Associate Professor
- Schuler, Mary A, Professor
- Smith-Bolton, Rachel, Associate Professor
- Sokac, Anna Marie, Associate Professor
- VanBortle, Kevin Thomas, Assistant Professor
- Zhao, Boxuan, Assistant Professor
- Diao, Ying, Professor
- Floess, joachim, Senior Lecturer
- Guironnet, Damien S, Associate Professor
- Hammack, William S, Professor
- Harley, Brendan A, Professor
- Higdon, Jonathan J L, Professor
- Kenis, Paul J A, Professor
- Kong, Hyun Joon, Professor
- Kraft, Mary L, Professor
- Kuenstler, Alexa, Assistant Professor
- Leckband, Deborah, Professor
- Mironenko, Alex, Assistant Professor
- Monye, Uzoma, Teaching Assistant Professor
- Mullen, Ryan, TCH ASST PROF
- Pedron Haba, Sara, Research Assistant Professor
- Peters, Baron G, Professor
- Rao, Christopher V, Professor
- Rogers, Simon, Associate Professor
- Schoetz, Theresa, Assistant Professor
- Schroeder, Charles M, Professor
- Shukla, Diwakar, Blue Waters Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
- Sing, Charles E, Professor
- Su, Xiao, Associate Professor
- Yang, Hong, Professor
- Zhao, Huimin, Professor
- Andino Martinez, Jose Guillermo, Senior Lecturer
- Axelson, Jordan Cole, Senior Lecturer
- Backlund, Mikael, Assistant Professor
- Burke, Martin, Professor
- Chan, Jeff, Associate Professor
- Decoste, Donald Joseph, Teaching Associate Professor of Chemistry
- Denmark, Scott E, Professor
- Fataftah, Majed, Assistant Professor
- Formigao Gameiro, Armanda, Lecturer
- Gewirth, Andrew A, Professor
- Girolami, Gregory S, Professor
- Gunasekera, Bhagya, SR. LECTURER
- Han, Hee Sun, Assistant Professor
- Hergenrother, Paul, Professor
- Hirata, So, Professor
- Huang, Tina H, Director of Undergraduate Studies; Lecturer
- Jackson, Nick, Assistant Professor
- Jain, Prashant, Professor
- Jun, Joomyung (Vicky), Assistant Professor
- Landes, Christy, Professor
- Leveritt, John M, Lecturer
- Link, Stephan, Professor
- Lu, Xiaotang, Assistant Professor
- Luthey-Schulten, Zan, Professor
- Makri, Nancy, Professor
- Manesis, Anastasia C, Assistant Professor
- Marville, Kelly, Lecturer
- McCall, Benjamin, Adjunct Research Professor
- Mehta, Angad Pankaj, Assistant Professor
- Mirica, Liviu M, Professor
- Murphy, Catherine Jones, Professor
- Oldfield, Eric, Professor
- Olshansky, Lisa, Assistant Professor
- Pillai, Smitha, Senior Lecturer
- Ray, Christian R, Teaching Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Director of General Chemistry
- Rodriguez Lopez, Joaquin, Professor
- Romanova, Elena Vikentievna, Research Assistant Professor
- Rubakhin, Stanislav, Research Associate Professor
- Shen, Mei, Assistant Professor
- Silverman, Scott K, Professor
- Snyder, Benjamin Edward Reiners, Assistant Professor
- Sweedler, Jonathan V, Professor
- van der Donk, Wilfred, Professor
- Vura-Weis, Joshua, Associate Professor
- White, M Christina, Professor
- Woon, David E, Research Associate Professor
- Choate, Jessica J, SR INSTR
- Di Girolamo, Larry, Professor
- Dominguez, Francina, Professor
- Droegemeier, Kelvin, Professor
- Frame, Jeff, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Hence, Deanna, Associate Professor
- Jain, Atul, Professor
- Klees, Alicia, Teaching Assistant Professor
- Lasher-Trapp, Sonia, Professor
- Nesbitt, Stephen, Professor
- Proistosescu, Cristian, Assistant Professor
- Raghuraman, Shiv Priyam, Assistant Professor
- Riemer, Nicole, Professor
- Sriver, Ryan, Professor
- Trapp, Robert, Professor
- Wang, Zhuo, Professor
- Zhang, Gan, Assistant Professor
- Alberti, George, Instructor
- Althaus, Scott, Director, Cline Center for Advanced Social Research
- Barbour, Joshua, Professor
- Barley, William, Associate Professor
- Bigman-Galimore, Cabral Aziza, Associate Professor
- Bigsby, Elisabeth, Associate Professor
- Bishop, Mardia J, TEACHING PROF
- Bunch, Caroline M, Senior Lecturer
- Caughlin, John Patrick, Professor
- Cisneros, Josue David, Associate Professor
- Clark, Louise E, Adjunct Lecturer
- Coles, Stewart, Assistant Professor
- Cunningham, Leanne, Instructor
- Dixon, Travis, Professor
- Finnegan, Cara, Professor
- Gailey, Benjamin Joseph, Senior Lecturer
- Gallo, Frank, Lecturer
- Giorgio, Grace, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Guntzviller, Lisa, Associate Professor
- Guyette, Rebecca, Adjunct Instructor
- Jones Barbour, Jennifer, Teaching Associate Professor
- Kim, Minkyung, Assistant Professor
- Knobloch, Leanne, Professor
- Koven, Michele E J, Professor
- Molina, Isabel, PROF, Latina/Latino Studies
- Murphy, John M, Professor
- Mustafaj, Matea, Assistant Professor
- O'Gorman, Ned, Professor
- Quick, Brian L, Professor
- Ramey, Mary Ellen, Senior Lecturer
- Stengrim, Laura, TCH ASST PROF
- Thompson, Charee Mooney, Associate Professor
- Van Duyn, Emily, Associate Professor
- Wright, Anna, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Wright-Dixon, Trina J, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Yang, JungHwan, Assistant Professor
- Barnard, John Levi, Associate Professor, Comparative & World Literature
- Calderwood, Eric Stickley, Professor
- Gasyna, George, Associate Professor
- Grossman, Rachelle, Assistant Professor
- Hassan, Waïl S., Professor
- Hilger, Stephanie M, Professor
- Kaplan, Brett Ashley, Professor
- Mehta, Rini Bhattacharya, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature
- Anders, Alison M, Associate Professor
- Best, James Leonard, Professor, Geology
- Buckley, Ellen, Assistant Professor
- Christie, Max Lawrence, Senior Lecturer
- Conroy, Jessica, Associate Professor
- Druhan, Jennifer, Associate Professor
- Fouke, Bruce W, Professor
- Gregg, Trish, Professor
- Guenthner, William, Associate Professor
- Johnson, Thomas Martin, Professor
- Lundstrom, Craig Campbell, Professor
- Maguire, Ross, Assistant Professor
- Nguyen, Hung, Assistant Professor
- Pettijohn, Cory, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Proistosescu, Cristian, Assistant Professor
- Stewart, Michael A, Clinical Associate Professor
- Wood, Gillen D'Arcy, Professor
- Arkenstone, Quillon Blackmore, Lecturer
- Callahan, Christopher Thane, TCH ASST PROF
- Chen, Jingling, Assistant Professor
- Gunji, Naoko, Assistant Professor
- Hirata, Shino Hayashi, SR INSTRUCTOR
- Lee, Anna Jungeun, Assistant Professor
- Martin, Jeffrey T, Associate Professor
- Nozaki, Chie, Instructor
- Persiani, Gian Piero, Assistant Professor
- Pu, Yujie, Instructor
- Sadler, Misumi, Associate Professor
- Shao, Dan, Associate Professor
- Su, Yunwen, Assistant Professor
- Wang, Yuefan (Ivy), Lecturer of Premodern Chinese Literature, Ph.D.
- Wilson, Roderick Ike, Associate Professor
- Yun, Jihye, Korean Instructor
- Agiakloglou, Christos, Adjunct Professor
- Akresh, Richard S, Associate Professor
- Albouy, David Yves, Professor
- Alonso Fontes, Daniela, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Armendariz Buaun, Ramses Yusseff, TCH ASST PROF
- Bartik, Alexander Wickman, Assistant Professor
- Bera, Anil K, Professor
- Bernhardt, Mark Daniel, Professor
- Bilias, Yannis, Adjunct Professor
- Borgschulte, Mark, Assistant Professor
- Buckley, Bryan Douglas, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Chung, Eun Yi, Associate Professor
- Creal, Drew, Professor
- Cunha Medeiros, Marcelo, Professor
- Deltas, George, Professor
- DiIanni, Isaac, Senior Lecturer
- Durandard, Theo, Assistant Professor
- Elosegui, Pedro Luis, Visiting Professor
- Forsythe, Elizabeth Carla, Associate Professor
- Hong, Seung-Hyun, Associate Professor
- Howard, Greg, Assistant Professor
- Kleemans, Maria, Assistant Professor
- Krasa, Stefan, Professor
- Lee, JiHyung, Professor
- Lemus Encalada, Jorge, Associate Professor
- Osman, Adam Mohamed, Associate Professor
- Parente, Stephen Lawrence, Associate Professor
- Perry, Martin, Professor
- Powers, Elizabeth T, Associate Professor
- Schultz, Colleen, Clinical Professor
- Shea, Joshua, Assistant Professor
- Song, Lena, Assistant Professor
- Toossi, Ali, Clinical Professor
- Vazquez, Jose J, Clinical Professor
- Weinstein, Russell Michael, Associate Professor
- Wu, Jing Cynthia, Professor
- Xie, Shihan, Assistant Professor
- Yoo, Hoyoung, Assistant Professor
- Bales, Amanda Michelle, TCH ASST PROF
- Barnard, John Levi, Associate Professor, Comparative & World Literature
- Barrett, Robert W, Associate Professor
- Basu, Anustup, Professor
- Basu, Manisha, Associate Professor
- Becker, Leah, Lecturer
- Canipe, Josh, Lecturer
- Capino, Jose Bernard, Professor
- Claborn, John P, Senior Lecturer
- Cole, Lucinda, Associate Professor
- Cole, Megan Elizabeth, Lecturer
- Cordell, Ryan Charles, Associate Professor
- Cottingham, Mary Rose, Senior Instructor
- Courtemanche, Eleanor, Associate Professor
- Dean, Timothy James, Professor
- Dickerson, Curtis, Instructor
- Dudek, John, Senior Lecturer
- Emmert, Kay, Senior Lecturer
- Fadely, Patrick, Lecturer
- Flanagan, Ryan, Senior Lecturer
- Freeburg, Christopher Charles, Professor
- Furlong, Madeline, Lecturer
- Gaedtke, Andrew, Associate Professor
- Gaffney, Katherine Aplonia, Lecturer
- Gallagher, John, Associate Professor
- Garcia, Angel Noe, Assistant Professor
- Gilmore, Shawn Patrick, TCH ASST PROF
- Gray, Catharine E, Associate Professor
- Grohens, Joe, Senior Instructor of English
- Gupta, Pallabi, Lecturer
- Hapke, Gail L, Senior Instructor
- Harrington, Janice, Professor
- Hassan, Waïl S., Professor
- Hassinger, Amy, Assistant Professor
- Hays, Mary L, Senior Lecturer
- Holguin, Marilyn M, Senior Lecturer
- Hudek, Barry Allan, Senior Lecturer
- Hunt, Irvin Joseph, Associate Professor
- Hurley, Michael J, Senior Lecturer
- Hutner, Gordon, Professor
- Jenkins, Candice M, Professor
- Johnson, Audrey, Lecturer
- Johnson, Carrie Ann, Lecturer
- Jones, Jamie L, Associate Professor
- Kempf, Christopher, Assistant Professor
- Kinzy, Dana, Interim Associate Director of Rhetoric
- Koepke, Carson Joseph, Assistant Professor
- Koshy, Susan, Associate Professor
- Kraft, Julie, Lecturer
- Lindsey, Mary, SR INSTRUCTOR
- Littlefield, Melissa Monique, Associate professor, English
- Loughran, Trish, Associate Professor
- Mack, Kimberly R, Associate Professor
- MacLean, John P, Lecturer
- Markley, Robert, Professor
- Martin, Calgary, Lecturer
- McGuire, Lee, Senior Lecturer
- McKinney, Charlesia, Assistant Professor
- McLeer, Heather, Senior Lecturer
- McNulty, Tess Dorothy, Assistant Professor
- McVicker, Zachariah P, Senior Lecturer
- Menendez, Katie, Lecturer
- Morris, Dave, TCH ASST PROF
- Mortensen, Peter, Associate Professor of English
- Moss, Andrew Patrick, Senior Lecturer
- Murison, Justine Summerhayes, Professor
- Nazar, Hina, Associate Professor
- Newcomb, John Timberman, Professor
- Newcomb, Lori Humphrey, Associate Professor
- Newton, Kate, Lecturer
- Nyikos, Dani, Lecturer
- Odom, Michael J, Senior Instructor
- Oh, Rebecca, Assistant Professor
- Perry, Curtis, Professor
- Pollock, Anthony, Associate Professor
- Price, Julie P, Senior Lecturer
- Roche, Daniel, Lecturer
- Rubins, John, Senior Lecturer
- Ruiz, Sandra, Associate Professor
- Runkle, Stephen, Senior Lecturer
- Russell, Lindsay Rose, Associate Professor
- Sanders, Ted, Associate Professor
- Schering, Matthew, Lecturer
- Sellers, Jordan, Assistant Director of Rhetoric
- Selznick, Hilary Faithe, Lecturer
- Shakar, Alex, Associate Professor
- Shetina, Michael Douglas, Lecturer
- Simon, Zach, Lecturer
- Slobodnik, Sydney James, SR INSTRUCTOR
- Somerville, Siobhan B, Associate Professor, English
- Soto Crespo, Ramon E, Professor
- Stevens, Andrea, Associate Professor
- Underwood, William E, Professor of Information Sciences
- VanCalbergh, Michael, Lecturer
- Van Landingham, Corey, Assistant Professor
- Villanueva, Corina Avelita, Senior Lecturer
- Weber, Rebecca, Senior Lecturer
- Williams, Pica, Lecturer
- Williard, Jess M, Lecturer
- Wood, Gillen D'Arcy, Professor
- Wright, David, Professor
- Allan, Brian F, Professor
- Alleyne, Marianne, Assistant Professor
- Berenbaum, May R, Professor
- Dolezal, Adam Gregory, Associate Professor
- Doremus, Matt, Assistant Professor
- Evangelista, Dominic, Assistant Professor
- Hanks, Lawrence M, Professor
- Harmon-Threatt, Alexandra Nicole, Associate Professor
- Ngumbi, Esther Ndumi, Assistant Professor
- Robinson, Gene E, Professor
- Suarez, Andrew, Professor
- Zhou, Joe, Professor
- Anderson, Philip S L, Associate Professor
- Bell, Alison, Professor
- Caceres, Carla E, Professor
- Catchen, Julian, Associate Professor
- Cheng-De Vries, Chi-Hing C, Professor
- Fuller, Becky Claire, Professor
- Miller, Dan, Assistant Professor
- Roseman, Charles C, Associate Professor
- Suarez, Andrew, Professor
- Brittingham, Lisa, Lecturer
- Clay, Amy Lynette, TEACH ASST PROF
- Derhemi, Eda, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Fagyal, Zsuzsanna, Professor
- Gaillard, Julie, Assistant Professor
- Hill, Laura C, Senior Lecturer
- Incoronato, Ciro, Assistant Professor
- Keller, Marcus, Associate Professor
- Mall, Laurence S, Associate Professor
- Maroun, Daniel Nabil, Undergraduate Advisor for French
- Mroz, Aurore Patricia, Assistant Professor
- Proulx, Francois, Associate Professor
- Reynolds, Felisa Vergara, Associate Professor
- Rota, Emanuel, Associate Professor
- Stoppino, Eleonora, Associate Professor
- Barnes, Teresa Ann, Professor
- Beauchamp, Toby Cason, Associate Professor
- Kashani, Maryam, Associate Professor
- Khan, Mahruq, Teaching Associate Professor
- Moussawi, Ghassan, Associate Professor
- Nadeau, Chantal, Professor
- Nguyen, Mimi Thi, Professor
- Smith, Blair Ebony, Assistant Professor
- Somerville, Siobhan B, Associate Professor, English
- Velez, Emma, Assistant Professor
- Vergara Bracamontes, Damian, Assistant Professor
- Alvarado, Nikolai A, Assistant Professor
- Best, James Leonard, Professor, Geology
- Butcher, Sian, Assistant Professor
- Campanile, Phillip, Visiting Assistant Professor
- Cidell, Julie L, Professor
- Diao, Chunyuan, Associate Professor
- Jefferson, Brian J, Associate Professor
- Kolak, Marynia, Assistant Professor
- Lara, Mark Jason, Assistant Professor
- Padmanabhan, Anand, Research Associate Professor
- Portelli, Raechel, TCH ASST PROF
- Rhoads, Bruce L, Professor
- Sivapalan, Murugesu, Professor
- Umar, Umar, TCH ASST PROF
- Wang, Jida, Associate Professor
- Wang, Shaowen, Professor and Department Head, Geography & GIS
- Wilson, David, Professor
- Zaragocin, Sofia, Assistant Professor
- Hilger, Stephanie M, Professor
- Horsfall, Walker, Assistant Professor
- Hunt, Anna Elizabeth, Assistant Professor
- Jenkins, Robert, Teaching Assistant Professor
- Johnson, Laurie R, Professor
- Malekin, Bjorn, Senior Lecturer
- Niekerk, Carl Hendrik, Professor
- Pinkert, Anke, Professor
- Webster, Charles Robert, Instructor
- Abosch, Elizabeth Anna, Adjunct Lecturer
- Asaka, Ikuko, Associate Professor
- Avrutin, Eugene Michael, Professor
- Barnes, Teresa Ann, Professor
- Barrett, Marsha E, Assistant Professor
- Baul, Deepasri, Assistant Professor
- Beck, Dave, Professor
- Brennan, James Robert, Associate Professor
- Brosseder, Claudia Ruth, Associate Professor
- Burgos, Adrian, Professor
- Burton, Antoinette M, Professor
- Cha-Jua, Sundiata, Associate Professor
- Chaplin, Tamara, Professor
- Chettiar, Teri Anne, Associate Professor
- Davila, Jerry, Professor
- Diaz, Angela, Associate Professor
- Espiritu, Augusto F, Associate Professor
- Fritzsche, Peter A, Professor
- Gilbert, Daniel, Associate Professor
- Goffman, Laura Frances, Assistant Professor
- Hertzman, Marc Adam, Professor
- Hoganson, Kristin Lee, Professor
- Jaimes, Marco, Lecturer
- Koslofsky, Craig M, Professor
- LaPier, Rosalyn Rae, Professor
- Lee, Anna Jungeun, Assistant Professor
- Mathisen, Ralph W, Professor
- McDuffie, Erik S, Associate Professor
- Morrissey, Robert Michael, Professor
- Mumford, Kevin, Professor
- Nobili, Mauro, Associate Professor
- Rabin, Dana, Professor
- Ramirez, Yuri, Assistant Professor
- Rand, Jacki, Associate Professor
- Randolph, John W, Associate Professor
- Reagan, Leslie Jean, Professor
- Sepkoski, David C, Professor
- Symes, Carol, Professor
- Whittington, Anna, Assistant Professor
- Wilson, Roderick Ike, Associate Professor
- Bowers, Tim, SR ACAD ADVR
- des Garennes, Christine, Associate Director of Communications
- Fink, Jessica L, SR ACAD ADVR
- Jones, Kristopher Allyn, OFFICE SUPPORT ASSOCIATE
- Lawyer, DL, Academic Advisor
- Mehrtens, Brad, Instructor
- Naidu, Shawna Lynn, ASST DIR ADVS RECRUIT
- Swanson, Christina Ann, SR ACAD ADVR
- Barragan Miranda, Janett, Assistant Professor
- de la Garza, Jose, Assistant Professor
- Flores, Nic, Assistant Professor
- Lira, Natalie, Associate Professor
- Molina, Isabel, PROF, Latina/Latino Studies
- Rodriguez, Randy, Lecturer
- Rosas, Gilberto, Professor
- Velasquez Estrada, Elizabeth, Assistant Professor
- Velazquez, Mirelsie, Associate Professor
- Aghighi, Azadeh, Lecturer
- Bhatt, Rakesh Mohan, Professor
- Bowen, Michael Glen, Senior Lecturer
- Carroll Curry, Elizabeth Ramsay, Lecturer
- Clark, Sarah, Adjunct Lecturer
- Cooper, Leyla R, Senior Lecturer
- Dold, Charles Norman, Lecturer
- Dunn, Jonathan, Associate Professor
- Dunse, Amber M, Senior Lecturer
- El Karkafi, Josephine, SR INSTR
- Faivre, Susan Kay, Senior Lecturer
- Franks, Suzanne, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Ghosh, Monica, Lecturer
- Gomez Cayapu, Rosana, Lecturer
- Houston, Alice M, Lecturer
- Hualde, Jose Ignacio, Professor
- Huang, Jill Anne, Senior Lecturer
- Humaidan, Abdulsamad, Lecturer
- Ionin, Tania, Professor
- Kashina, Tatiana, Lecturer
- Kotnarowski, John, Senior Lecturer
- Lasersohn, Peter Nathan, Professor of Linguistics
- MacDonald, Jonathan Eric, Associate Professor
- Maskharashvili, Aleksandre, Assistant Professor
- Maweu, Dorothy, Lecturer
- Mendoza, Anna, Assistant Professor
- Mishra, Mithilesh, Senior Lecturer
- Miszoglad, Eva, Lecturer
- Montrul, Silvina Andrea, PROF OF SPANISH
- Nelson, Scott, Instructor
- Nierenhausen, Brenna Linette, Lecturer
- Ozcan, Ayse, Lecturer
- Pennell, Jin Kim, Senior Lecturer
- Rosado, Cassandra, Senior Lecturer
- Saadah, Eman, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Sadler, Randall W, Professor
- Saeedi, Ali Imad Abdulazeez, Instructor
- Shosted, Ryan Keith, Professor
- Sullivan, Rebecca, Lecturer
- Tachihara, Karina, Assistant Professor
- Talic, Aida, Assistant Professor
- Tang, Yan, Assistant Professor
- Toure, Vieux, Instructor
- Wamalwa, Kevin, Lecturer; Director Sub-Saharan African Languages Program and Coordinator for Swahili
- Yan, Xun, Associate Professor
- Yoon, James, Professor
- Young, John Austin, Lecturer
- Zhang, Qiusi, Lecturer
- Albers, Stacey, SR UPRFL STSVC ACADV
- Bishop, Rebecca, OFFICE MANAGER
- Bruning, Caitlin Marie, Associate Director of Personnel and Administration
- Burgess, Kaitlin, ACADEMIC HRLY TEACH - UGS
- Burt, Roger Alan, GRAD ADVR
- Butson, Kerry Lee, eLEARNING SPEC
- Cork, Andy, Human Resources Associate
- Currid, Peggy, EH BAA (LU)
- Davis, Aaron Twain, SR IT SPEC
- Drennan, Mark Leland, Accountant I
- Driskell, Chase, Administrative Aide
- Frazier, Keith Allen, SR IT SPEC
- Hardin, John, Accountant I
- Hovorka, David John, Academic Advisor
- Klajbor-Goderich, Stefanie, Lecturer
- Lange, Emily Marie, ASST DIR OF HR, MATH
- Mayfield, Cody, ASSOC DIR OF FIN & BUS OPER
- Nygard, Jenn, Visiting Academic Media Specialist
- Sans, Jennifer Lindsay, EVENTS ADMIN ASSOC
- Tucker, Theresa, Office Manager
- Watson, Dave, eLearning Information Technology Specialist
- Zhang, Skylar, Academic Advisor
- Aravamudan, Bharathi, Lecturer
- Blanke, Steven Robert, Professor
- Brooke, Christopher Byron, Associate Professor
- Cronan, John E, Professor
- Grant, Nkrumah, Assistant Professor
- Hatoum, Asma, Associate Professor
- Imlay, James A, Professor
- Kieffer, Collin David, Assistant Professor
- Kuzminov, Andrei, Professor
- Martinez Vargas, Pamela, Assistant Professor
- Mera, Paola, Associate Professor
- Metcalf, William W, Professor
- Olsen, Gary J, Professor
- Slauch, James McClurg, Professor
- Vanderpool, Carin, Professor
- Whitaker, Rachel, Professor
- Wilson, Brenda Anne, Professor
- Anakk, Sayeepriyadarshini, Professor
- Auerbach, Benjamin David, Assistant Professor
- Bagchi, Milan K, Professor
- Bolton, Eric C, Associate Professor
- Christian-Hinman, Catherine, Associate Professor
- Chung, Hee Jung, Associate Professor
- Climer, Jason, Assistant Professor
- Grosman, Claudio F, Professor
- Llano, Daniel Adolfo, Professor
- Nelson, Erik, Associate Professor
- Raetzman, Lori T, Professor
- Sweeney, Patrick, Assistant Professor
- Tsai, Nien-Pei, Associate Professor
- Yu, Xinzhu, Assistant Professor
- Anderson, Luvell, Professor
- Ben Moshe, Nir, Associate Professor
- Biondi, Zach, Lecturer
- Bojanowski, Jochen, Assistant Professor
- Erlenbusch-Anderson, Verena, Associate Professor
- Kerr, Alison, Assistant Professor
- Kishida, Kohei, Associate Professor
- Levinstein, Benjamin A, Associate Professor
- Livengood, Jonathan M, Associate Professor
- Saenz, Noel Blas, Associate Professor
- Scharp, Kevin Andrew, Professor
- Schwenkler, John Louis, Professor
- Varden, Helga, Professor
- Weaver, Christopher Gregory, Associate Professor
- Weinberg, Shelley E, Professor
- Ainsworth, Lisa, Professor
- Burgess, Steven James, Assistant Professor
- Chen, Liqing, Associate Professor
- Dalling, James W, Professor
- Downie, Stephen R, Professor
- Heath, Katy Denise, Professor
- Lara, Mark Jason, Assistant Professor
- Lawson, Tracy, Professor
- Leakey, Andrew, Professor
- Marks, Rose, Assistant Professor
- Marshall-Colon, Amy, Associate Professor
- O'Dwyer, James Patrick, Associate Professor
- Punyasena, Surangi W, Associate Professor
- Yang, Wendy, Professor
- Althaus, Scott, Director, Cline Center for Advanced Social Research
- Ashley, Jeffrey Stephens, Adjunct Professor
- Bowers, Jake, Professor
- Canache, Damarys Josefina, Professor
- Carroll, Rob, Assistant Professor
- Casler, Don, Assistant Professor
- Cohen, Elisha A, Assistant Professor
- Dai, Xinyuan, Professor
- Erlenbusch-Anderson, Verena, Associate Professor
- Frost, Samantha L, Professor
- Gaines, Brian J, Professor
- Grossman, Nicholas, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Howell, Charisma, Adjunct Lecturer
- Khoury, Rana, Assistant Professor
- Kourtikakis, Konstantinos, TEACHING ASSOC PROF
- Ksiazkiewicz, Aleks, Associate Professor
- Livny, Avital, Associate Professor
- Miller, Benjamin Michael, Assistant Professor
- Mondak, Jeffery J, Professor
- Nagashima, Daniel, Visiting Assistant Professor
- Obrien Udry, Cleo, Assistant Professor
- Pahre, Bob, Professor
- Pauselli, Gino, Assistant Professor
- Prorok, Alyssa Kathleen, Associate Professor
- Rudolph, Thomas J, Professor
- Seitz, Steven T, Associate Professor
- Sin, Gisela, Professor
- Uribe-McGuire, Alicia Bernice, Assistant Professor
- Webb Williams, Nora, Assistant Professor
- Winters, Matt, Professor
- Wong, Cara J, Professor
- Yang, Yujeong, Assistant Professor
- Adhimoolam, Babu, Visiting Assistant Professor
- Alexander, Leo, Assistant Professor
- Beck, Diane M, Professor
- Benjamin, Aaron S, Professor
- Berenbaum, Howard, Professor
- Briley, D. A., Associate Professor
- Cervantes Botero, Victor H, Assistant Professor
- Cohen, Amy Paige, Clinical Associate Professor
- Cohen, Dov, Professor
- Cohen, Joseph Rich, Associate Professor
- Derringer, Jaime, Associate Professor
- Dolcos, Florin, Professor
- Dolcos, Sanda Monica, Research Assistant Professor
- Fabiani, Monica, Professor
- Fairbairn, Catharine Edith Ann, Associate Professor
- Federmeier, Kara D, Professor
- Fisher, Cindy, Professor
- Fraley, R Chris, Professor
- Gibson, Lynda, Director, Psychological Services Center
- Goense, Jozien, Associate Professor
- Gratton, Caterina, Associate Professor
- Gratton, Gabriele, Professor
- Gulley, Joshua M, Professor
- Hankin, Benjamin L, Professor
- Heller, Wendy, Professor
- Hinman, Jake, Assistant Professor
- Holden, Tasha, Assistant Professor
- Hotaling, Jared, Assistant Professor
- Hummel, John E, Professor
- Hunter, Carla Desi-Ann, Professor
- Hyde, Daniel, Associate Professor
- Koehn, Hans Friedrich, Associate Professor
- Kurdi, Benedek, Assistant Professor
- Kwapil, Thomas Richard, Professor
- Leskis, Kathryn Kurlakowsky, Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychology
- Liang, Nu-Chu, Associate Professor
- Lleras, Alejandro, Professor
- Lleras Buetti, Simona, Research Associate Professor
- Lyubansky, Mikhail, TEACHING ASSOC PROF
- Maren, Steve, Director, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
- Min, Haylee, Assistant Professor
- Mischkowski, Dominik, Assistant Professor
- Montag, Jessica L., Assistant Professor
- Newman, Daniel A, PROF, Psychology
- Pomerantz, Eva Marie, Professor
- Regenwetter, Michel, Professor
- Rhodes, Justin S, Professor
- Rios, Kimberly Michelle, Professor
- Rizzo, Michael Thomas, Assistant Professor
- Roberts, Brent W, Professor
- Rodriguez Palacios, Violeta, Assistant Professor
- Rudolph, Karen D, Professor
- Sadaghiani, Sepideh, Associate Professor
- Sahakyan, Lili, Professor
- Seaton, Eleanor Kenyetta, Professor
- Shenouda, Christine, TEACH ASST PROF
- Sherrill, Luke K, ADJ LECT
- Simons, Daniel J, Professor
- Steel, Adam, Assistant Professor
- Stern, Chadly, Associate Professor
- Straka, Brenda, Assistant Professor
- Tancredy, Caroline M, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Todd, Nathan R, Professor
- Travis, Lisa L, Senior Lecturer
- Uddenberg, Stefan, Assistant Professor
- Wang, Michelle Yongmei, ASSOC PROF, Psychology
- Wang, Ranxiao, Professor
- Willits, Jon Anthony, Assistant Professor
- Zhang, Bo, Assistant Professor
- Zhang, Susu, Assistant Professor
- Ali, Mukhtar, Assistant Professor
- Ebel, Jonathan H, Professor
- Layton, Richard A, Associate Professor
- McKinnis, Leonard, Assistant Professor
- Mehta, Rini Bhattacharya, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature
- Miner, Gabe, Adjunct Instructor
- Newman, Adam L, Assistant Professor
- Rosenblatt, Eli, Assistant Professor
- Thurston, Stephanie Mota, Assistant Professor
- Weiss, Dov Yehuda, Associate Professor
- Williams, Alexia, Assistant Professor
- Cooper, David, Professor
- Davies Brenier, Laura, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Dzyadevych, Tetyana, Lecturer
- Gasyna, George, Associate Professor
- Khometa, Olha, Instructor
- Sobol, Valeria, Professor
- Tempest, Richard, Associate Professor, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures
- Wright, Peter, Assistant Professor
- Atiles Osoria, Jose, Assistant Professor
- Bayat, Asef, Professor
- Dill, Brian, Associate Professor
- Gille, Zsuzsa, Professor
- Kamis, Christina, Assistant Professor
- Lee, Jina, Assistant Professor
- Liao, Tim, Professor
- Marshall, Anna-Maria, Associate Professor
- May, Reuben A Buford, Professor
- Mendenhall, Ruby, Professor
- Miles, Brittney, Assistant Professor
- Moussawi, Ghassan, Associate Professor
- Redstone, Ilana, Associate Professor
- Soener, Matthew, Assistant Professor
- Vogler, Stefan, Assistant Professor
- Bowles, Melissa A, Professor
- Callesano, Salvatore James, Assistant Professor
- Delgado, Rodrigo, Assistant Professor
- Dowman, Sarah Rose, Lecturer
- Dutton, Michelle, Lecturer
- Garcia - Blizzard, Monica, Associate Professor
- Garcia-Nunez, Jorge, Senior Lecturer
- Goebel, Raquel, SR INSTR
- Hualde, Jose Ignacio, Professor
- Irigoyen Garcia, Javier, Professor
- Jegerski, Jill, Associate Professor
- Karam, John Tofik, Professor
- Ledesma, Eduardo, Associate Professor
- MacDonald, Jonathan Eric, Associate Professor
- Martinez-Quiroga, Pilar, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Melendez, Mariselle, PROF OF SPANISH
- Montrul, Silvina Andrea, PROF OF SPANISH
- Pena Argueso, Elena, Instructor
- Ramirez Mendez, Alejandro, Assistant Professor
- Tolliver, Joyce L, ASSOC PROF, Spanish
- Torres-Cacoullos, Anna, Assistant Professor
- Yarrington, Kara, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Bravo De Guenni, Lelys, Clinical Associate Professor
- Chatterjee, Sabyasachi, Associate Professor
- Chen, Yuguo, Professor
- Chronopoulou, Alexandra, Clinical Associate Professor
- Culpepper, Steven Andrew, Professor
- Dalpiaz, David M, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Deeke, Julie M, TCH ASST PROF
- Douglas, Jeffrey A, Professor
- Eck, Daniel J, Assistant Professor
- Eddelbuettel, Dirk, Clinical Professor
- Ellison, Tori, TCH ASST PROF
- Fellouris, Georgios, Associate Professor
- Findley, Kelly Patrick, TEACHING ASSOC PROF
- Flanagan, Karle Ann, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Glosemeyer, Darren, SR INSTR
- Kinson, Christopher LeRon, TEACHING ASSOC PROF
- Lee, Hyoeun, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Li, Bo, Adjunct Professor
- Liang, Feng, Professor
- Liu, Jingbo, Assistant Professor
- Martinez Vargas, Pamela, Assistant Professor
- Park, Trevor H, Clinical Associate Professor
- Shao, Xiaofeng, Adjunct Professor
- Simpson, Douglas G, Professor
- Stepanov, Alexey G, TCH ASST PROF
- Unger, David, SR INSTR
- Wang, Shulei, Assistant Professor
- Yang, Yun, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Yu, Albert, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Zhang, Susu, Assistant Professor
- Zhao, Sihai Dave, Associate Professor
- Zhu, Ruoqing, Associate Professor
- Christensen, Sarah M, Visual Resources and Outreach Specialist
- Han, Myung-Ja, Berthold Family Professor
- Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke, Professor/Coordinator for Information Literacy Services & Instruction, University
- Teper, Jennifer Hain, PROF LIB/PRES/CONS LIB
- Teper, Tom, Associate Professor, University Library
- Aguayo, Angela J, Associate Professor
- Ball, Christopher Alan, Assistant Professor
- Bingaman, Angela Marie, Office Administrator
- Chambers, Jason Paul, Associate Professor
- Chan, Anita, Associate Professor, Information Sciences
- Ciafone, Amanda M, Associate Professor, Media and Cinema Studies and the Institute of Communications
- Clifton, Dionne J, Senior Lecturer
- Cole, CL, Professor and Head, Media & Cinema Studies
- Craft, Stephanie, Department Head, Journalism
- Dash, Leon, Swanlund Chair Professor of Journalism
- Erdey, Kenneth Richard, Technical Coordinator for Broadcast Operations
- Font Bas, Victor, Senior Lecturer
- Garza, Melita, Associate Professor
- Goncalves, Alexandre, Assistant Professor
- Hall, Steven Ray, Lecturer
- Ham, Chang Dae, Assistant Professor
- Harris, Donnita, Administrative Assistant
- Hay, James W, Professor of Media & Cinema Studies
- Heuman, Joshua M, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Hitchon, Jacqueline Claire, Professor
- Houston, Brant, Knight Chair Professor in Investigative and Enterprise Reporting
- King, Colleen Connors, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Knipp, Jonathan Andrew, Lecturer
- Ledford, Stretch, Assistant Professor
- Long, Derek R, Associate Professor
- Maslowska, Ewa Halina, Associate Professor
- May, Allison, Office Administrator
- Meron, Shachar, Senior Lecturer
- Nelson, Michelle Renee, Professor, Department Head, Charles H. Sandage Department of Advertising
- Ng, Yee Man Margaret, Associate Professor
- Oh, Sanghwa, Assistant Professor
- Oyallon-Koloski, Jenny, Assistant Professor
- Peacock, Marisa Charlotte, Senior Lecturer
- Sar, Sela, Professor
- Sheldon, Peter, Lecturer, Department of Advertising
- Slater, Janet S, Chief Marketing Officer
- Sotirovic, Mira, Associate Professor
- Su, Leona Yi-Fan, Associate Professor
- Sulkin, Tracy, Dean
- Taneja, Harsh, Associate Professor
- Turnock, Julie, Associate Professor
- Vargas, Patrick T, Professor
- Wilson, Carrie, Lecturer
- Wirtz, John, Associate Professor
- Wise, Kevin R, Professor
- Yao, Mike Zheng Yu, Professor
- Ackerson, Barry James
- Anderson, Steven G, Dean
- Andrade, Flavia Cristina Drumond, Professor
- Balgopal, Pallassana R
- Buttera, Kari A, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Cintron, Valerie, Clinical Associate Professor
- Cohen, Flora Yaffe, Assistant Professor
- Cole, Susan Ann
- Earls Larrison, Tara, TCH ASSOC PROF
- Escobar-Sawicki, Christine, Clinical Professor
- Faulkner, Sherrie Marie, Clinical Associate Professor
- Fleming, Christopher, Assistant Professor
- Fuller, Tamara L, Director of Children and Family Research Center (CFRC)
- Garthe, Rachel Cheree, Associate Professor
- Green, Rachel, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Harms, Jessica Marie, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Havlicek, Judith Regina, Associate Professor
- Hernandez, Rose, ASSOC PROF, Pop Health Nursing Science -- UofI Chicago
- Hoang, Tuyet-Mai Ha, Assistant Professor
- Iverson, Melissa, TEACHING ASST PROF
- Kim, Hyunil, Associate Professor
- Kopels, Sandra Lee, Professor
- Korr, Wynne Sandra
- Larrison, Christopher Rollo, Associate Professor
- Leytham Powell, Tara, Associate Professor
- Liechty, Janet M, Professor
- Lough, Benjamin James, Dean
- Maurer, Mary Frances, Clinical Associate Professor
- McDonald, Hellen, Clinical Professor
- Munoz-Najar, Julie, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Okumu, Moses, Assistant Professor
- Ostler, Terry, Professor
- Piedra, Lissette, Associate Professor
- Shaw, Yvonne Rose, DIR BDGT & RSRSC PLNG
- Smith, Douglas Cary, Associate Professor
- Smith, LaShonda, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Stauffer, Mary, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Tabb Dina, Karen, Assistant Professor
- Tan, Kevin Poh Hiong, Associate Professor
- Trout, Lindsey, Clinical Assistant Professor
- VanHook, Cortney, Assistant Professor
- Wade, Ryan, Assistant Professor
- Wegmann, Kate Melissa, Associate Professor
- White-Gibson, Nancy Louise, Adjunct Instructor
- Wilson Smith, Carol Jane, Academic Hourly
- Windsor, Liliane, Professor
- Wu, Chi-Fang, Associate Professor
- Yang, Fan, Assistant Professor
- Zhan, Min, Professor
- Aguiar, Andrea, Research Associate Professor, Comparative Biosciences
- Alam, Sumiti Vinayak, Associate Professor
- Alam, Tauqeer, Research Assistant Professor
- Aldridge, Russhawn Jackson, Senior Lecturer
- Allender, Matthew C, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Austin, Scott Matthew, Clinical Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Bagchi, Indrani C, Professor, Comparative Biosciences
- Barger, Anne M, Head, Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Biehl, Michael Leroy, Clinical Professor, Comparative Biosciences
- Cappa, Tony, Clinical Instructor
- Colegrove-Calvey, Kathleen Mary, Clinical Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Connolly, Sara L, Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Constable, Peter, Dean
- Davila, Juanmahel, Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Reproductive Biology
- Delaney, Martha Ann, Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Dikanov, Sergei, Research Associate Professor
- Fadl-Alla, Bahaa A, VET RES SPEC
- Fan, Timothy M, Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Firkins, Larry, Professor, Pathobiology
- Flaws, Jodi A, Professor, Comparative Biosciences
- Foreman, Jonathan H, Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Foss, Kari Denise, Associate Professor, Neurology & Neurosurgery
- Frederico Canisso, Igor, Associate Professor, Theriogenology (Equine Reproduction)
- French, Dennis D, Head, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Fries, Ryan C, Associate Professor, Cardiology
- Gal, Arnon, Assistant Professor, Small Animal Internal Medicine
- Garrett, Edgar F, Clinical Instructor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Garrett, Laura Diane, Clinical Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Gutierrez Nibeyro, Santiago Daniel, Clinical Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Hague, Devon, Clinical Professor
- Haraschak, Jenica Lynn, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Herrmann, Jack, Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Hoyer, Lois L, Professor of Pathobiology
- Hsiao, Shih-Hsuan, Clinical Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Inoue, Makoto, Associate Professor, Comparative Biosciences
- Jarosinski, Keith William, Associate Professor
- Johnson-Walker, Yvette Joyce, Senior Lecturer
- Keating, Stephanie, Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Teaching Hospital
- Ko, CheMyong, Professor
- Landolfi, Jennifer, Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Langan, Jennifer N, Clinical Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Lau, Gee, Professor, Pathobiology
- Lowe, James F, Associate Dean, Online Programs and Extension
- Lowery, Thomas Guy, Lecturer
- Maddox, Carol, Professor, Pathobiology
- Madsen, Lori, Instructor
- Mahoney, Megan M, Associate Professor
- Marshall, Tessa S, Lecturer
- McCoy, Annette Marie, Associate Professor, Equine Surgery
- McMichael, Maureen, Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- McNeil, Leslie Klis, Academic Skills Specialist
- Mei, Wenyan, Assistant Professor
- Miller, Gay, Professor, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
- Moran, Clara, Lecturer
- Nanjappa, Som G., Associate Professor of Immunology
- Phillips, Heidi, Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Qiao, Huanyu, Associate Professor
- Reddi, Prabhakara, Professor
- Reinhart Dungar, Jennifer Marie, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Ridgway, Marcella D, Clinical Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Rock, Daniel L, Professor, Pathobiology
- Rosser, Michael F, Clinical Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Rudolph, Uwe, Professor and Head
- Samuelson, Jonathan Peter, Clinical Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Sander, Sam, Clinical Associate Professor, Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
- Sander, Will, Assistant Professor, Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- Schantz, Susan L, Professor Emerita, Comparative Biosciences and Beckman Institute
- Schnelle, Amy, Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Selting, Kimberly Anne, Associate Professor
- Smith, Becky, Associate Professor of Epidemiology
- Souza, Clarissa Pimentel de, Assistant Professor, Dermatology and Otology Clinic
- Spinella, Michael J, Professor, Comparative Biosciences
- Sprandel, Ian Tyson, Senior Lecturer
- Stewart, Matthew C, Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Sullivan, Drew Roley, Lecturer
- Terio, Karen Andrea, Chief, Zoological Pathology Program
- Tonozzi, Caroline C, Clinical Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Vieson, Miranda, Clinical Associate Professor
- Wang, Bo, Associate Professor
- Wang, Leyi, Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Whittington, Julia, Clinical Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Wilkins, Pamela A, Professor, Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Williams, David A, Professor
- Witola, William Harold, Associate Professor of Veterinary Parasitology.
- Yang, Jing, Professor, Department of Comparative Biosciences
- Yoo, Dongwan, Professor of Virology, Pathobiology
- Zhang, Weiping, Professor
- Ziv-Gal, Ayelet, Assistant Professor
- Zuckermann, Federico A, Professor of Immunology